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Everything posted by onurksn

  1. Well, with afcad it's better to assign one operation to a given runway (both ends) otherwise you may get weird behaviour.The scenery must have 09L-27R for landings and the other one for take-offs precisely to prevent ridiculous tailwind take-offs or landings.
  2. Yes yes, I should have checked the Jepp chart first!What I meant was that probably one runway is assigned for take-off and the other for landing in order to facilitate AI traffic flow in that scenery.In the original poster's case I suspect the AF2 file is set up as 09L-27R is for landings and 09R-27L for take-off only.Adrian, the AF2 program is an airport editor, it's very useful and easy to use. However, since the library is down I don't know if it's available on other FS sites.The AF2 file should be in the FS9/Addon Scenery/Mega Airport Heathrow/Scenery folder. You're looking for a file which would have "AF2" in it's name.Tell me if you to find it, drop me a PM if you want.If you do, send it to me and I'll fix it for you.EDIT: I'm not sure if it's the norm but most aircraft seem to land on 09L and depart from 09R (when 09s are in use) at Heathrow on spotter shots.
  3. Hi Adrian,That's because 9L is the landing runway at Heathrow and the developpers probably set the Afcad file that way to match realism.It's easy to open and close runways if you have the AF2 program, in the menu above go to list, runways, open the runway and check or uncheck whatever you desire.
  4. Absolutely, I second the idea!In addition to what Joe has said, Opa is always extremely helpful and never tires of answering our various questions even if asked many times before. I have never seen him saying "There is a search engine you know" or "Read the manual"...Indeed a gentleman and a true FS addict... I, too, wish you the very best David and I hope to see you for many many years on the AVSIM forums!
  5. And if it's not Navdata compatible don't even think of releasing it... :( (I love this thread!)
  6. Hi,The 0608 one works quite well but there were discrepancies even with the initial 0311 I had.Which airports did you have problems with?
  7. :( Ce n'était pas exactement ce que j'avais en tête mais elle est très élégante cette officière anglaise!
  8. :( The FS ATC is limited indeed but there are ways to work around it without pissing it off. Frankly, I don't think it's that bad and I always fly with it.
  9. :( :oC'est sûr!EDIT: Au fait David, as-tu d'autres fonds d'écran de la même sorte?!? B)
  10. Why not Zach? Afcad is an excellent tool for this type of stuff.I don't know the prevailing winds or procedures at KRDU so I can't say anything about the runway usage. However, if the wind is calm at the airport, FS might not care about the winds on your initial departure and and final approach.In the OPs case, if I wasn't satisfied, I would close the 05s for landing and take-offs, that way only the 23s will be in use.
  11. Yeah, you can ignore ATC and fly VFR as Al said above.There is another way though, you can implement your SIDS and STARS in the FS flight planner. If you can't find the given waypoints, only do it crudely, this way ATC will not bother you.This will work better with arrivals as choosing one of the default transitions (according to your own arrival route) will satisfy FS ATC and it will comply.It's not 100% accurate but it can be done.Hey Al, I'm not trying to prove that you're wrong or anything. :( :(
  12. Same here, routefinder is good enough, you can choose the Airac cycle too so you don't get "Not in Database" on your FMC!
  13. Hi,I'm using this scenery for EHAM: eham_af5.zip You can find it on the flightsim website.It's a minor improvement over the default one, adds the Polderbaan and a few other things. I didn't like the Afcad which came with it so I modified the runway usage as you described above. This, however, is only possible with 2 AF2 files for proper AI behaviour. One AF2 for a north configuration and one for south.Take a look at the scenery, if you like it, drop me a PM with an email address and I send the AF2 files to you.RegardsEDIT: The scenery file is quite small in size so I'll send the whole thing with my AF2s if you want...
  14. :( Joli...Je ne sais pas mais interessant, ça c'est clair.Il a un air "Star Wars", je dirais...(ancienne serie évidemment!)
  15. Do you mean Soft Hor. for 2004?You should be able to find it on the flightsim website.
  16. F-4, quel monstre!! :( Il suffit de lire les commentaires sous les vidéos de combat sur internet, ils sont vraiment effrayants :( La guerre est tellement dans les "coutumes" que si le petit garçon ne joue pas avec des flingues et préfère autre chose, les parents commencent à s'inquieter... Heureusement qu'il y avait toujours les voitures "Majorette"! :(
  17. Oui, quel courage de la part de ces reporters...Le prix qu'ils paient pour informer le monde. Certains sont même enlevés :(
  18. B) Aucun problème, je me couperais volontiers en deux , donc, 2.5 de chaque coté :( Joli travail.Pour dire un mot sur le sujet, je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je ne vole jamais en chasseur sur FS, je n'ai pas envie. Je détruit assez sur mon PS3 et FS restera un lieu zen pour moi. Je les adore ces F-16, F-4, F-5, F-18, AH-1, A129, etc (allez, Rafale aussi, on est sur le forum français quand-même :( ), mais seulement en tant qu'aeronef... Après, quand on y installe les "flingues", c'est une autre histoire... B)
  19. I know it's not directly related to your original question but I thought you would like to know,I just read on the A.net forums that Ariana acquired 2 A310s from Turkish and that their crews were undergoing training in Istanbul.It seems we will be seeing more Ariana A310s in the future...
  20. You're absolutely right, it's kind of hard to find any info on Ariana. They must be changing their schedules frequently as well as the operating aircraft per destination.I saw a picture of the AN-24 at Dushanbe so you might consider a flight to the capital of Tajikistan. You can fly the A300 to Dubai or better to Sharjah, that would be realistic...
  21. Oui oui, les deux add-ons étaient dans la librairie, on devra l'avoir de nouveau dans quelques jours. Il y a aussi pleines de livrées pour le Cessna et ses caracteristiques de vol n'ont rien à voir avec celui de FS, c'est un excellent freeware super facile à installer. Eh oui, faut le dire, le service est super bon dans cet établissement :(
  22. Très joli en effet...J'éspère bien que Carenado n'oubliera pas les utilisateurs de FS9...(Qui sentent la naphtaline, hein David :( ) Et pleine de splendeur il y aura encore...Ben, question stupide peut être mais as-tu essayé le 172 de Realair? Avec les sons de TSS c'est un vrai régal!
  23. onurksn


    Hi,The Dennis Di Franco CYYZ 2007 is excellent!The library being down, you might find it on the flightsim website... :( EDIT: OK, it's there, just search for cyyz2007.zip!
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