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Everything posted by mcwdainow

  1. I'm pretty sure theres not really anything other than FSRepaint about.. I'll think we'll just have to sit it out and hope they update it :)
  2. You need to use layers in order to seperate pieces of paint schemes etc.. then you can simply set the particular layers to "multiply" and they'll show through the background details. Doesn't always 100% work.. for example white goes transparent when you do this, but we can cross that bridge when you get to it :)Heres a mini tutorial on layers..Click
  3. Hey Luciano.. welcome! :)What you'll need to do is to save the psd as a bmp, obviously keep the psd do work further with it.I've prepared some mini tutorials for situations like this.. all located on the tutorial link above my signature.A walk through on converting the bmp for flight sim use.This is a walk through on how to add reflections..[link:members.lycos.co.uk/mcwdainow/tutorials/reflections/reflections.htm]ClickFeel free to ask any questions in this forum.. myself and others are always lurking to help out :)
  4. Yeah, use the combined fuselage and tail as the master. Then you can drag over the scheme repeatedly on to the individual sections. What I do is make a layer folder on the master and have all of the paint scheme layers inside this. Then I can drag it repeatedly over on to the individual sections, then by creating a layer mask you can remove any unwanted bits which may over lap on to things.. without actually removing them. I do this as to retain the flexibility with the layers, so if further down the line I need to adjust something I can do so trouble free.Use the blank whole fuselage as a reference to lining up by including it in the layer folder you're going to drag over. Then line it up (and the entire folder of layers) using panel lines and rivets and any other points of reference. Once you have the base lined up with the base on the sections.. the scheme should be lined up correctly. Deactivate the base layer in the dragged over layer folder.. and make fine adjustments from there :)
  5. The reason they do this is for ease of use. Compared to messing about having to line things up when the sections are split.What you see there is a "master" psd which should not be used as itself for the bmps. What you need to do is make your paint scheme on this master psd.. then transfer it over. The best way would be to have all of your paint scheme in a layer folder. Then all you need to do is drag over the layer folder to the split up sections. Would be a good idea to include the base fuselage texture in the folder so you have something to reference your lining up.. lower the opacity on the base layer.. use it to line up then deactivate it.
  6. Theres been the infamous problems with the Peter Max schemes and Disney. But the likelihood of any copyright enforcement on repaints is pretty slim.. you would have thought they'd have bigger fish to fry :)As far as I'm aware photographers on A.net don't need permission to upload their photos.For these companies such as Aeroshell and Lycoming, the only thing we could be doing is providing them with added advertising! I wouldn't worry too much about this area.
  7. I would have thought it'd be better to wait for the SDK, in it will explain how the new texture files work. In short.. I'm not entirely sure what it does..
  8. Great shots, thats a nice clean looking cockpit you've got there :)
  9. What exactly is the point in "stirring the pot" if all its going to realistically achieve is arguments?
  10. Excellent shot, thanks for sharing :)Looks like a fun strip!
  11. Just had a look.The .mrg just contains the aircraft.cfg entries required to register the paint schemes. Open the .mrg file in notepad and you'll see its paint scheme entries.. add them like any other repaint. :)
  12. Have you tried doing a horizontal line of rivets and rotating it to the desired angle? If you don't want it to anti alias it there should be a way of turning that off :)
  13. I guess the thing is, ultimately a pixel is a pixel is a pixel. Regardless of which method you use they'd end up being a smaller amount of pixels.However, I'd hazard a guess at resizing the psd to 1024 then saving it would have a better chance of being clearer. Never really experimented with this kind of thing :)
  14. If you use the pen tool then tracing the logo should be no problem..Some links that should be usable:http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0333765/L/ http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0395826/L/ http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0496978/L/ http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0508637/L/ http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1034937/L/ Some of them could do with some perspective manipulation but that shouldn't be too difficult :)
  15. Don't have flight sim installed at the moment.. might have to reinstall it just for this :)
  16. Looks like a fun bird :), the external and VC look great.. whats the gauge refresh like?
  17. In my flying school they always have the latest "Pilot" magazine for sale.. no one ever buys them though. We just read them while waiting around.. sure beats having to get a subscription :)http://www.pilotweb.aero/content/issues/vi....aspx?issue=680The article on the Tomahawk was a good read..
  18. Some cool liveries, the XBox one is very eye catching :)The Microsoft logo looks pretty good..
  19. Awesome shots, you can't beat the Tomahawk :)http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1042244/L/ One of the few in the set I fly.. 5 altogther.
  20. Some great pics, thanks for sharing :)My favourites would have to be the heritage flight and the last thunderbird shot.
  21. Didn't look like the best day for flying.. but I wouldn't have minded being in a Cirrus ;)Some great shots Will!
  22. Interesting.. 32bit should work fine with the alpha channel. Have you got the alpha channel bmp correctly named in the same folder? I'd advise heading over to flightsim and posting in the Dreamfleet forum :)
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