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FS Hub

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Everything posted by FS Hub

  1. Please don't give answer like this, it has no sense. Especially if you are exaggerating like this.
  2. Oke, it will be the 570 then because I'm planning to play the coming Battlefield 3 aswell. Many thanks for your help!
  3. Oh dear Ryan, I'm evertime so doubting between the 560Ti and 570. Is it really worth to pay 100 euro more for the 570, the 670 really that much better? :(
  4. You can pay through the shop of PMDG itself ;)
  5. You: "Knock! Knock!"Pilots""Who's there?"You""It's me. I've coffee"Pilots: "Oh oké, come in!"Or just say you've a Big Mac ...
  6. Well noticed, good eye.- The landing light are indeed on and even the landing gear is down, ... :(
  7. Found a cool HD video at YouTube. Boeing 737 KLM Skyteam, pretty cool livery. 737NGX comes with this livery aswell, Ryan?Press the 1080p button! Just pause and wait a few secondes, it's worth to watch at 1080p. - At 0:15 and a few secondes more you see the nice flexibility of the wings, PMDG has modelled this kind of flexibility aswell?
  8. How about the MSI P67A-GD65 instead of Asus (P8P67 series)? I was planning to take the MSI P67A-GD65 but now I'm doubting.andHow about the Corsair A70 cooler instead of the H70? I'm planning to overclock aswell.
  9. The 737NGX comes with a tutorial? :(
  10. Question to the sounds of PMDG: Can we hear the unevenness/roughness of the runway in the cockpit when taxing, take-off and rolling out after landing? I mean, if you taxi at the apron you usually hear: "kadung, kadung, kadung" because the wheels are rolling over the concrete plates*. Sometimes you also hear, when taking-off and landing(rolling-out), that the wheels are rolling above the runway lights in the center line. Do we hear this sounds aswell?* You also see the wing flexibility at this moment? Even when taxing you see the wings are moving abit.
  11. I'm using Alternate for that ;)
  12. Dude seriously, an install is an install. If you install the NGX before or after another add-on, no problem. Don't think that it's "holy and the best" to install first PMDG and then another add-on. PMDG is also just an add-on :(
  13. Ohh, I really really hope PMDG had modelled the heat blur effects. If not, PMDG is it possible to still make it? It's really awesome and realistic. :(
  14. Great, thank you. 30 fps =) But how many fps you get when in VC?
  15. Go to www.imageshack.us, upload the screenshot. Then after uploading, click on it. Click on it again and then copy the url from there to here.
  16. Upload the link, or try it by PM to me ;)
  17. I don't see an attached picture :unsure:Sorry, :(
  18. A really must-have add-on is: ENB Series. IT'S FREE.ENB Series is free to download, two simple small files that you've to put into your FSX root folder and there you go. ENB changes the colors of FSX into more realistic colors. Some parts will be brighter and some parts become darker because of shadow and some more. If you are interested, I can make some screenshots for you if you want?
  19. I'm sure you missed something weil reading Robert's first post. (Or you even didn't read the whole post....) but:
  20. Weil we are waiting, two very nice YouTube video's about the 737NG. At the beginning, the captain is telling something about the engines but not really that much and important that it will spoil the whole video. Also, you see sometimes some dutch dentenced in white at the bottom of the video, but ignore that. If you really want to know that, ask me and I'll translate. Note, I do not own this video!http://www.youtube.c...E&feature=feedfAnd a second one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tVQByq4uvY&feature=fvwrelRegards,Steven
  21. No, at April 8th iFly 737 for FSX will be released.
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