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Everything posted by Werner747

  1. Wow, that release had better be soon, people are becoming crazy around here :LMAO: Kind regards
  2. Well I was slightly disappointed as is understandable, but PMDG's reputation speaks for itself! The anticipation is immense and thst causes the tmpers to flare a little, but I am perfectly happy that they sorted that issue out, since what they fixed is a serious issue that really would have impacted negatively on the product. Go PMDG, te wait is almost over and we are ready to fly when you uys know it is done! Thank you for not dropping your standards and for making sure that once it is released I can purchase wh ease of mind. For the moment I am cruising the 739 from KORD out to MMMX for a nice Sunday afternoon trip! I just realised that the NGX will stay a favourite, even though most of my flying now will be done wit the tripple xeven for a few months. Kind regards.
  3. Darn, this must really be killing you then, can't imagine sitting there all that time waiting for the 777 :LMAO: Kind regards
  4. Yeah, I'm seeing RSR's finger creeping ever so slowwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy to that TOGA button, where is Jonathan with the fighter guys to force this aircraft to land??? :LMAO: Kind regards.
  5. Werner747

    Price ?

    I thought that was a really good reply :LMAO: Kind regards
  6. I hope so too, because, like many of the others have said, AOA training already has theirs and they won't get a copy if it is not the release copy for some good common sense reasons! Come on PMDG, you can do it!!! :LMAO: Kind regards
  7. Amen to that (the Sat or Sun release that is). I don't necessarily think that the load is that much of an issue because of all the upgrades that they have made to their servers to try and prevent the problems there were with the NGX happening again. Kind regards
  8. +1, agree with you on that one - I was driving to work this morning and thought to myself that if AOA could get one, why are we still waiting :LMAO: ? I hope so - would be a wonderful surprise to see it up for purchase on Saturday rather than next week! Kind regards
  9. Yeah, plus the fact that if it was to be released tomorrow or Sunday, I think we should have heard something by now. They said they won't just drop it like a bomb, there will be some warning, so we might not have a 777 this weekend either. Kind regards
  10. Yeah, I think if it was to hit the sim community tomorrow or Sunday, we would have heard something by now :( . Kind regards
  11. Oh shoot!!!! I thought with all the Call of Duty and Medal of Honor I've played I would be qualified by now :LMAO: Not a bad idea, since I might miss with the RPG, and if I do hit damage the 777 in such a way that I cannot even use it afterwards! Your way is fail proof :LMAO: . Kind regards
  12. Werner747

    Price ?

    Hahahaha, don't know, but point is she and most of the other people around me, male and female is quite interested in this hobby of ours! Kind regards
  13. Just had a look at that, thanks Eraser74! Yep, certainly looks like we are in for a nice weekend! :Praying: I actually just wanted to warn RSR when he said that he had put flaps to 30, gear down and final items that should he dare to hit that TOGA switch and try to delay the release I would be waiting at the foot of the runway with an RPG to make sure he has to land one way or the other :LMAO: (Just a joke of course!) Here is to the release of the T7 this weekend (hopefully!) :drinks: :Party: Kind regards.
  14. Werner747

    Price ?

    I actually thought that people perceive you to have not grown up when playing silly little pc games when they would look at us flying the simulator. Now, although that is sometimes true in my environment, I mostly find that when I talk about it or show it to someone, they are genuinely interested and ask a lot of different questions about it. I'm not in a relationship, but do have a very special friend to whom I just happened to mention at a glance that I am interested in flight simulation and she started asking all these questions, and I eventually started to show her all the PMDG stuff, how they compare to the real aircraft and a few lessons on how things work and how aircraft fly. Funny thing is, she always wants to know more! Now, she is also interested in getting into the simulation thing! I even have professional colleagues who are far older than I am that find my passion for flight simulation interesting and want me to show this unique world to them. Just depends on the company you keep I suppose! Kind regards
  15. Don't worry, Robert said it would be more expensive but not jaw droppingly so, nd setting a $ 100 pricetag could be seen as jaw droppingly more than the NGX. Don't worry so much guys, they have always been more than reasonabld, cannot see that changing! As for developmenf, I do not think that they can ever recover fhe time spent in developing it, just the costs! Kind regards
  16. I have a feeling that if released over the weekend, it will be Saturday, or early morning hours Sunday for me, so I am hoping for Friday/Saturday early morning hours release! That would give me the whole weekend to enjoy it before dragging feet back to work on Monday :LMAO: . Kind regards
  17. Yes, I suggest watching Kyle's excellent video as he goes through the different systems. Excellent tutorial on its own that! Kind regards
  18. Yes, systems and exterior model properly modeled as add-on to the B747-400 v2. I really look forward to the 744 and the 748i, but until then that 777 will keep me occupied! Now where is it??? Kind regards
  19. Oh yeah baby! Amazing job, thanks PMDG! Kind regards
  20. If the B744 and the NGX is anything to go by, the answer to this would be YES! Kind regards
  21. Since I live in SA, I will hit the release in the early morning hours, so this is what I will do... First, buy, download and install the moment it releases. Then, having taken the next day off from work (naturally!) I will immediately have a quick scan at the introduction document to make sure I heed all the caveats for it to fly properly, load it up, follow the checklist to get through the cold and dark to take off, climb it out, set it into the cruise between two airports that is almost the maximum range, and then pick up the manuals, and read and tinker to my heart's desire and look at all the features whilst the aircraft is cruising. Once I have had a little sleep, get up in the morning and continue the reading whilst the aircraft cruises to her destination. Now, PMDG, all I need is the release date so that I know when to book that day's leave please? :ph34r: :LMAO: Kind regards
  22. Yep certainly agree, amazing aircraft! Although I left it behind after transitioning to FSX, I still remember it fondly! I will get it for FSX eventually, but first the B777! Kind regards Werner
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