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    Presently next door to EDDL

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  1. That's what she said! Cheers, Jerome Zimmermann
  2. British Airways also have 20 Embraer E190 based at LCY. Cheers, Jerome
  3. Hi Bruce, A developer called Vita Zenisek has produced a plugin for X-Plane that allows you to slew your aircraft: http://goo.gl/O0xiYY It was originally developed for the Czech Virtual Air Rescue service to assist in mission building, maybe you'll find it useful. Cheers, Jerome
  4. With a new front moving in tonight, there should be some challenging weather at EDDF again in the morning. Cheers, Jerome
  5. Fantastic set of shorts there Grady, thumbs up for that livery too. :smile: Cheers, Jerome
  6. Hi Jon, Back in 2011 I flew from PADU (Dutch Habor, Alaska) to ENVA (Trondheim, Norway) with the PMDG 737, see my post below from that flight. Cheers, Jerome
  7. I wish I could have attended, here is a video from the Flightsimcon 2016 X-Plane presentation: The bad cloud depiction and terrible performance in clouds are key areas that need improvement. Cheers, Jerome
  8. Hi Bob, People used to say the same thing about X-Plane, and maybe still do. I think far more concerning is the fact that certain developers have been porting their scenery over to P3Dv3 without meeting the SDK guidelines and requirements, which obviously saved them some extra work in the short term, yet they have been selling their products as being fully P3Dv3 compatible when they obviously aren't. Had those developers not taken shortcuts, then these issues wouldn't now be here to bite both them and their customer base. Cheers, Jerome
  9. Thanks Patrick. More thunderstorms predicted for the next few days in Germany, there's nothing like a challenging crosswind approach in a looming storm front. Cheers, Jerome
  10. I really like the very first shot, beautiful! Cheers, Jerome
  11. What a load of rubbish Monty! Milviz is one of the most professional developers out there and their support is second to none. Cheers, Jerome
  12. Thanks William. I'm really amazed at how great this airport looks and it shows that HD textures aren't at all vital in crafting great scenery. Cheers, Jerome
  13. The weather has been kind of crazy here in Germany this past week. An afternoon arrival today, on final approach to RWY 25C. I can highly recommend the new EDDF from Aerosoft, great frame rates and a very high level of realism when compared with my travels to and from the real world airport. Cheers, Jerome
  14. Hi there, The 7Z file is a compressed file format just like a ZIP file is in a compressed format too. To uncompress the file install 7Zip - http://www.7-zip.org or http://www.peazip.org - on your system. Good luck. Cheers, Jerome
  15. Hahahaha.....excellent Mark! Cheers, Jerome
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