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Everything posted by StamPilot

  1. Strange, I do not have CTD with 757.
  2. Thanks for the tips guys. Need to try one of these...
  3. I have been waiting for good B-52 for years, guess there are many people here who have been waiting for it too. Captain Sim have updated their B-52 preview with new screens here http://www.captainsim.com/products/b520/ Beautiful work on that model!
  4. What SP2 has given to me are better FPS with my payware aircraft.
  5. :) Nice topic. Now FSX brings me more enjoynment then 2 years ago. So I'm joining to this congrats - Happy Birthday !
  6. The key point here is that FSX version is now available on CD. Previously it was only FS9 one available.
  7. Good luck with your new job and thank you for everything you have done for the community!
  8. >This one looks good. I'm going to try it. Thanks.Me too. Thanks for the tip.
  9. >Believe it or not, I would still choose CS Legendary C-130E.>Same for me!
  10. >When I upgraded my computer I contracted with www.fs-gs.com .>Mike held my hand and told me just what components to buy,>then worked with me on Messenger for hours to optimise it.>Frankly, I have no urge to tweak anymore. All my flights are>immensely enjoyable. FSX has been thoroughly tamed... just>wish Gamespy was. Though almost all my flights are on>Multiplayer, and except for having to log on three or four>times I even rarely have problems staying connected.>>Best money I ever spent on simming!>>Donald T.Interesting... Didn't know about such service, thanks for HU
  11. >Now available in a special package deal. Garbage Removal>Simulator :D :D :D
  12. >Reality XP GNS 430/530 WAAS >+ one vote here
  13. >Well, I too downloaded the demo, although I KNEW what to>expect, what I recieved was -- yes, an unflyable aircraft . .>.just about what you get when you buy the whole 'real>deal'. This is absolutely not the case. This is just a Demo, thats it. The aircraft itself is great. I just cannot understand how can you KNOW it is bad if you do not have it...
  14. >>I was thinking about the C-130 from CS but after reading these>(and other) comments wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole,>no matter how good the model is. If they're that bad,>eventually it will catch up and new customers (like me) won't>buy and they'll improve or be gone.>>VicI am sorry for you, really. You will miss the opportunity to fly great aircraft.
  15. David, I'm not sure but they said you would have got new version of Block B if there were one. But they no longer sell it as far as I know. And FPS issues were fixed with Block F upgrade - the upgrade to Pro Pack. It is being sold at a lower price then full Pro Pack and gives you complete systems programming, FMS, free ace editor and sound etc. May be you could try that?
  16. Pick up either Eaglesoft Twin Comanche or RealAir SF260 - you won't regret.
  17. I like many, but most of time I fly Captain Sim's C-130.
  18. Doubt that you have the CS 757 :)BTW moving site from one server to another and upgrading is not a crime, right? This is what they are doing.
  19. Richard,They have said the throttle 2D will be included into next free SP.
  20. Hmm... I do this way:>1) Power On.>2) APU On.>3) APU Bleed Air On.>4) Packs OffCheck that:- Eng Bleed Air Valve On- Fuel Pumps ON >5) Engine Starter (left or right) to GNDHere try to reset Engine Starter even if it was in GND posAnd6) When N1 reaches 18-20RPM start Fuel Control (Cut Off) Sw.
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