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Everything posted by SMaus

  1. To Nr 1: Center Panel, directly above Fire Loop B Test, turn the buttons.
  2. Boeing has a Short Field Performance package for the NG. GOL ordered it for their 738 in 2006. That allows airlines to fly in and out of airports with runways less than 5,000 ft long. Take Santos Dumont for instance. Runway length 4331ft and 4134ft. Not bad. And, as far as I know, the iFly NG simulates this option as well.
  3. The blue roofs are some of those really funny things for non-Chinese people when they arrive in China for the first time. I've never understood why that is. But blue roofs are really quite common in this country, particularly in the countryside.
  4. The included G1000 is based on the default GPS. Not exactly what you are looking for when you are interested in the G1000. It's just the same old stuff with a new graphic touch. But at least you could purchase Mindstar's G1000 separately. Apparently implementation works pretty well. If you are looking for a "real" G1000 you will be disappointed with the "out-of-the-box" DA42. I haven't tried Mindstar's solution, though.On my system framerates were significantly worse than PMDG's 747, MD11, even worse than iFly's 737. That was the reason why I gave up flying the DA42, although it's amazing when it comes to the flight dynamics.
  5. Looks promising but the trial doesn't work on my system. Coming in from KLAS in PMDG's MD11 I didn't have any glideslope on 28L, LOC only, the message appears "trial version started" and subsequently FS crashes. So I'll stick to the old FlyTampa version.
  6. Seems to be pretty accurate. I did a flight from EGLL to VHHH, 5536 nm with 20 nm to VMMC as alternate. 280 passengers, 17500 kgs of cargo, average tailwind of 12 kts with an initial cruising altitude of FL330 giving me a predicted route fuel of 83616 kgs.With a rather short taxi time (I never burned up 1500 kgs of taxi fuel) I had a fuel consumption of a little over 85 tons with a cost index of 80 and step climbs to FL350 and FL370. Since I used Brookmans Park 6G as my SID in EGLL which tells me to stay at 6000 ft until BPK (which your program can't possibly know) I would say you are spot on.We'll see what happens on my way back... :)
  7. Hi everybody, just wondering - when I was browsing through my aircraft.cfg I found the entriesmodel=GE and model =GEb, both inside the passenger version's folder.What is the difference between those two? Model=PW vs Model=GE is pretty obvious but I wasn't aware that there's a difference within the GE versions.
  8. A couple of days ago I had the same issue (text and button alignment) with a new repaint I downloaded from avsim.com. But just with this repaint. I found a solution for me. Somehow a file for the VC was faulty or perhaps even missing. So I took the original VC files, copied them to the texture folder of the new repaint and guess what - it worked.
  9. Fantastic! Works like a charm.Thanks very much again!
  10. Hi Harry, thanks for the hint - I'll try it out tomorrow morning!
  11. Hi everybody, I've just accomplished a successful go around. Well... Almost successful when it comes to the FMS.Entering the hold after (automatically) flying the go around was a breeze. Setting up the new ILS approach from the holding point as well. But the FMS lost all information about approach speeds. I noticed that pretty late, when I left the speed in FMS managed mode and discovered it wouldn't decrease speed at all.I had to estimate the speeds and dial them in manually. Of course the ATS obeyed but the speeds were just a guess. FMS.60.15 doesn't cover that one...Did I miss anything?
  12. EditVoicePack - http://www.editvoicepack.com/On the website you will find sufficient information on what it is and how to use it.
  13. Oh come on... That's just 4000 miles. That happens... :(
  14. Why would you do that? As the name "autoland" suggests, it's an automatic landing, meaning that the autopilot takes care of everything, including the thrust. Dual Land is essential because of redundance. If you disconnect the autothrottle the system reverts to single land mode and chances are good that you end up with "approach only", making an autoland impossible.Single Land limits you to a CatII approach, CatIII can only be accomplished in dual land configuration.One of the reasons behind this is McDonnell's idea of enhanced automation. You can see this looking at other systems. Hydraulics, fuel management, air system etc. Either do it automatically or manually. But mixing both is not a good idea.Check the systems manual, section automatic flight. From page 10.16 on you'll have an in depth explanation of how the system works.
  15. Full autoland should work if the ILS frequency is correct and you get the green box and the dual land announcement subsequently. As long as you chose an ILS approach in the FMC there is no further intervention required, FMC-wise. So the FMC guide is pretty complete. It has nothing to do with the FMC, except the above mentioned approach.By the way, Boeing does it the same way, no further FMC action required. Select the correct speed, make sure you have both or all three autopilots connected and wait until the plane drops to the concrete.Full autoland, including flare and rollout will never work without the ILS frequency. Autoland depends mainly on the correct frequency, your green box below the engine gauges and the dual land announcement on the PFD. If this dual land doesn't show up, you'll get an "approach only" warning, making a successful autoland impossible.
  16. Don't forget to repair your engines when you encountered a hotstart. Otherwise they remain spoiled. If nothing else helps download the hotstart fix. That should cure the issue. But it is difficult to revert to the original setting.
  17. Somewhere in the King Air forum this topic is discussed. Perhaps you should drop by.Do you use a throttle quadrant for the condition levers?
  18. If you have a very short runway, no matter if this flight is performed in real world, you shouldn't reduce your takeoff power on top of the problems you have with your takeoff weight anyway. You should do anything to get as much power as possible from your engines. This is certainly not the case with an assumed temperature of 54 degrees.
  19. First of all - why would you use such a huge amount of fuel for an 8 or 8.5 hour flight with 1/3 passengers and no additional cargo? With 7100 feet of runway I would almost expect to end up in the harbour basin...What was the ZFW? What was your flap setting? Did you use derated takeoff? Did you take off with packs on or off or even anti-ice? What about your headwind component during takeoff? What was the outside temperature? Did you check your trim setting?
  20. Well...I must say - to me this statement is downright impudent. The team is really working hard to present the most sophisticated 737 simulation for the FS9 platform. An approach to flightsimming PMDG has given up long ago. There were so many suggestions from users that have been included already, something which is really outstanding, and I have never experienced this attitude to such an extent as iFly acts right now. Just because some of your proposals won't be included you are telling us they don't seem to be interested to make the product perfect. And even more - you compare that to QualityWings, a developer who advertises being a mid-level simulation. Good, but mid-level.Come on, this is ridiculous.
  21. Perhaps a little late, but I stumbled upon a passage in the manual concerning speed limitations. The maximum speed also depends on your fuel load. The fuel load in your tip tanks, to be more precise. If you have less than 90% of fuel in those tanks your vne decreases significantly making it much more likely to encounter an overspeed condition.
  22. If you don't mind that it sounds as if you were sitting inside the engine TSS is fantastic. It's just unrealistic from the cockpit point of view.
  23. Have you tried out André Folkers' VC Mod? Available in the download section of the Level-D forum. It's a vast improvement of the default VC. Looking at all the videos on youtube many people still use the Level-D VC. In my opinion it could be so much better with André's version. Fantastic add-on.
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