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Everything posted by Efussander

  1. Haha! Thank you so much! I couldn't find anything like this through my searching. I can't believe that nobody has commented on this yet. This is great!
  2. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/339823-737ng-now-a-gigaplane/:Big Grin:No offense intended.
  3. Yep, that looks somewhat messed up. Do what the post above said, and just rename your dll.xml file to something like dll.xml.old. Then when you start FSX you will be bombarded with the "Do you want to run this addon?" messages. Say yes, and it will build you a new one.....or at lease it should.If you are still having problems after that, let us know. It looks like the file got corrupted and some of the entries as well as the format are missing/incorrect. If worse comes to worse, you can post all of your previous dll.xml files, and either I, or someone else can attempt to reconstruct your file based on the addons listed in your previous dll.xml files.
  4. I'll only start to worry if PMDG releases a disclaimer with the NGX. :(
  5. Sounds like a problem with your dll.xml file to me. Can you please open this file in notepad, and paste the contents here? We'll try to get you straightened out...though this Q really belongs in the FSX forum. :(
  6. 1st video: Those are just the spoilerons. The yoke is just turned all the way to the left. If you were looking out the right window, you wouldn't see this. At the beginning of the video, you can clearly see that the inboard and outboard airlerons are angled up. The summery is that the spoilers were not deployed, but rather the captain was just correcting for a crosswind. (also had the spoilers been deployed, you would see the ground spoilers...which you don't see in this video)2nd video: That's the RAAS.Dang....I'm way late.
  7. Thank you everybody for your kind comments. I certainly appreciate them, and they make the time spent writing and taking pictures worth while.
  8. Here are some high quality, slow motion pictures taken from a better angle than the video. (plus you can actually see the crash, where as the video was out of focus during that time) These are taken from basically side-on. To me, it is interesting that the engine was still running, and so as the pictures progress, you can see more and more dirt shooting out from the jet. Also, I think in picture 7 you can actually see the pilot's head/helmet contact the glare shield. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-643829
  9. Probably not disoriented. If anything, the feelings ADD to your orientation because they help you know what the airplane is doing. However it would be different in that each action that you make would result in the airplane giving you tactile feedback. Also, in real life, the space around you, in other words the air itself, is moving. Thus, as you fly, you don't just cut through the air, or pierce it so to speak, you actually ride it. To a certain degree, you are at the mercy of the air. In a light plane, this results in being pushed around somewhat, especially on a windy day. All these dynamics...the FEELING of flight...are things that FSX simply can't replicate.
  10. Good question! For me, it all comes down to FEELING. Feeling is what allows me to interpret what is going on, and make split-second decisions without thinking too much about it. I find them harder in FSX. In FSX my eyes are glued to the turn coordinator and the attitude indicator, and its really hard to keep them where I want. IRL, when I'm making a turn, I'm looking outside, watching the turn and looking for traffic. I VERY rarely look at the turn coordinator because I can FEEL if I start to slip or whatever. IRL there is a butt in seat feeling where you say, "whoops, I'm slipping, I need to correct with a little rudder". Another RL example is on final, let's say you get hit by a pretty strong gust that catches the wings and pushes you higher, and off center. (first of all, this wouldn't even happen in FSX) If this event was even possible in FSX, you would have just SEEN the movement on the screen, and not FELT what happened. <Therefore, it would be harder to know what to do, in order to correct what just happened, where as IRL, it is just instinctual. I have been in different full motion sims, and even those don't give you the butt in seat feeling that allows you to make split-second decisions without thinking too much about it.
  11. Hi Nick!Your videos get me very excited, and I will surely buy your NGX training. I have a couple of Qs.1. Above you said something about how you won't have completed material at release. Does this mean that you will release certain videos or a partial course of some sort with the release of the NGX as was previously implied by Chris? Or has that changed, and now you will not offer anything on release of the NGX?2. Just curious as to what the general price figure looks like. I would like to know how much to anticipate, and what to set aside. Thanks so much for your time, and again, excellent job on the videos!
  12. They are not common at all here in the US. I think the only ones who have them are charter aircraft. I don't know of any mainline carrier that has them here. One reason is probably that we have very little (if any) remote de-planing. Almost every airport has jetbridges, and those that don't (like St. Petersburg/Clearwater or Burbank) deplane right at the terminal and use a stair truck. I don't know of any US airport that has deplaning that is spererated/remote from the terminal.
  13. Right. Therefore, each livery will NOT be listed as a program.
  14. Yes, I told him I'd send it to him, and I got about 20 others who wanted me to send it to them. TBH, I forgot about it. To all those wh requested it: I'm sorry it's taken so long, but just go to: http://www.kegetys.net/dl.php/d3d_antilag101.zipOnce it's downloaded, Extract, Drop both files into your FSX main directory, Open up the antilag.cfg file, you should see two settings...set the input latency part of it to 0 and use the other part to set the framerate. (ie. 30, 40, whatever)Now you just start FSX and you're good to go. (For those who had the Limiter 0.2 where you have to run a batch file, you no longer have to use this method. Just abandon it, and start FSX normally.)
  15. Yep. Easy to fix. Keep your monitor plugged in with the HDMI cable>right click on the sound icon in your task bar>click audio devices>right click on your monitor>click disable>find your logitec speakers in the list>right click and make sure they are enabled and set to default. Hope that helps!
  16. As was stated in the post before me, these are the real Boeing documents. They have NOT been revised to match the simulation. The only difference (as previously noted) is the lack of security details. But EVERYTHING else is included. From how to open the exit doors and the locations of rescue equipment, to schematics of the lavatory drain panel, to the operation of the pressurization system. It's all there. PMDG's simulation will be extremely accurate, and thus the Boeing documents, and all figures/performance numbers contained within, will apply to the NGX. The only things that wouldn't apply are things like the weather radar and ACARS which were not simulated due to FSX limitations. The manuals also talk about stuff outside the cockpit. For example, there are several pages that mention the locations of BCF, H2O, and CO2 fire extinguishers, along with other emergency supplies. Stuff like this obviously wont make a difference in the NGX, but that is understandable. All-in-all, the manuals are an excellent buy, and 99% of the contents will match perfectly with the NGX. There will be one or more documents released with the aircraft that will be actually simulation-specific. I would imagine that they won't explain how to fly the plane, but rather stuff like click-spots, how to change cockpit options via CDU, features that are not bugs, etc.
  17. When the time comes, I would love to see NM1. Its plain white winglets look so cool to me. It's rather unusual when most planes have some sort of logo-work on the winglets.
  18. Yes. They said that both Kulula paints have been done.
  19. Thank you very much! I'll watch them after some sleep. (3:15 AM where I am right now.)
  20. I agree AJ (yes...I know who you are ) - I like to think that I'm fairly intelligent, but when it comes to EZDok, I feel like a dunce. It seems like there are no explanations in the doco. All I see are great videos from people using EZDok, but I have no idea how they actually got to that point. Anyone know of a good tutorial? Sorry for the dunce post.... Thanks!
  21. ^ I think so too. I'm quite sure that the systems themselves are fully modeled.
  22. Nice! I need to finish up a boatload of stuff this week so I can enjoy later. *Sigh*
  23. +1 For FSKneeboard. I have the iPad 2 and I love it for so many things, however i still prefer the physical manuals. Just a personal opinion, and to each their own.
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