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Everything posted by RobdeVries

  1. How do you install the anti skid gauge?
  2. Yep and what are your preferences?The Phenom is just released by Feelthere.
  3. Indeed I manage to crash it twice yesterday while going to level flight from a climb and while descending I think it makes you a prudent flyer and a swearing one...
  4. Cielosim does have a nice program that integrates, based on liveatc, live atc in the cockpit. Very immersive.
  5. Thanks! Indeed I wasn't dreaming :)
  6. Some time I thought I saw a tool which could remove/replace the black props from the WOAI (GA) packages. Was I dreaming or?Is there a (easy) way to get rid of the black props?Thanks in advance!Rob
  7. @firehawk44 thanks it's awesome but it's autogen, not airport buildings (hangars, terminals etc).@Cenk:Thank you! Is that package any good? Experience?
  8. Hi there,I'm looking for a texture enhancement for the default airport building? Can anyone point me in the right direction and let me know if it's any good. 'm looking for a photoreal kinda texture enhancement.Thanks in advance,Rob
  9. Hi there, recently I started flying with PilotEdge. They provice ATC service in California with LA and Oakland as ARTCC areas. Well KLAX has some nice sceneries. But I couldn't find anything for Oakland. Anyone know of there's something for FSX available or in the works? I thought I'd seen something a while ago, but cuould not remember, where, what, who? Thanks,Rob
  10. Eaglesoft's Citation X v2 and Citation CJ1+ v2. Easy frames, easy systems, nice handflyers, and good FMS's if you like that.The CJ1+ has the unique Universal FMS. Fun!
  11. Harry, that's great. I hope you're willing to share the fruit of your labor. I'm not very savvy with all this ai stuff. Anchorage is great isn't it!
  12. Well he didn't ask for you to send it, did he?But Brain could do a repair with the original FSX disks (and Acc if he has it) and that should restore (all) original files.
  13. How about some real world chatter: http://www.cielosim.com/liveatc
  14. And UTX Alaska combined with GEX (or another texture replacement package) does help a lot to solve this issue.I'm waiting for an OrbX treatment however :)
  15. Awesome plane, awesome developer, awesome support from everybody. Special mention to Bert Pieke who provided great help and support during the years! Thanks love the RV! A big RV !
  16. It has to do with the difference in FMC navigation data and the magnetic variance of runways in FSX. This means our runways will always look off when landing because FSX uses magnetic values from 2005 and e.g Navigraph AIRAC nav data uses the latest realworld data.There's a file which correct this problem to some extent. It will allow you to update FSX magnetic database to 2010 values and thus eliminate offset runways. However read the readme carefully and be advised that default bgl's are changed so back up!The file is here: http://hsors.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.html
  17. Indeed a nice line-up of great british aircraft! I hope they make a freighter version as well.
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