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About zfehr

  • Rank
    Zane Gard
  • Birthday 04/14/1963

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    Aviation, Simming, Autocrossing, Mensa, Pilotedge, saving lives with Chiropractic,

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    President elect 2013 Columbia Aviation Association, 2nd oldest pilot's club in USA. www.caapilots.com

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  1. IFR current. Anyone in Portland OR area want to go fly for real?

  2. http://www.avsim.com/pages/0107/Portland/Portland.htm
  3. Congratulations Alec :Applause: . You will never forget that first solo flight... just you and plane on your own.
  4. Private airstrip that hosts annual fly in. This year 88 aircraft and 1,000 people attended at the beautifully manicured grass strip.
  5. June 27 2012 fly in BBQ at Beck's Field, 88 aircraft showed up and 1,000 people enjoyed the sunny Oregon day and wonderfully manicured grass strip.
  6. This is pretty cool, bet he's already in the mile high club though! https://www.facebook...94430507&type=1
  7. Relative to other aircraft in the air it's all equal. The pilot has to be aware of airspace though which could have lower speed limits and which crosswind component could put him into and/or tailwinds would make him enter faster. ATC's concern is seperation in the air and closing speeds between aircraft. Pilot's responsibility is knowledge of which airspace they are in.
  8. I messed with this enough in v9 to just give up. If you can find the coordinates ( a witching wand is handy!) the resultant display is so poor quality (nothing even close to FS4) that it ######es you off for the time you just wasted trying to figure out how to do it. If someone has a magic pill that will make this worthwhile please spill the beans for our benefit. PS. Had I known about the language filter being set to such an innocuous word I would have used much worse language!
  9. Alec, If I ever make it to Brazil or you make it up here to the Pacific NorthWest we are going to go flying for real :yahoo: ...and Larry, get up here so we can go visit the Vans factory at Aurora, I'm right next to it every Thursday for my club meetings (www.caapilots.com)
  10. Larry, you're cracking me up and getting too hung up on this. For most simming all this is just fine... I use it ALL THE TIME for that! The OP was asking for input regarding practice during the learning phase of landing in real life and I just couldn't let him think using the sim would be a great idea for that purpose and then gave the reasons. In the plane he will learn the proper responses and burn in that motor memory and be able to come back to the sim and have a great time re-living those real life experiences. Some of the aircraft are less evident of the trim problem than others so I imagine you haven't run into this with the simming you have been doing, this is all for fun anyway. I just want to make sure he (the OP) gets in the aircraft and learns those skills properly. I'm sitting here thinking you might not want to sit in the back seat with someone at the controls that has done the majority of their flare training in the sim and have just few real world landings under their belt. Safe skies to all of you. The computer sim remains the best all around value for training so many other skill sets.
  11. zfehr

    Bella's first flight

    Took my 4 year old Bella up for her first flight. Sophie loved getting to sit co-pilot. We climbed up to 8,500 to get a look across the scattered overcast and then shot the RNAV back in to Aurora. Both of them wanted to fly through a cloud. I teased them that we didn't find any marshmallows in them!
  12. Tonight's PilotEdge pairing of Santa Rosa and Chico made for a nice and not too long flight. Capped off my day or real flying with some fun simming. PilotEdge log
  13. Guys... Larry and Rob specifically. We are pilots and have experience so we have the motor training to call on when using the simulation so we can "fill in the gaps" so to speak. For a noobie this is not the case and when I make comments regarding this it comes from my work experience with Applied Kinesiology retraining motor patterns after injury. If you've ever had the opportunity to work with a shuttle balance in physical therapy (look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about) most people will have difficulty balancing with both feet the first time they step onto one but you can actually time how long the brain will take to train a motor pathway and start to dampen out the movement and then control it... it's around 45 seconds regardless of sex and to a certain extent age. Now take someone that has done training on one of these and they can armchair rehearse it (this technique was used with the Apollo astronauts for motor training and later with Olympic athletes) or even better yet use computer simulations to augment that motor memory, BUT the person doing that work has the original physical experience and learned motor behaviour to call on and use. You (Larry and Rob and other pilots) have that motor memory to call on with the sim so we, whether we know it or not, "fill in those gaps" and the experience becomes much more real for us. IMO (and I won't be humble here) someone that doesn't have that experience to call on can learn behaviours that would not fare well in a real aircraft cause the sim wasn't programmed to respond correctly to that kind of input. Regarding the trim issue you need to understand the SDK and how Microsoft has been doing this from day one well enough to understand that they are doing the best they can given what they are working with. The control inputs in MSFS have a set range of operation that unlike a real aircraft's moving surface will change with trim position so full deflection with full up trim vs full deflection with full down trim cover a completely different range of motion. This causes the sim to respond in an unrealistic fashion when we approach that end range of travel. There was some work work done towards this during the era when force feedback joysticks were in their hayday and an add on program would attempt to intercept those control inputs and trim data to come up with a solution that gave full travel authority and would balance input force to simulate the way a real trim gets used. Yes, the sim "feels" (?) about right near center and the trim can be used to set a given speed for a given power setting and rate of descent or climb even if it's zero but at end range it nowhere near duplicates the force the actual empannage would exert. I took spin training during my private certification in the mid 80's and I've discussed spins with Clay Lacey who lost it in the Piper Arapahoe during testing in the early 70's... I'd imagine I've got a pretty clear picture in my head on what constitutes a spin legal/capable aircraft and what doesn't. We're actually probably closer to agreeing on what each of us is saying than disagreeing, it's just the degree and angle we are viewing it that exposes our differences.
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