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Everything posted by Felix_Nicol

  1. Try this link: http://www.flight1software.com/files/FS_Registry_Repair.exe
  2. I switched to VATSIM 2 years ago, and it was the best choice I ever made. It's fun, realistic and a pleasure to fly with. P.S.: If anyone here wants to move to VATSIM but doesn't dare to or doesn't know what to do next, feel free to PM me.
  3. As Jim said, that's the (awful) FS haze layer. To disable it go to Options -> Visibility Options -> Disable Haze Layer. Hope that helps,
  4. Since I got a PC that could handle it, I switched to 3D and never looked back.
  5. The FlightSIm community REALLY needs an Airbus. There is a massive gap in the market for a good quality A3XX series, and there is profit to be made if PMDG make one.
  6. Ryan stated there were enough real NG companies so they'd unfortunatly not do fictional ones.
  7. That's a 737-500. Air France never had NG's.
  8. I'm not sure what there is to see, on the exterior anyway.
  9. Ryan's doing another flight... :( http://www.vataware.com/flight.cfm?id=7804667
  10. It's not a weather radar, it's a terrain display.
  11. I have a Saitek Flight Yoke and a Saitek X52. The Yoke is really good, but there are a lot of known bugs and errors (Mine didn't work on my old PC).
  12. ABSOLUTELY EPIC!This is amazing news, and really nicely played by PMDG, they've given us plenty of information in this update, so it can only make the wait more painful to endure...I agreed it'd be nice to have a (sort of precise) expected price range, but I'm happy to sit here and wait anticipating more news!
  13. Nah, that's Bryan, not Ryan.
  14. I'd wait to set a date until the NGX is released. Plus, people might want time to get used to the aircraft, test flights, etc...
  15. Just to see an Airbus from PMDG would be absolutely AMAZING. Even though FSLabs are doing one, no one simulates an aircraft like PMDG.
  16. Yep, it's Brevet de Base and it still exists. I'm currently doing it, it's a great opportunity to get flying experience before your PPL.
  17. I'm 15, and wow. Imagine what his parents would think when they saw his abusive language on here... I would NEVER be that disrespectful.Back on topic then, and leave those trolls behind?
  18. I agree, what he did was absolutely ridiculous.Merci David!
  19. Haha! I got really worried after the first paragraph but then I had real doubts on the seriousness of the post. Thanks PMDG, that made my day!
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