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FS Hub

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Everything posted by FS Hub

  1. Don't steal my jokes :(
  2. FS Hub

    video's ?

    I really wish PMDG the best for the finishing touches, it will be a milestone in the Flight Simulator world. I already want to thanks all people of the development group and all other groups.
  3. The only think I would like to know for now is:- Do we see the flexibility of the wings when taxiing? (They are going alittle up and down). :(
  4. PMDG, the 737NGX comes with the KLM Skyteam livery?
  5. Dazz, How about the MSI P67A-GD65 as mobo?Wich and how many memory do you recommend? 1333 or 1600? CL9 or CL8? 4,6 or 8GB?
  6. FS Hub


    Well Ryan, just keep going with the good work, don't rush it. I have no need to get it right now, because I've to learn for my final exams that will start May 17th. ;)
  7. George found the knob to turn on the Beta sign ...Next sign will be Fasten Seatbelts
  8. Forget the video's, we still did not got the night shots ...
  9. I've flown the B737 800 and A320 only, unfortunately not that much. Next airplane will be the NGX.
  10. Well liked seen as: You get nagged at school dude
  11. lool, that sounds like you are calling a dog! George: "Whoef! Whoef! WRRRRRRRRRRRMMMM I'm coming with the NGXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" B)
  12. I think and I'm sure of that, that the people who are acting childish now are actually a kid. These "kids" don't deserve a nice bird but a toy bird of their mom to stop whining and crying. Who has some milk and cookies for them, by the way?
  13. -1 kid. Who's next?The wait will be worth, I'm sure of that. Keep going with the good work PMDG =)
  14. Falcon999/George Morris,First of all, I highly appreciate your help to tell us something about your current experience with the NGX and to answer several questions. Great job and many thanks for that.Well, I'm not going that technical but more about the reality and how it feels.- How are the spool up exterior/interior sounds?- We've the apportunity to fly a clean or a dirty plane, right? What can we expect from a dirty plane exactly?- The 737NGX comes with sounds of the bumby taxiways/runways? (You hear "kadung, kadung, kadung ....")- Even when taxiing, you already see the flexibility of the wings? They're going abit up and down when taxiing.- You can change your own "cockpit-style" regardless wich livery you take (even if the real-one haven't that)? With cockpit-style I mean, you are able to choosedifferent MCP's, standy instruments etc.Thanks in advantage! =)
  15. Oh c'on (kids!!), relaxe and have some patience
  16. Damn, non-US peeps cannot watch them... :(
  17. This happends if I get bored and want some new screenshots, ... I'll make my own one with some Photoshopping :(
  18. I don't care anymore if I have to wait 1 week or 1 month because the final exams are approaching now. May 17th they will start and it takes approximately 4 weeks, so in the next 8 weeks I have not time for flight simming =)
  19. 13:39 KADDUUUNNGTRR aaaahahah laughed my &@($* off about that. Not about your landing but just about that moment:P Awesome...
  20. Ask/PM a moderator to change it. Do not PM PMDG staff because they do wont response and secondly I think that they are not able to change names.
  21. And 12GB is an overkill, no need that much. 4 to 8 GB is enough.
  22. I'm going to take the I5 2500K, so you are saying now that I can stay at 1333 ram instead of 1600?
  23. Interesting vid:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaF3_uAajlc
  24. To be honest, ...I'm laughing my &@($* of here, pretty funny :( But ye ye, still not a really cool experience for the CRJ passengers. Pretty cool if you got a wingview seat on the left at the A380 :(
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