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Everything posted by shamrockflyer

  1. Its a fresher design, and the sections are clearer. Its not a 'new' website, its just a fresh design. Look carefully and you might see the changes! I doubt that. Its more like 2015 for the 747.
  2. I love the new design of the website! Nice, fresh, modern design. Also the new house colors for the 777 are very nice!
  3. I love the new design of the website! Nice, fresh, modern design. Also the new house colors for the 777 are very nice!
  4. I haven't noticed any performance loss with both 840 EVO's I have, if the loss of data is possible then I think I'll pass on this update, I use SSD's only, just a 2TB HDD for storage and random bits.
  5. I'm totally against cyber bullying but I wouldn't call cyber bullies Trolls. In my eyes trolls are people that sit at their computer that have nothing better to do than to try and annoy someone by saying the most dumb things. Two years in prison is a bit OTT, how they are going to patrol the internet and find these "trolls" is another matter. I think I'll refrain from posting anything on the internet before they arrest me for speaking my own mind to someone. All these new laws about the safe side of the internet are a bit over the top and should really be thought through. Free speech is being threatened because some people don't know the difference between bullying someone and telling the truth/speaking their own mind.
  6. Which is a total shame! I hope there is some sort of update in the future for a realistic complex simulation of the aircraft included in FC3!
  7. As far as I know if you download DCS from Steam and purchase modules from the website then they won't be connected to your Steam version as its a different system. I also purchased the A-10C a few years ago from the DCS website, only to find recently that I cannot use it with the Steam version because of different licensing agreements. I purchased the Leatherneck Mig 21-Bis the other day, and oh my, she is one complex aircraft I HIGHLY recommend! I hope in the future they change the merging capabilities for the Steam version so that those of us that purchased from DCS directly can merge the aircraft into Steam without having to re-purcahse.
  8. Its alright, I got it sorted. It was an error on my side, I didn't realize I didn't have the aircraft I was clicking on installed. So I bought a few and its working fine now.
  9. Yep....bugs me too. If I see an aircraft advertised in a movie I will most likely either not watch it or just watch it and sit their in amazement at how incorrect everything is. The best (worst) thing is when they show a 747 external and then switch to the internal and its a single aisle cabin.... Its something movie producers should pay great attention to, as imperfections such as this really ruins a movie for me. I guess thats the reason I am a BIG fan of the Hobbit movies! Nothing to scream at the screen about while watching those...
  10. I have everything installed correctly, but I cannot for the life of me select an aircraft and sit in it in a multiplayer session. I am greeted with a free roam cam screen with no aircraft, eventhough I select an aircraft in the start up menu. I have the A-10C, select it but it doesn't show up after hitting 'briefing'. Any help?
  11. Overflying the beautiful island of Jersey...
  12. To be honest...I have uninstalled the scenery as it caused my very first OOM in over two years! This is my very last purchase from Drzewiecki Design, his scenery just isn't optimized very well for FSX in my opinion.
  13. its a nicely detailed airport, but there are a few problems I have found that need to be sorted out, such as - missing jetways and periodic freezes at times around the perimeter of the airport.
  14. I am inclined to agree with you. Although it is about building hype and customer interest.
  15. My bad, I guess skipping to page 3 for the answer isn't the 'answer'. Thanks a lot!
  16. Reading the positive posts about 1.3, you have all encouraged me to go to my computer now and download 1.3.
  17. Digging this out of its shallow grave....has anyone managed to get AI traffic at Hamad? I bought it the other day and found all AI traffic go to the old Doha International instead of T2G Hamad. I use UT2.
  18. Ok. So, not only are they giving W9 for FREE, they are also copying Apple's Fifth Avenue iconic store. For a company that was once ruled by a guy that wouldn't allow his kids spend any of his billion dollar fortune on an Apple product, they are really looking up at Apple like Apple are GOD. I am curious to see what Microsoft have done with Windows 9, if they have done anything at all...it looks to me that they have blatantly ripped off the Windows 8.1 design and put a 9 on the software name instead of 8.1.
  19. Fantastic news, I am thrilled. Glad he's not only decided to sell it again and get more people onboard the DX10 bound flight, but also he is continuing to support it.
  20. Can't hear the engine sounds because of the AI sounds. Try pressing Q twice to reset the sound.
  21. That would be illegal in itself. Yes there are those that do it, but its totally against the law to do so. Unfortunately the scammers are so determined to get someone that they will go to all lengths to try and do so. That means, if their "website" is taken down, they will go to another provider and put that exact same website up with another provider. Its a never ending game, the only time it ends is when the scammer sees no future in their scam and moves onto another platform to scam. There are moments like this where I wish the internet wasn't as free as it is, but then, if the internet was policed as heavily as the DPRK's border, it wouldn't be so much of a great experience. Atleast the hackers and scammers would be a rarity!
  22. I would guess a virus of some sort, thats only IF the scammer is smart enough to create one. I would advise you NOT to try and find out!
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