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Everything posted by FSMicroX

  1. Hi Not looking back. Best OS ever. Game runs terrific on this OS (Win 11)
  2. Hi! Check in your TrackIR installation folder (Usally C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5) unless you have it installed elswhere. Check if you have those 2 files in that directory ( simconnectSP2.manifest.cp_bkp and simconnect.manifest.cp_bkp ). If you have those files. Copy those files in the same directory and rename them to simconnect.manifest and simconnectSP2.manifest. But copy just one file at the time and it will rename the file itself since you have them there already. Just accept the renaming when you paste them in that directory then rename them as I wrote further up. Start your simulator and I think your good to go and voila it works. Worked for me Cheers Jan-Erik S
  3. Hi. Tried to delete Nvidia cache? 1#(C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Nvidia). DXCache & GLCache folders. You might get that you cant delete everything. Just skip and your done with that. #2 If you are familiar doing something on your registry Editor. Try this. Open reg edit. Find HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ndu. Mark Ndu in left window. Find start in right window. Mark this and rightclick mouse and modify. A new window will appear. In Value it should tell you that 2 is the number. Change this to 4. Hit OK and your done. Close registry Editor. Restart computer. Then you can try MSFS and see if it helped you. It did for me and I could also change to even higher graphics. If you're not familiar with editing your registry dont do it. If you do it is your own risk. If it doesnt help you can set 2 in registry again. Tell me if you having problem and I will try help you further. Hope it works out for you Regards FSMicroX
  4. Hi Look for your Flightsim folder and pmdg aircraft folder. You'll find it here C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\\pmdg-aircraft-737\work Locate your 737_Option.ini file. Add this line if it isnt there. [SDK] EnableDataBroadcast=1 Hope it helps you Regards Jan-Erik S
  5. Hi. Look in the Marketplace- You'll find Italy & Malta there
  6. Hi! Happen to me also with Aerosoft Bergen Flesland. After searching a little I found out that it installed Simobject folder in Misc folder. Look in your X:\Flightsimfolder\Simobjects\Misc if you see a simobjects folder there try to move all content out of that folder in Simobjects\Misc folder. That was the trick for me. Hope it helps Regards Jan-Erik
  7. Hi! How do you load your NGX? Default aircraft first? Try load NGX and not default aircraft first. Jan-Erik S.
  8. Hi! I recently installed FSCoPilot and FSInn and got those errors myself. And I was pretty frustrating about it until I discovered that I didnt have Windows Media Player installed because I use other musicplayers. After I installed WMP and started FSX it was GONE. So for all who have these errors check if you have WMP installed in your system. Alot of frustration might go away. Not saying it helps for all but a clue to just check it out. Regards Jan-Erik
  9. Hi! You set FTX Central to Global and tick for hybrid. Then NA will be used as I understood it by the manual. Arrest me if this isnt correct. Hope this was the answer you wanted . Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Even if I never been able to noticed any errors on this perfect aircraft but I preciate this update. I welcome the huge tutorial in this update as well. You guys putting alot of effort in all your updates. And the support is also great.Thanks PMDG Team!!RegardsJan-Erik S.
  11. Ok.Thanks for your quick reply. And sorry for this post. I guess I'm not good at reading post careful enough. Now I'm good to go and fly this lovely bird. Thanks again.RegardsJan-Erik Samuelsen
  12. Hi All!I'm new to this forum but been enjoying PMDG's aircraft since 737 NG for FS9 came out. First of all I would say thanks to PMDG for the amazing aircrafts they making. It smells quality all the way. Now that I bought THE 737 NGX yesterday (01-03-2012) and I got 1 simple question.......yet. And the question r. Do I have to install the SP1b for the 800/900 when my aircraft.cfg says "Current with Build: 1.00.3118". Or does the installer that I d/l yesterday (01-03-2012) includes the updates. I also bought 737 -600/700 NGX Expansion Package. This I havent yet installed while I'll wait for the answer. Hope someone could help me out with this. At this moment I believe I do not need the SP1b's but to be sure I just waitt to install NGX 600/700. P.S. This question might have been answered before but bare with me for asking this again. I coudnt find it when searching or I'm just plain stupid at searching :-).Thanks in advancedSincelyJan-Erik Samuelsen
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