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Paul J

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Everything posted by Paul J

  1. @Jet: The 580 would be a good GPU to aquire new, Jet (but will need a search!) - or even picking up a used one. Ask around here - I got $230 for mine a few months back - and it's still going strong to my knowledge! It will also work with a 4770K running at 4.6-gig or higher, so it can still have a future. @Slayer: Hi Steve. BP do indeed work in both DX9 and DX10, Sir!. The reason your GPU usage goes up is because it's now doing all of the graphics processing - that's the major difference between DX9 and DX10. This gives the system back the system memory that was devoted to graphics manipulation under DX9. This was shared between the CPU and the GPU. Of course there are graphics buffers! There may be no user-configuration for buffer parameters in P3D - but that doesn't mean there are no buffers! All "UsePools=0" means is that in DX10 the ACES team gave the user the opportunity to manage the buffers (UsePools=1), or just let the GPU manage the buffers (UsePools=0). DX11 is just an enhanced and updated version of DX10 - both are very similar in architecture. Correct - I see this as well, but all it means is that the user has either made a mistake, or he /she doesn't understand the parameters which can be changed in the fsx.cfg. All the Best, :smile: pj
  2. You won't go wrong with either card, Richard. FWIW - mine is a plain jane EVGA, following on the line of success with the 580 and earlier 9800, etc., - zero failures with any of them. My mobo's are all ASUS and I would not hesitate to purchase an ASUS GPU, but it's not likely that you will notice the slightest difference between them when running FSX. All the Best, pj
  3. I hope it works for you, Eric - nothing succeeds like success! All the best, mate! pj
  4. :LMAO: "My son would be more than happy"! :lol: I'll bet he has his own XBox and never gets a chance to touch your pc! :lol: :yahoo: pj
  5. Aaaah.. OK.. This is Nick's take on BP, and was fairly rational at the time, few real arguments for or against, but not everyone is/was on the bandwagon with this. Certainly he was at odds with J. "Bojote" Altuve, who found and promoted "BufferPools=0". My caution is that as with other quotes - often Phil Taylor's and a couple of the other ACES team members - look at the posting dates - please..... Ryan has, or had (I haven't checked) a "How to Setup Inspector" doc in the General PMDG forum, and here are the first few lines: Nick's post, re BP:- Both posts over two years old. In that time we've seen huge advances in the technology - processors, memory and graphics cards - plus, we've also had the benefit of Steve Parson's brilliance for at least the last eighteen months and we've had a slew of guys using and testing FSX with the DX10 Preview ticked! It may well have been buggy back then.... but it sure isn't buggy now! That being said - the contributions to the hobby that these two individuals have made is beyond doubt or question, their products - phenomenal - standards of excellence, and their support to thousands and thousands and thousands of "simmers' - is legendary. So - on with Eric's BufferPools=1 with an RT, and why not... [bUFFERPOOLS] UsePools=1 Poolsize=8388608 RejectThreshold=126976 A 975 at 3.3 GHz is going to be pushing data as hard as it possbly can at that GTX680, but - it will never exceed the ability of the GTX680 to paint pictures - so the correct choice here should be UsePools=0, allowing the GPU to control all of the graphics processing. DX10 enhances this, as the this gpu does all of the graphics processing. This will most definitely yield a boost in FSX performance. To equal the 680's performance - the processor would need to be running at at least 4.7 - 4.8GHz. TML = 4096. This is the texture size limit for FSX textures, and used by - but not required by - the same (all?) PMDG products, many REX, AS and FSDT products - unfortunately FSX has to work very much harder - use much more memory - to paint these texturesl: simply limiting the TML to 2048 or even 1024 will allow a greater overhead for use in other ways, whether more clouds, more AI, AG or whatever - or to merely prevent or reduce stuttering. 4096 textures are hard on FSX. Image Complexity... and AG aka Scenery Complexity and AutoGen in Settings >> Scenery. None = 0 Sparse = 1 Normal = 2 Dense = 3 Very Dense = 4 Extremely Dense = 5 SmallPartRejectRadius=1 // make this 4 Akin to AF - it's the smallest size of an object that can be seen from the aircraft, default is 1 pixel... which might be a lot of objects. Small objects with 1 pixel in size in the distance are normally hidden by FSX, only becoming visible as the aircraft becomes close enough. Making the number of pixels larger - to say 2, or 3 will inhibit the small pixels from being seen, but will may cause scenery "popping" as the visibility point is reached - already an issue with FSX because of the scenery batching process. It will free up memory, or processor cycles. I hope this helps, Eric - I wrote a page or more on BP here today, because it's a complicated process, but decided to kill it and just answer "why not "1" with an RT" instead! :crazy: All the Best, pj
