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About sweetmusic

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  1. Per Wikipedia: TIN stands for "Triangulated irregular network" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangulated_irregular_network "The TIN model was developed in the early 1970s as a simple way to build a surface from a set of irregularly spaced points." Suddenly I feel smarter. Thanks Wikipedia!
  2. Has Asobo Studio ever acknowledged why the weather system has visually degraded over time? Of course, they could refute the claim blaming it on user hardware rendering capability or poor system tuning. Or they could say it was an "intentional" design decision to allocate limited computing resources to new features. It would be good to know. Could we handle the truth, or would the answer create a new firestorm of commentary?
  3. For an objective frame rate comparison, check out this tool: https://frames-per-second.appspot.com/ For example, look at the baseball with realistic in-flight sim motion settings. Can you count the stiches? Now increase the movement velocity as seen in a first-person shooter game. Can you still count the stiches? Remember not to push the tool beyond what your system can actually deliver.
  4. Agree! Being able to adjust tree height, fullness and density is the key. After dark, I would expect trains to have headlights and passenger lighting.
  5. Imagine clicking on a rendered store front or other POI and popping up their live website! Or ordering a real pizza for home delivery from an airport concession! MSFS is a virtual world currently focused on flight simulation. But it's starting to change. Just follow the money!
  6. Are there any "new looking" (no rust) small city airports to support these old planes? A totally immersive experience would include vintage ground equipment, signage, static period aircraft, carbureted vehicles, and properly attired passengers and pilots. A tall order! Guess I'm looking for a time machine!
  7. If she buys FS2020 she can control the climate and weather. Clear skies wherever she goes! 😄
  8. "Anybody using a Steam Deck in MSFS?" Not yet. It might work. Wait and see. Valve's Handheld Gaming PC 'Steam Deck' Lands in December Starting at $399 😄
  9. Video is realistic. Spacecraft buffeting around in the atmosphere! Guess that's why they're not called aircraft. 🙂
  10. The trees in your screen shot are rooted, but appear to have bare sections midway up their trunks. What's going on?
  11. Yes. 'Reduce' is a safe word. 'Eliminate' is an absolute goal and a strange bedfellow in the world of software development. 'Hopefully eliminate for the foreseeable future' would have been a more revealing response! 🙂
  12. Notice how MS versioning looks more and more like IP addresses (x.x.x.x) ! As long as you have most of the 'important numbers", your pretty much up to speed. 😄 Welcome to AGILE programming. More frequent patching, tweaks, and small feature releases (much like Win10 "Patch Tuesday").
  13. Bing maps and the use of AI algorithms certainly saved developers a lot in terms of time and manual labor. And don't forget the positive impact made by high-speed networking.
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