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Everything posted by siggy

  1. Any addon without a de-install option (needs to undo what it did at installation time).
  2. Generic landclass textures where roads run criss-cross through houses, not even in offline mode please.
  3. Very interesting, that page talks about 49 other languages, which is great, but I wonder whether it would also allow English with 49 different accents for ATC?
  4. When I saw the screenshot by 'WhiteLight506' where the TBM landed on an alpine meadow with the door open, I thought that's a picnic trip, but then, there is ice on the windshield, too cold for a picnic in the mountains, it was probably an emergency landing due to the icing :-).
  5. What would be nice to see, and I think we have not seen this, if a 'spot plane camera' sees the flown plane disappear into a cloud and reappear from it. Going through a cloud looked not too bad in FSX from the cockpit, but the 'spot plane' always saw the flown plane, even in the thickest cloud. This should be gone with volumetric clouds, but I haven't seen this for the new sim yet, or I can't remember where.
  6. Looking at the Chicago screenshot, it is amazing how detailed and accurate that bridge (I think it is called the "Outer Drive Bridge") is modeled. If I recall correctly, initially they said that 400 objects in the world would be hand-modeled. So would this be one of them or can this be derived from photogrammetry data including the beams under the bridge's surface? Perhaps they found that the 400 hand-modeled objects is not really sufficient?
  7. Noone has commented on the snow flakes animated GIF yet? This looks almost too realistic to me :-). Great to see lit up floors in office towers in the Citylights.png screenshot, however, I find the patterns there could be a bit more random, it looks a bit too 'clustered' at this stage.
  8. Since we had a screenshot of Dubai and also a city screenshot at night in the latest update, maybe this night approach over Dubai is of interest. I enjoyed watching it and wonder what it will look like in our future sim.
  9. In FSX, the ATC doesn't even speak real airlines' names, one had to copy a file (that was included, but not used) over the original one so that ATC would speak them. Regarding liveries, it was a long time ago, does anyone remember the "Papa Tango" case?
  10. Nobody mentioned the "VFR Map" in the Istanbul screenshot. This is great to have this back. In the old simulators we had a map window, which was then replaced with a "top down view". The latter had the disadvantage that it was dark at night while this "VFR Map" window is possibly like the old map window, which had always the same colors/brightness even at night and you could see things.
  11. According to some people on simflight.de, who uttered things they probably should not have, the GPU utilisation is almost always 100% and the CPU's utilisation more around the 40% to 50% mark. They did not mention their machine specs. I think I have seen similar statements elsewhere, but don't remember where it was.
  12. At the FS Nordic Conference 2020 Mathijs Kok of Aerosoft was interviewed, and, among other things they talked about, he mentioned that they are 'excited' about the new sim (interview) and that they will not simply port the Airbus 330 and the CRJ but want to use the new features of the new sim. Also, they want to implement the Twin Otter for the new sim.
  13. Maybe the current alpha does not have this feature yet, and what we saw recently was work in progress, especially as I think buildings always had two entire floors on top of each other lit.
  14. An option (per airport or global) not to display the interior of terminal buildings as this could have a negative impact on frame rates.
  15. They could make it possible that you can walk around there, and it would then be its own closed world. It would be much more different when the doors could be opened and you can then roll out. In the original E3 trailer the hangar doors open to a live outside world at 0:28min.
  16. Will upgrade from W7 to W10 too in the next few days, but not as a happy camper :-). W10 might technically be superiour, but I dislike its UI, no window frames, many UI items I can't anymore (size of the title bar etc.), colours also can only be adjusted in a limited way. Try running windows of all programs that have it in a "dark scheme", you cannot see where they end, or where to grab the black title bar to move them. My mgr uses a black desktop, black console and editor windows, you cannot see where which window ends etc. Despite all this, I will still upgrade, but will seek ways to change a few things to make it more bearable :-).
  17. It's incredible, there are even rain puddles on the floor, they must have left the hangar doors open for too long or the rain was as heavy as it is here today.
  18. For those who are worried that the SDK will not be released to the community, re-read what was written on Nov 21 2019 on https://www.flightsimulator.com/ : I think that indicates that us mere mortals will have, at a later time, access to the SDK too.
  19. This new video reveals a few more things than the sound. I think for the first time we have seen a wet runway and the reflection of the land light on it. We saw that when you turn a knob in the cockpit the mouse pointer becomes a circular arrow. The number of ground vehicles at the airport (I think it is KSFO) is amazing. During the sound reflection demo, you can hear water splashing in the foreground, who knows, this could be from a yet unseen float plane. The ground image at Rwy 19L (wind demo) looks less detailed than what Bing maps show, so this could be what one would see in offline mode.
  20. I like this idea, it could even enable 3rd party developers to sell light versions, that don't include all the extra work, for less.
  21. The tall trees in Central Park, could they have been chosen that way only to quickly show us the 'effect' and for this they placed taller trees covering/hiding the existing photogrammetry trees underneath?
  22. I am thankful that they implemented this and now and I am happy with Summer and Hard Winter seasons alone, I could live with these two alone, but this beats my and probably many people's expectations. Now, what are they going to work on in the remaining 10 years of product life if things are so perfect 🙂 ?
  23. With the "lifetime" of the simulator of 10 years (the time they intend to continue development for it and fix bugs, improve features), I wonder what happens to those who buy a copy outright. Will they also get all these updates/extensions over 10 years? We don't know yet, but for me this is an open question.
  24. pcgames.de has two articles that I believe nobody translated yet (maybe due to copyright reasons, don't know). The originals (in German) are here and here Some of the information in these interviews (that I have not seen mentioned here) are, for instance: The first alpha test has approx. 2000 players. They can currently announce 8 to 9 aircraft manufacturers in the sim and that would not even be half of what they have in the sim. Out of 250 companies who are creating addons, they are in contact with 60-70 of them [this number we knew already] and they are already giving feedback for the SDK. When increasing the simulation speed, as the textures need to be streamed, allegedly this should not be noticeable, at best the textures may look a little bit blurred then. The platform created quite some interest, they received several calls from developers of other games, but, allegedly, the first ones who called were airlines who want them to build simulators for them. Maybe someone wants to translate the entire interview(s).
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