  6. Hi Daniel: Yeah, mostly - I'm a performance-oriented guy, and don't need to see clouds 300 miles away, nor a perfect magenta line on the C172's GPS. "Pretty" has a price. [Graphics]TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096 - limit this this to 2048.... yes. [Weather] CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY=8 // Make this 7 // No - I do use 8. [scenery] IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=5 // make this 4 // No - the 780 will pulk 5 IC ok, but I do use 4 for AG. SmallPartRejectRadius=1 // make this 4 // yes Plus UsePools=0 Inspector is the std 4x that is published in the Guide. I always shutdown all un-necessary processes and services. Memory is C. Vengeance C8 @ 8-8-8-24 1T Nothing magic. Water-cooled, EK Nikel WB. The cfg is customized for the flight type: VFR, IFR, Twin Piston, Maddog, Heli, Orig. Nothing Magic. OK! :lol: All the Best, pj
  7. 680 or 770/780.... Post #2. First two lines.. O/C'ing the 660Ti?. nyaaah.. you may find BSoD's happening, and you sure as heck don't need the aggro. I don't often quote other techie's advice here, as mostlt we talk about DX10, and I'm not sure that there are too many FSX-ers out there who have as much experience as those in these two forums, but in thicase - we're safe, as Nick's hardware philosophy is completely in alignment with mine... so.. From Nick's "Bible": RULE #2: Do not purchase hardware with the thought that you will upgrade with better hardware in 6 months to a year. If users buy with the thought that they can save money now and then upgrade in 6 months to a year, not only will they spend MORE than they ever would have if they had simply purchased the right components outright, but a user WILL sit there in a never ending state of frustration that grows and builds as they add more-and-more complex scenery and aircraft to their sim. 6. Overclocking: DO NOT overclock video cards! Buy them clocked from the factory. #4 - Matching it Up: As I mentioned in the processor section above, when shopping for the video adapter the goal is to match the CPU ability and planned clock speed to the video card. This is not hard to do if ask yourself a simple question with respect to the selected CPU and desired CPU speed. Nvidia cards come in 4 primary class versions; Their top-end card, the medium grade step-down from the top dog, their 3rd grade performance line, and, their exceptionally low budget cards. Example: 1. GTX 780, 2. GTX770, 3. GTX 760 (could also be 760Ti), 4. GTX 750/740 NEVER purchase the 4th class of video card even for budget builds. If you are not building a 'low-budget' system NEVER buy the 3rd class of card. You will either purchase the top-class or the 2nd in line based on the CPU speed. Here is the rule of thumb: IF you intend to run 4.2GHz or higher, purchase the top-end card. End quote! Phew! I hope this helps! B) All the Best, pj
  8. Hi Eric: I've "copied/pasted/saved as" your cfg. What a pain - it looks like Avsim has removed the ability to attache a txt file. <_< Cheesh! Coupla q's: 1). How many monitors are you using? 2). What speed is your proc? 3). How did you arrive at an RT of 126976? This is 24KB, and is an odd size - also it's very low, indicating a proc in the order of 4.7 - 5.0-GHz. (something matching, or faster than the GTX680's good speed) Caveat: These are suggestions below, Eric - make them all first, then redo them one by one, depending upon your priority. Inspector - 4x should be fine. I would not go lower than this. [bufferPools] Usepools=0 // see #3 above [Graphics]TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096 - limit this this to 2048 [Main] DisablePreLoad=1 // add this for vsync [Weather] CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY=8 // Make this 7 [scenery] IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=5 // make this 4 SmallPartRejectRadius=1 // make this 4 That's about it, Eric, unless there's something else not mentioned here. I hope this helps, All the Best, pj
  9. I have it here if you would like another shot with the msi. All the best, pj
  10. OK Here they are.... :rolleyes: The pics show the shadows for the smaller GA aircraft, so HD Jet and Force VC Walls may have to be ticked for the larger airliner VC's. All the Best, pj
  11. Sure, Hanse: I'll just leave the parameters which I think are to high - or wrong in some way, for your system - ok! Fsx.cfg: [GRAPHICS] MultiSampleQuality=8 These two figures are given by having 8x CSAA in the Fixer. You show only 2x. MultiSamplesPerPixel=4 [DISPLAY] TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=40 // 80 FSX Settings: [Weather] Cloud draw distance: 100mi/160km <<< better would be 60m/96km Detailed clouds: Coverage Maximum <<< better would be 'medium' [Traffic] Aviation traffic: Airline: 11/ General aviation: 10 <<< Already low, bu choose one or the other at any one time. Not a great deal out of normal - these above will make a difference, though. Here's a list of the worst offenders. One of the features of DX10 is that it will be quite smooth right down to 17 or 18 frames, and I'm aware of a number of folks doing this. Just set the frame limit and vsync parameters down to 20, with 1/3 refresh rate (Inspector) and Enable Dynamic Framerate Control and “Keep up to 20” FPS (RadeonPro) When troubleshooting, Hanse - it is better to minimise most everything, and then increase only per your personal "Must-Have" priority list, until one meets a point where further increase causes issues that can only be met by reduction of one or more components of that priority list. If this is not possible - then a hardware change is neccessary, and - condsidering that most Flight-Simmers enjoy this hobby for many years, I think it is not reasonable to suffer the continuous aggravation that these problems can cause over a long period of time. I hope this will help, All the Best, pj
