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Everything posted by Superpilotv2

  1. Thanks for the tip, downloading atm (998MB will take a while with my slow connection).
  2. Well, guys, thank you for all these suggestion! Having most of the suggested ones made me thinking different, thus I spend some money in getting some Reality XP GNS gauges. Having an GNS530 in my RealAir Beech Duke almost doubbled the fun! So much settings and functions to try out...
  3. Got that one too, lol. Looks like I´ve got everything arround, so I have to arrange with the planes I have. The C337 looks strange but flies very nicely. Does anyone have th C337 AND the C210M? If yes, are they different in terms of speed? The C210M seems to be the only one I don´t have fitting my specification.
  4. Yeah, they´re all pretty cool! I´ve got all three from RealAir and they´re great. The Lancair flies almost like an fighter, I guess I can´t bring it down on some rugged PNW strips where I fly primarily. But man, that thing is so slippery, really hard to land on the spot. Carenado´s new CT206H is a sweet plane, very near to my needings. But I´ve got their "old" 206, so paying alomst 40 bucks for just an HD remake it a bit of an overklill. @Bert, sollks like I really have to invest in RXP-Gauges. I own quite a lot of planes who can use them. Is there any kind of "all-in-on"-Package for these as they´re overly expensive.
  5. Checked theirs out. The only one appealing for me is the CT210M Centurion II but I´ve heared some bad things about its flight model here in the forum.
  6. Hey folks, after quite a long time without any flying whatsoever I think of getting back. Thus I plan to spend some moeny for an GA plane which will serve for me as an flight trainer, getting familiar with everything again. As I have been away for quite a long time, I have no overview about the current addons out there. My expectations are as following: - single prop GA plane (no turboprop, I can´t really cope with them again atm) - Fast and reliable - easy to fly - good looking model (also VC) with reasonable system level I know there are quite a lot of Cessnas out there, so what shall it be?
  7. Thanks, that would be a quite nice idea. Looks like I have to invest some money again... Btw is is possible to replace the avidyne display with the GNS500W?
  8. Thanks a lot for clarifying this. I also was pretty confused about the writing as it sounded like they would come with.
  9. Hey folks, I´m a new owner of the C90B. So far I like it, flies fast, easy and the cockpit is pretty neat. BUT what ruins the fun for me is that huge and bad looking Avidyne moving map and the GNS430 beneath. Both look pretty ugly and barely usable. Especially the Avidyne map is mostly unreadable and thus unsuable for anything else than just basic navigation. Typing in some flightplanes with the GNS430 is barely impossible, the bad resolution and usability kill the fun. FPS-wise no problem (others said it tends to be very FPS-hungry). Is it normal that these two gauges are pretty much unsuable or did I just miss something in the settings?
  10. Wow, looks like another neat enhanchement for that neat little plane! The download link for the changed bitmap wasn´t working anymore, so I made one myselve: Took the airplane_icon.bmp and changed the colors via Photoshop, black plane and white surrounding.
  11. Thanks Bert, you saved me from lots of clicking arround! :-)
  12. Same to me. Turn on batteries and then switch to GPU. APU will be switched on just prior to pushback in the final preperation.
  13. And you can overspeed that very easily if you don´t pay close attention in climbeout.
  14. Hey guys, I haven´t flown for quite a long time now (was very active in here before my break, maybe some know me from back then) and try to start flying again. First attempts to fire up my massive 60 GB FSX installation failed greatly, it somehow stopped wirking upon loading the flight with the RealAir Lancair over Friday Harbour. FSX is now about 7 years old, maybe it´s time to retire that and switch to Lockheed Prepared. So far from which I understand this is basicly FSX with an new UI and bug fixes being backwards capable to all FSX addons (would be verry important to me as I´ve spend a lot of money in addon). Is that correct?? The seond question is where do I get it? Only on their homepage? I´ve got an somehow slow internet connection, so downloading 10+ GB is pretty much a no go (I remember FSX was 16GB when I installed it from the disc.). And if, which license in the correct one? If someone could answer these questions, I´d be verry happy. :-)
  15. Hey folks, I just did reattached my Saitek Yoke, Throttle Quadrant ans Pedals agaion after about 3 months of inactivity. But now I´ve encountered an serious problem: My whole Thrpottle Quadrant doesn´t work. The green light is illuminated but neither ingame nor in the properties window the levers respond to anything. It just shows that they´re in full reverse and all buttons pressed. Anyone an clue how to fix this? Btw if this is the wrong forum, I appologize. I wasn´t here for about 6 months or so.
  16. Kaspersky all the way for me. I use it for about 3 year now and I had zero problems with it. It also seems to be pretty light on the resourses, I never had problems with FSX caused by Kaspersky.
  17. Uh memories comig back! i have the Spartan also installed but not flown since a really long time cause the VC is utter crap. Sadly.
  18. Hey folks, that´s just a litte heady up from your ex-mod. firstly I have to congratulate Dennis, my successor for his willingness to do the job and give something back to the FS community here on Avsim. Second I have to write a bit yourt me. I was always very happy and felt pretty honoured wth being part of the Avsim staff. I am now flying for more than 7 years (I´ve just gotten 20, so an pretty big part of my live I was flying in FS9 and later FSX) and I do love it till now. But some months away ( I guess it was last spring) I found anothe very interesting game for me "World of Tanks". I was always interrested in tanks and war machines so this intrigued me right from the start. I felt a lot easier to archive something there ( you know that adrenaline rush when you just made a very difficult landing or after a very long flight) and the games didn´t last that long than in FS. To make things short, I felt myselfe playing WoT the whole day and not flying for days, then for week and months. FS became very distant for me and I had not much interrest to get back. I guess after 7 years of flying it´s ok to take some time out. How long? - i don´t really know, maybe till PMDG release the 777 and get me back into the captains seat again. Because of this I couldn´t fulfill my duty here with that kind of pride and energy I was used to. Thus I gave my function back to have no responsibilities in FS anymore (AWG Sim sadly never made it as far as I wished/thought). It was a nice time serving for you and I made a lot of good friends. Maybe I come back to the Staff one day but for now it´s over. Goodbye
  19. I seldomly use the time acceleration on my flights. Mostly it´s the way that I take off late on the evening and set my alarm clock to some mintes before we shpould descend. With this technique I let the plane fly over the night and I can approach with it in the morning. But all in all I like flying the shorter hops with the 737 through the USA.
  20. Yeah, I talked to the support once cause of this. It's just Quoatl getting messed up.
  21. Just a quick info: I got my hands down to LAX, JFK and ORD. Now I've got plenty of new airports and routes to fly with the NGX.
  22. Hey folks, with FSDT's Black Friday sale taking place with 40% discount, I plan on getting some more of theirs. Currently I have GSX and Las Vegas McCarran. I'm now pending between LA and another airport but I don't know which of the other is on par with these two sceneries. Can you guys help me out on this?
  23. I fixed it by connecting the SSD to the second 6G port controlled by an Intel controller. So far I haven´t had any problems with that and it feels even faster, esspecially on startup.
  24. I get new real world flight plans I do the following: First I get the appropriate flight number from the airlines website,then I search for this on flightaware.com to get the routing and the heights. With this data I now compile the flight plan with "Virtual Dispatch" and save it to the FSX flight plan folder for the internal ATC. That works flawlessly for me and the NGX I'm piloting all over the world.
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