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Everything posted by sbclark

  1. Hi All, I visited Orbx website, where Chase Plane now resides, and they have a forum over there for Chase Plane. Apparently, according to a poster on Orbx, said Chase Plane wants you to log on once in a while. So what I did was, launch Orbx Central, then logged in. I then went to Partners section, and under Other, is a link to //42 Chase Plane. I clicked on it and a screen popped up that gave me an option to Launch Chase Plane from Orbx Central. Once I did, Chase Plane is now working again. Bill Clark.
  2. My chase plane is doing the same thing, it closes within 5 to 10 seconds after opening. Just started doing this today? Bill Clark
  3. Jay, I was opened up my Scenery tab on P3D V4.5 and I am not able to move the fsAerodata up to the top of the heap of all my 3rd party scenery. Apparently these scenery files, like DreamTeam, etc., were installed outside the sim and linked to P3D via XML files. Any suggestions? Edit - Found answer on fsAerodata FAQ - Use the Lorby tool to move the three files to top of scenery heap. Bill Clark
  4. To Jay and Reader, Question - If the fsAerodata is below all 3rd party scenery and all Orbx scenery, will fsAerodata still work properly? Bill Clark
  5. My migration from FTX Central 3.0 to Orbx Central 4.x did not go smoothly. I spent a good part of last week posting on the Orbx Forum, progressing thru a lot of steps, before I was finally successful at making the transition to V4.x. Since most, if not all of you, who have Orbx scenery, have probably migrated to the newest Orbx Central, it will be worthwhile to read thru my Orbx posts because of the following issues listed in this brief summary: Note: I had none of the issues below with FTX Orbx 3.0, prior to migration. Backed up image of my OS and P3D installation. Experienced file error messages first time updating to Orbx Central V4.X (probably my error). Restored OS and P3D image on primary SSD. Experienced scenery artifacts after migrating to Orbx Central V4.x, a second time, caused by 4.x altering the scenery layers. Fixed artifacts issue, by resetting the Insertion Point to locate 3rd party scenery above Orbx scenery. Then discovered elevation errors at three Orbx small airports in the Pacific Northwest region. After trouble shooting, discovered fsAerodata was causing the elevation issues at three airports (I didn’t check all Orbx airports). Fixed elevation issues, once again, by changing the Insertion Point in Orbx Central 4.x, to move fsAerodate below Orbx scenery Thank God for Macrium Reflect (image backup S/W) saving me from disaster. I actually initiated recovery twice, and it worked perfectly each time. Regular system backup is critical in this hobby, especially when making major changes to simulator. I considered this migration “risky.” I recommend those of you with Orbx scenery, and who have migrated to 4.x, to read thru my postings on the Orbx Forum thread below, and then checking your individual setups to make sure your scenery layering is set correctly. https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/188100-how-to-update-orbx-central-30-to-orbx-central-40/ I will say that the support of the moderators on the Orbx forums was excellent, and Nick and Doug eventually helped me be successful at making the Orbx Central 4.x transition. This is the only path to getting access to the latest Chase Plane app, and future updates, now that this app is only available from, and supported on Orbx Central 4.x. Bill Clark
  6. What are the steps to update from Orbx Central 3.0 to Orbx Central 4.x? Bill Clark
  7. cmpbellsjc and others, No, I did not know the VRS SuperBug had this capability, I assumed it did because I found videos of older hornets that did. It took a while before I got a response on the VRS SuperBug forums, here is what was said: Bill Clark In a word, "No". Since this post is presented in the "GENERAL DISCUSSION" forum, I will respond, and "Discuss" my point of view (I speak totally as a customer and pilot of the Superbug). There are many YouTube videos out there which purport various facilities and functionality, attributing it to all of the aircraft of a particular model and type. Generally, so far as I know, ACLS is installed on about as many SuperHornets, as there are 737's with CAT-III landing systems. The reasons every airplane doesn''t have them are similar: 1. MONEY (Generally adding a very substantial cost to supply something which is extremely rare in use. Well over 95% of carrier landings are performed "Visually" (remember, "Call the Ball" is 300' AGL/ASL, and 3/4 of a mile horizontally- that's the classic definition of a NON-PRECISION approach (VOR, ADF, GPS, etc). That's a lot of bucks for something that mostly sits there, and also takes up weight and space that can go to things that go boom. 2. Training, Maintenance, and Currency. The program for the RAG (type-rating school on the SuperBug) already takes well over a year), in addition to the 2, 2 1/2 years already invested in the pilot's training (see #1 for cost). Now, for my personal take on the matter of "ACLS, Auto-Land, and the art of motorcycle maintenance", here's my OPINION, based on flying real airplanes since 1965, and the VRS SuperHornet particularly, since January of 2010. I'm a pilot. I LIKE to FLY the airplane. Especially in this totally no-risk simulated environment, there is no joy for me to sit there and watch an autopilot operate the airplane. I can just as easily go watch a YouTube movie if I want to do that. On the specifics of simulating an auto-land on a moving carrier, I have no desire to take the simulated risk inherent in relying on electronics and software built by the lowest bidder (and probably programmed by a total non-flyer) to get me safely on the boat. Too many things happen too quickly within proximity to the carrier to trust a "box". Like I said at the start, this is a Discussion, and I'm discussing my personal opinion on the subject. I'm outta' here Al
  8. cmpbellsjc, The reason I posted in both the P3D and FSX forums, is because the F-18E Suerbug can be flown in either simulator. I actually fly P3D only, and never look at the FSX forum. I suspect this may be true for others as well? I wanted to cover both base sims since I have to imagine it is flown by FSX and P3D simmers, hoping to increase the odds of getting a response. Bill Clark
  9. Hi,I've been searching all over to find a video, or detailed instructions, on how to do a Full Auto Land on either a carrier or runway with the VRS F-18E SuperBug? I have found videos on the F-18 C or D models, but nothing on the SuperBug?Bill Clark
  10. Hi,I've been searching all over to find a video, or detailed instructions, on how to do a Full Auto Land on either a carrier or runway for the F-18E SuperBug? I have found videos on the F-18 C or D models, but nothing on the SuperBug?Bill Clark
  11. Hi, How about considering the VRS Superbug as a candidate for Linda? Bill Clark
  12. Dave, Does P2A support diversions to other airports? For example, if forced to do a Go-Around, and it appears the weather will not improve, can the pilot request diversion to another airport, or can a flight plan, or diversion airport entry be put into P2A for the purpose of diversion? Bill Clark
  13. Hi All, I downloaded the Enterprise Carrier from Rikoooo and wanted to know what the following frequencies are (assuming they support them): TACAN = ? ILS = ? I can't find this information after looking around the internet. Here is the Rikoooo link: https://www.rikoooo.com/downloads/viewdownload/8/203 Bill Clark
  14. sbclark


    Just visited the PMDG forum and Robert R. has announced a major update for the NGXu in in the works: PMDG 737NGXu Update:We have been hard at work on collecting, researching, correcting-or-closing a number of items reported to us here, via our tech support team, from our tech advisors and beta testers, and from our general filtering of many of the public discussion sites related to simming. Late tonight or early Sunday, I will be pushing an update to our beta team for validation- and if that goes well we will push an update to you all probably on Tuesday, or Thursday- depending upon how the schedule shakes out.This update is pretty pervasive- and includes a couple of system upgrades to aircraft systems that were not upgraded in time for the initial release. It also includes a big overhaul to the performance computation process in the EFB, adds in the ability for EFB to recognize and work with the 600 and 700 body airplanes, and a few other goodies. PMDG 737NGXu Expansion Package (737-600/700):This expansion package has been languishing a bit, as we had some items we wanted to complete in the Base Package update before we push this product to you. We are currently thinking it will come to you very shortly after the New Year begins. The Short Body Guppies will include the 737-600, the 737-700 (with all of it's wingtip variants) and the associated differences in the cockpit related to systems differences etc. We have a large livery inventory on standby and ready to go for this type expansion as well. Looks like a lot of stuff in the pipeline Bill Clark