  12. Here you go, Dropbox changed their addressing scheme a while back... Regarding white textures.. not off the top of my head - the very best fix is to get the retail version from FSS, as it fixes just about every issue, plus it adds a good number of enhancement to bloom, lighting, rain, and I know of no airport problems anymore. All the Best, pj
  13. To my knowledge - it has no relation or impact on FSX DX9 or 10, jcomm, but there are other games and applications which do use it (apparently). Les Hesley (Mavrick) suggested it was needed for "Surround" for e.g., but - again - I have no knowledge of that, either, as I use TH2Go. Gotta read up on it! All the Best, pj
  14. :lol: Time consuming...... It's up to you, Jet, but I think you won't be far off. 4 gig with a 450 - you will need fsx to do the work, as the gpu is not the most capable, having only a gig of memory, so UsePools=1 is correct, and a "biggish" RT looks right too. You might move the PoolSize around some more, but as you say - diminishing returns. I found TBM will play a part, too, so you could move that and then test bp again. Good work! I'm glad you've taken the time to read and understand it. All the Best, pj
  15. Thanks, Steve - it would sure save a lot of angst! :lol: All the Best, pj
  16. I just found the answer - it's not quite a "fix", but it will do. I asked over at the Orbx DX10 Discussion, and Jaydor crarified it for me, with pics, too. How's that! All the Best, pj
  17. Hi Hanse - Did you roll back the driver to an older driver, say 12.8, per the previous post by Charles - also on page 9 of the "How-To" DX10 Guide? Regards, pj
  18. :lol: Tell me about it! That 580 is a very good gpu, and will run UsePools=0 with that proc. all the way to 4.7 - 4.8 gig. The 780 will manage all the data we can throw at it, so let it manage the buffer creation and management - by using the "UsePools=0" and let FSX work on the rest. It will easily create hundreds of small dedicated buffers, thus giving FSX breathing time to do more. When using a beast like the 780 or the Titan - one will only need to look at UsePools=1 (and an RT) when the processor begins to get past the 5.0 gig mark - and maybe even higher. I've pushed into 5.1 gig, but have backed off, being nice and stable at 5. All the Best, pj
  19. Using Google it seems it's happened to lots of people, Bill. These four fixes came up, but there are probably a lot more. 1). These three files - Liveupd.exe, Liveupd.dat and Runliveupd.exe - remove them. 2). wermgr.exe This checks for solutions to problems. Turn it off 3). KB977074 - remove it. 4). Aero "Shake" - turn it off. I hope one of these is the solution.... but maybe won't be, either! All the Best, pj
  20. Yes - Start FSX the normal way - D3DO will recognise the event, in the same way that Inspector does - via a profile. That being said, Walken, and I should appologise - on re-reading your post and a number of other posts, it is apparent that this does not fix the continuously-flickering hourglass, and the guide has been modified to reflect this. It wasn't very clear from the many posts on this, as normal vsync when using DX10 is managed using Inspector/RadeonPro and setting "DisablePreLoad=1" in the [Main] section of the fsx.cfg. When using multi-monitors in Surround or TH2Go - the same procedure is followed, but when two monitors -especially two differently-sized monitors are used - then the only way to fix vsync found at this time - is with D3DOverrider. ..and the best answer I can find to your original problem: - is in this post. Any time it's touched - it will immediately show this behaviour. Regards, pj
  21. Thanks for posting this, Chris - I've now updated the "How-To" guide from the information you've provided. All the Best, pj
  22. Good morning Walken: Top of page 12 in the "How-To" guide. Regards, pj
  23. Correct, but you don't need the Poolsize in there until you change that to a size which is different to the default size. ...and be aware of any spelling errors - (in case you missed it - it's "RejectThreshold=" with an "h" in the middle). In think in most cases where the proc and gpu are fairly close to each other in terms of performance, the poolsize would be the default, (or smaller) with a small RT - this creating lots of dedicated buffers - the lower the RT number the more objects get their own buffer, and theoretically, if low enough, ending up by having the same effect as reducing the threshold to zero, (i.e. UsePools=0) with every object getting its own dedicated vertex buffer. All the Best, pj
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