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Everything posted by ejoiner

  1. Jim I'd be interested in knowing which of the two airplanes you would class as the ford pickup... :-)Eric
  2. I'd go for a top drawer C-141(A or :( Starlifter or how bout a DC-8?Eric
  3. 737 and the airbeese have been done to death. Please...please no more 737's!!! (and no more DC-3's either!) Great planes..I love em, but I've got all I need!How about a properly done DC-6 or DC-7 with a first rate VC?How bout a Cessna 182T with Garmin G1000 panel?How bout a properly done AT-6? or a new truly top drawer T-28?
  4. Thanks for pointing this out Jim...This is an UNOFFICIAL update. Carenado approved of it, but doesnt provide support for it...hence 3rd party distribution like all freeware.Eric
  5. I maintain the legal copyrights to all my original artwork. I can alone determine its distribution and state the parameters under which it is distributed. (this of course does not physically prevent others from stealing or moving my work beyond my grasp..and which point the legal onus is on me to deal with it or accept it.) Making a statement that it may only be uploaded to Avsim or another specific site does not specifically name FSPLANET, but does accomplish the same thing. No defamation or slander under any characterization can be made in this case.These guys are pathetic. In a US court, I think they would be thrown out on their ears.Eric
  6. Finally have uploaded my revised modern panels for Carenados payware T-34. This is an unofficial FREE update that is endorsed by Carenado, but no tech support is provided. 4 packages were uploaded tonight. heres what you'll get.1. A version with a new gray panel containing a modern radio stack, new nav gauges including VOR1/VOR2 and ILS, multiple upgrades and fixes to the basic panel and cockpit, plus an updated version of my yellow and white USMC livery T-34B with matching VC. These are DXT3 textures.2. a 32 bit version of the airplane above for those with appropriate hardware to handle higher graphics depth.3. A version with a new BLACK panel with same features as the gray panel. this package will also include a totally new skin set that features a beautiful USAF T-34A in bare metal in early 60's USAF Air Training Command livery. These again are DXT3 skins with a matching VC.4. a 32 bit version of the ATC T-34 for those with faster PC's.The install is detailed, but straightforward and will easily allow you to have both original and multiple configurations of your T-34's.Enjoy!EricPS: Thanks to Claudio at Carenado who was my liason on this.
  7. Bill, check this thread for how to fix this problem in the future with airports with sinking AI. This is a common problem with 3rd party airports, particularly Georender airfields where you use AFCAD and want to have real AI.http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...d=200075&page=2Eric
  8. Yup.. :-)Im learning how to use this. Im always in and out of the sim sometimes MULTIPLE times to check on textures or afcads or some other tweak. I would KILL for some kind of viewer to be able to view FS models in a window without launching the sim just to check texture alignments. This would be a godsend to us skinners and developers!Eric
  9. Edetroit has put out an excellent new afcad file (one of a couple I've seen) for the new Santa Ana scenery. Just a tip on how to fix the sinking AI without deleting or messing with the sims AP916200.bgl.Simply take the AFCAD file for KSNA and put it TWO places. (with Eds files that would be both KSNA and 2SNA afcads).1. the Addon Scenery Scenery directory as per normal.2. in the FS9SceneryWorldScenery directory.Thats right...in BOTH locations. This will "reset" the floor of that particular airport. This is a common problem with some of the Georender airports with real AI planes as well as other 3rd party airports. This fix works well and was pioneered/developed/discovered by Peter Mcleland. He typically hangs out at flightsim.com but I read his article on the subject relating to Orcas Island over at FSaddon.com. In any case...this technique WORKS with Santa Ana and does not affect any other airports.Eric
  10. Bill, What are the typical settings you have for FSAutostart? Do you have a short list of common settings? Eric
  11. Just ban all threads that mention Ariane and all will be well! :-)Eric
  12. Ahem...you army guys.. its "alumnus" for male singular. "Alumna" for female singular...and "alumni" for plural. (minor latin lesson for the day.) :-)Eric
  13. Well, it wont go ugly on my account. Im not even going to visit their web page. They might as well price this at 200.00 US or 500. I cant afford it so why waste the emotion? Eric
  14. Lemme guess...you have installed the new KSNA scenery?It contains a file called taxisigns.bgl that messes up afcad. Rename that file to *.bgx and Afcad will work again. The taxisigns file apparently is corrupt or something. Eric
  15. Peter, I understand your point, but theres a difference between control alt delete and being killed for a wrong move or haz conditions. I recommend an addon that would administer electric shocks for screwed up flights...that would achieve your idea!Beta testers wanted.Eric
  16. My problem with FSAutostart is that I dont have the foggies idea of what the various things to turn off are. I wish this thing came with a proforma set of things to turn off by default so that the selection wouldnt be so hard.Eric
  17. BINGO!Thanks for solving this!Deactivating KSNA til this is fixed and some kind soul creates a proper afcad.Thanks guys! Great catch. I was bugging Lee Swordy direct on this one.Eric
  18. Thats an easy fix in afcad...it basically takes modifying the height of the airport in the AFCAD file data and the starting points. Georender airports typically have this problem too. lets wait for whomever does the afcad for this airport. Too bad Shez didnt get coordinated a time of release, but the scenery is great! Love the static planes.Eric
  19. Tried to use AFCAD 2.21 (last build that Im aware of..) today to correct the parking and AI for Shervs new KSNA scenery...however when I went to launch it, it hangs up. Starts to collect airports, then totally locks up and uses 100 pct of the CPU. Never happened before. Thinking this might have something to do with the new scenery, I removed it from the sim and tried again. (having recompiled the scenery.cfg and database first.) Still hangs up. I tried to blow away the ini file to see if that would help, no dice. Tried reinstall fresh AFCAD.exe from downloaded files...no good. All I get is a warning that the tool is 6 months old and to look for a newer build (is there one?). Otherwise no idea why theres a problem. And I did reboot as well after the hang up.Eric
  20. Is the AOPA involved in this yet? Boyer loves this kind of thing.Eric
  21. Wish Austin Meyer would develop X Plane for Linux. Then it would be the true X sim!!!Eric
  22. My addon scenery is all kept out of the FS9 directories and separately into a FSScenery directory, then added individually to the sims scenery.cfg file. I never overwrite anything...always backed up. Only thing that ever goes in the addon scenery folder is afcad files. All this is very helpful, but cruising over a region I almost NEVER fly over, in the middle of the southern Utah desert...I get a CTD.Will keep testing with all these good ideas in mind. Trying to pinpoint the exact lat/lon now so that I can narrow down the list of likely suspects.Since we are on the topic of bad afcads...I wonder what the range is on one of those...when does the sim recognize it (how far out?) Im sure an afcad for KBOS wont bother my flight in Georgia (would it?)Eric
  23. I must've missed the flap, but no need to rehash. I wonder though as a bystander...is this guy a kid?Eric
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