  15. I do the same thing, aircraft setup and pushback in monitor mode, then VR in engine start, taxi, takeoff, initial climb to cruise altitude, then I switch to monitor mode. There is a pull down menu to switch back and forth between monitor and VR modes. At end of cruise TOD, I put headset back on an switch to VR. I fly VR thru descent, landing, taxi in and park. The switch back to Monitor mode to run GSX. The immersion is incredible. Been flying VR for two years. Bill Clark
  16. This is really good news, hopefully the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 5G will make it in the Oculus Rift 2.0 we were all looking forward to last spring, but got the S model instead. This should help the HMD mfgr's get past the resolution and FOV limitations. However, I have been quite happy with the Oculus S unit for P3D v4 and DCS! Bill Clark
  17. ryebred2, I have the Rift S, and I removed the rubber nose insert so it is now possible to look down the nose. Bill Clark
  18. CGBraun, I still have the older 737 NGX family, and I fly primarily in VR like you do (Oculus S Model). Does the NGXu cockpit view look worse that the older NGX? Bill Clark
  19. Yuri, Yes, the "blended." approach works well for me, as I set up Pilot2ATC in such a manner that I control the runway selections, Sids and Stars, most of the time. However I do like vectoring, and on occasion, will let P2A dictate the STAR and runway at the destination airport. As I gain more confidence in using Pilot2ATC, I will branch out to more challenges. The nice thing about P2A is that you can have the copilot do most of the coms and frequency changes for you.....just like the real world! I plan to put Pilot2ATC on my sim PC (currently now installed on a 2nd networked PC) as a friend of mine has determined that the frame rate hit is negligible. Currently, I run an overclocked PC that runs reliably at 5.2 GHz with a 1080Ti GPU, so I get really good VR performance. Once I move P2A, I will use the built in Oculus microphone to communicate to P2A. In addition, I will use more frequently a little program called Voice Attack (VA), that permits me to issue voice commands. For example, raising and lowering flaps, or gear, or anything else, is possible by translating voice into key press commands. I used Voice Attack when I flew IL-2 1946 combat sim a lot, well before VR became available......it is a very effective tool for VR use, and a lot of DCS VR pilots use it for voice coms. By having Voice Attack and Pilot2ATC on the same PC, I will be able to train the Oculus microphone to work with these two voice controlled apps. I will designate two buttons on my HOTAS to provide separate "Press to Talk" capabilities. Voice Attack is a really nice app where you can control a lot of the aircraft's functionality via your voice. All of you may want to check this app out? BTW, Chase Plane works really well for VR users, and you can setup special views that supplement VR camera positioning. such as the OH panel, the CDU, or switch from Captain view to First officers view, as a few examples. I believe in the future, as VR improves in resolution, and offers additional functionality, and more 3rd parties support VR, that it will be possible to speak to have it converted to text that will land on your "virtual clip" board, for example. The more I use VR the more I comfortable I get with it. Bill Clark
  20. Yuri, When it comes to "realism" in flight simulation, it is perceived differently by all of us. As to Pilot2ATC (P2A), what I like about it, is that like 3rd party weather, it adds to the realism and immersion. When I setup P2A, I sort of restrict it a bit to keep it artificially real, which means I have to compromise. After all, even though I have 180 hours of real flight time in a variety GA planes, that was back in the 70's, well before the current ATC system evolved. I did not get an instrument rating, nor am I familiar with all the FAR standards. When flying on instruments in my sim, I probably do not fly exactly as would be done in a real ATC environment, but I don't care. The important thing to me, is that I can make it feel a bit more real. I'm sure a "current," experienced, active pilot could probably manage IFR flight in a flight simulator under VR? I would no doubt fail, not having been properly trained, or by having years of IFR experience under my belt. I'm an old guy having fun, as I can no longer fly real planes because of the costs, and medical issues. Bill Clark
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