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  1. Read through the whole topic and nobody ever addressed this about float planes.... Anything ever develope?
  2. I agree - great review, although he obviously never watched "Flying Wild Alaska" on the Discovery Channel or he would know that it is Era Aviation at the A Concourse, nor Eva Air....I've had a ball populating PANC with WOAI airlines.
  3. Hi Rob,I have found that when installing a new graphics card FSX will add it to the fsx.cfg without removing the old one - so you have both. Do a "find" in notepad and look for Display.Device. Delete the old one making sure any tweaks you added to the old are transferred to the new one.
  4. Hi Mike,Keep us appraised - I'm looking at much the same for later this year.Bob
  5. RealAir Scout for FSX has an outstanding amphib:http://www.realairsimulations.com/list_box...m=fsx&submit=Go
  6. Hi Noel,Have you tried asking on the acronis forum here:http://www.wilderssecurity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=65Bob
  7. I'm also using avast - with no problems....
  8. I'm running a nvidia 7950 GX2 and have no problems with menu freezing in full screen or windows mode. Using tweakforce 163.71 beta drivers. I did in the beginning have to rma the card because of faulty memory - I wonder if all the problem cards might somehow be related to faulty memory? Just a thought
  9. I'm particularly interested in this thread - I've never been able to get rid of the distant autogen trees shimmering in FSX; It's particularly noticeable in the northern hard winter with the trees against a white background. I'm using a 7950GX2 with Tweakforce 163.71 beta driver.
  10. Hi, FWIW I'm running an XFX 7950 GX2 using the Tweakforce XG163.71 XP Final WHQL drivers and so far no problems at all after installing Acceleration .I'm running an AMD FX-55 on a DFI Lanparty nF4 SLI-DR motherboard with 2g of corsair duel channel memory.Cheers, Bob
  11. Hi FrankFrank Betts 2? Was that your father who use to design scenery for one of those previous sims? :-)Looking foreward to some for FSX.....Bob
  12. Hi Pouldam,One mistake I have made before when installing new drivers is to forget to remove the old driver reference from the FSX.cfg. Might double check that you don't have more than one Display section.Bob
  13. Hi Howard,I've been using the Tweaks R Us Extreme-G 160.02 XP 32 Bit drivers on my 7950GX2 for the last week with pretty good results.Bob
  14. I'm using both.FS9 with the Misty/Tongass/Glacier Bay add-ons keep me occupied with plenty to do and explore.I just recently installed the Aerosoft Beaver for FSX and have to say, I really enjoy it - especially the amphibian version - FSX does a much better job simulating the water taxi than FS9 and the flight dynamics are great. I spend almost all my time when flying FSX in the Bella Coola scenery that Holger Sandmann has given us - patiently waiting for more :-) So I guess I'm about 60/40 FS9/FSX.
  15. Anisotropic 16xAnisotropic mip filter OffAnisotropic Sample OffAntialiasing 8xSConformant clamp OffExtension limit OffForce mipmaps NoneGamma correct antialiasing OnHarware acceleration Single displayMulti-GPU NVIDIA recommendedNegative LOD bias ClampTexture Filtering QualityTransparency antialiasing SupersamplingTrilinear optimization OffTriple buffering OffVerticle sync Use application setting
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