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Everything posted by Jack_C

  1. There SHOULD be a 240/10000 in the 3 or 4L LSK on the DES page. its defaulted to 240. So you either arent looking in the right place or you changed it already. Show a screening of tne DES page.
  2. Hey Chidi. Smasher77th huh? That sounds like a DCS name! I am on the road right now at work so not near my computer. I will have to get back to you on that one, ok?
  3. Hi Michal. On a dual autopilot approach on the Ng, the autopilot remains engaged and flies it for you. The only thing you need to do is bring up the flaps.Lol Cam. We must have been typing at same time
  4. I thought NGs weren't certified to go into there
  5. Yep. All the planes EXCEPT the 600's have winglets. Hmmm I am kinda curious which video you were watching. If it is mine, I did't even LAND the plane. I stopped the video about 500 agl or something.
  6. Hey all. Here is another demo video. First it starts off by demonstrating a NADP2 departure. The second part is to show you that you do not really need speedbrakes to get back in the game. The third part is demonstrating the autobrake and how well PMDG simulated it and its accuracy. If you take a look at the deceleration distance formula: 1/2 X (speed in feet per second) X (time to decelerate to 0). So in my case my Vref speed is 142 which is a 240 feet per minute rate of speed. The autobrake 3 setting decelerates the 737 at a rate of 7 feet per second. So the time to decelerate to 0 is approximately 34 seconds. So.... 1/2 X 240 X 34 = 4080 feet. So as soon as the wheels touch down and braking begins it should take 4080 feet to stop. I touched down 1500 feet down the runway so you have to add this to the 4080 feet. So that is about 5600. After doing the calculations you can see on this chart where I stopped and where I SHOULD have stopped. There is a difference of maybe 2-300 feet. Damn fine job PMDG! VIDEO TO COME. HAVING PROBS!
  7. Oh jeez. There are tonnes of people on here running with 2 year old processors and are happy with their performance. Do you really need me to put quotes on here from people? So their testimony says 2 things; 1) you're hardware belongs in the apollo 13 2) you do not know how to optimize your computer. It IS one or the other. Nick knows how because he knows how to optimize!
  8. What is your route? WHat is the distance?
  9. Yes George is right on this. Whenever the plane is doing something that you aren't understanding ALWAY look at the FMA.ALWAYS! Your MCP means nothing really, well kinda. But just like George, I looked at your FMA, saw ALT HOLD and thats what made me look at you 4500 feet in the mcp. FMA is the boss!
  10. I have never used anything besides ND track up before since that is what our planeshave. Can everyone confirm that ND track up works properly with hdg sel?
  11. Hey Ryan, you had 4500 set on the MCP altitude my friend! Once established on the approach, set the field elevation on the mcp.
  12. Hey Connor. I THINK that is a calibration issue or something. Make sure they are set up in fsuipc. In early stages of testing i bugged that too but i found out it was a calibration thing. Trut me, the autobrakes work fantastic on this.
  13. Yes but we are not talking about GLIDING. this is just slowing down in level flight.
  14. Ummmm thats because there ARE no 80 knot, Vr, or V2 callouts on the real thing. At least not in ANY of our NGs. So I fail to see where the joke is.
  15. Ahhhh North Cariboo. My 'ol stomping grounds.
  16. Are you sh**ting me? Bejeeezuz, with attitudes like this the frikkin human race is over! That kind of non-courteous attitude will translate into ever other aspect of your life. The next thing will be "well why should I tell her thank you for making me dinner. I pay the bills around here". Have fun and a LOT of good luck with that attitude. Sorry to everyone else for getting ###### at that response but that angers me.
  17. Hey William, yes I bought EZDok the other day.love how you can alter the views and dont have to push A a gazillion times to get back to capt view.Het JB. Yes our pilots fly the 6/7/800 models. We arent restricted to a particular model. The 800 is harder to slow down INITIALLY. once you get to flap speeds of 15 or greater I find the 800 starts to get better because it has higher flap speeds so you can start throwing out flap sooner. That last flap setting from 15 to landing flap on the 600 can get you since the flaps 30 speed is quite a bit lower so you have to be aware of that when flying the 600.
  18. Hey William. Nope 180 kts is fine too. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact there are often times Atc wants us to be at 180-200 at the same distance LISDU represents from the airport. But I am used to the plane, know what it can do, and effectively slow it down. My video was just a demo. 180 kts is a nice number too though. I didnt use flaps 10 on the video but flaps 10 is my "ace in the hand" when I dont want to drop the gear so soon. That extra flaps and the remainder of the LEDs makes a difference! As for the landing flaps? Pilot preference. Our SOPs only say flaps 40 on a CAT 2/3 approach. So use what you like. Flaps 40 adds more drag and therefore engines spool up more making it a touch louder and increasing fuel flow but otherwise s perfectly acceptable. Actually the 800 was the first plane we had at WJ when we first leased from Delta. We aren'yt getting the winglets for the 600. Winglets are actually adverse on shorter stage hauls which is USUALLY what we use the 600 for. And as far as I know we never got penalized for not getting them on the 600. Unless it has changed Boeing wasn't where we were getting our winglets from.
  19. Funny I work right here in Canada in the same town you are from and we have winglets on every one of our 700's!
  20. Yeah the centrino in the first place was no powerhouse for its time
  21. LOL yeah sorry. Was just to show the drag management demo.
  22. NGX harder to land than the MD11? I can definitely land the NGX harder than the MD11!
  23. No prob Robert. If anyone has any questions shoot away!
  24. Hey guys. I am at wits end. I am trying to post an NGX video but it isnt working. Can someone help please? ThanksJackColwill
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