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Everything posted by StamPilot

  1. And I'm surprized Captain Sim's C-130 was not mentioned. Nicely done classics.
  2. I think it's VC-137 variant, so the model should be a bit different from the basic 707-300 ones.
  3. It seems Captain Sim is pretty close to release of promised expansions for their 707 http://www.captainsim.com/products/x707/Will defiitely get AWACS, most likely the other two as well. It is never too much, you know what I mean :)
  4. There are many great paints at CS catalogue, and this guy (Nath) is really a painting machine.
  5. It was good idea to develop such an addon for FSX, have always been dreaming about such an opportunity to crash something :) .
  6. As for me I liked the 1 to 5 star rating system you used to have. It was clear and easy to understand.
  7. Wilco is not bad, but I'm real old ladies fan, I'm waiting for Captain Sim's one, they have recently released first preview - looks good. Hope development will not take too long.
  8. Have you seen CS video? It's pretty good also: http://www.youtube.com/user/captainsimcom there are 3 on the weapons.In fact it looks vividly in FSX.
  9. Well, IT does no change gauges on another unknown aircraft magical way, but a qualified human can change :)Developers say: "Weapons VC HUD gau can be installed on any third-party aircraft HUD granted it has a physical 3D HUD glass in the VC and separate HUD gau entry to be replaced by the weapons HUD." Haven't tried it myself though.
  10. Well, I've got the Weapon... one snap installed it on my A-10. Man, for the 14.99 it worth every penny!As for your questions:Targets do not just dissappear, they do show gradual damage effects. Yes the pack does include air-to-ground missiles. One downside though, it seems to be addictive :)
  11. :) And I know what product I have ALREADY bought and having lot of fun with!
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