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Everything posted by ShawnG

  1. jorg's got a lower center of gravity, and i'm thinking hes got some pit experience. Austin doesn't stand a chance.
  2. well, no worries, you do what you like. this is exactly the sort of addon I like to buy.
  3. So that is interesting, it stays on? What hardware do you use to pan the view?
  4. …that fenix purchased ready to go from another developer. Probably not, it’ll most likely be an evolution of the 310 already available. Which is perfect for me, I love the fenix, but I don’t need that sort of depth.
  5. That’s the sort of thing that is hilarious once, and then annoying as all get out after, there better be a way to disable it.
  6. that's from VR, I can see the application of that in VR, is it visible all the time in non VR situations for anyone?
  7. well, teasing a big product announcement that had already been announced before is kinda weak, but I'm here for the plane. can't wait for some freighter flying.
  8. it'd be annoying for me too, but console guys are way more adept with the controller than I am. I need a mouse and keyboard for shooters, but my buddies can kick my butt while using the controller. the mouse isn't really an option for most of them. I just fired up the sim and attempted to finally see the dot. I did. If I exclusively use my hat, it shows up while my finger is in the hat switch, and stops the second I stop using it. If I fire up the Track IR, the dot disappears, and doesn't show up even when using the switch. while panning around the cockpit some of the displays show the white box in the periphery of the view focus, and then disappear when I stop moving my head. I didn't try all my planes, but I tried a few, and the only one I could get any of this behavior was the PMDG. I have a controller for drone use, but I removed the mappings for cockpit camera from it a long time ago, maybe that's a difference? don't know. So there it is. I see it, It perhaps popped up before and I didn't notice. Is this behavior really what this fuss is about? does the dot remain on the screen?
  9. pros: lots of voices, better than default, looks interesting cons: doesn't actually control traffic (?) seems to be programmed by flight sim edgelords(?) I don't know, I mean if I'm developing a product I don't really want to be that dismissive, this product is gonna have bugs, too. and if you can't turn off the abrasive treatment if you make a mistake, it's gonna be a hard pass from me. I already got a job and a boss.
  10. Xbox doesn’t have a mouse. It probably could (?) but people don’t use an xbox at a desk with a keyboard and a flat surface nearby to use a mouse on usually. The dot lets them see what their cursor position is so they can manipulate the cockpit the same way you can with the mouse. The mouse cursor is also displayed on your screen, and is probably larger than the white dot, but you’re used to it and you need it, so it doesn’t bother you. It should be able to be hidden, and it’s a visual annoyance for us. That’s it. I’ve never seen it, and I have all the things that are supposed to make it appear, but I do see the boxes. (And did before the update) I’m not a fan of seeing the boxes, but it’s a minor annoyance at best. incidentally they released two of the best default airliner avionics suites to appear in a flight sim. Ever. But you wouldn’t know it from reading stuff here.
  11. Sure, but complainers don’t have special rights to not be questioned. If their complaints are incorrect, or as is usually the case, there is a valid concern that is inflated and overblown to ridiculous levels, it’s perfectly ok to question them. You’d think Jorg personally hacked into these guys hard drives and deleted their OS and stole their credit card info by the tone of some of this stuff.
  12. Nobody should have to ever look at anything they object to, ever. He’s offended.
  13. Well THAT will stop all software development forever…
  14. Can you show me on the doll where Asobo hurt you by displaying a message on your screen? does this mean I can kvetch incessantly to Fenix for asking me to delete toolbar pushback that I haven’t gotten around to doing yet?
  15. 1. A lot of/most people are very bad at assessing their personal risk. But even so… 2. As long as it doesn’t effect anyone else, I have zero issue with people doing whatever dumb stuff they want, but that is rare. 3. Lowering yourself down to the titanic in a water heater is stupid, and doing it makes them stupid, Of course there is no issue for anyone else unless point 2 is violated, and that’s where it gets complicated. The world is sometimes benefited by people doing stupid stuff, but not always, and not often.
  16. That’s how I know this sim is getting there. People on the the forums working themselves into incandescent rage over smaller and smaller problems.
  17. So, the fix on .to was posted in february, I haven’t seen the white dot yet, but I have seen the boxes on pmdg instruments, (and prior to yesterday) looks like this stuff has been going on a while, not just introduced yesterday? I’m confused. For the record, I do have a track ir I have two joysticks with pov hats programmed and an Xbox controller that I use for the drone view. No white dot.
  18. I think the idea has merit, I’ve thought that a fictitious but believable weather generator is a decent idea for a while. However, this hobby is filled with people who descend onto apoplectic rage and/or compulsive twitching at the thought of literally anything fictional in This space. So if it were to come to pass, it would likely be rejected by the same folks who can’t deal with 0730’s weather at 0300… the highlighted part of your post though is the kicker. You don’t think it’s that hard? Have you ever programmed anything? A worldwide functioning weather engine with a granularity of data that is needed for flight sim? You think this is easy?
  19. Iirc correctly, wether data is freely available for gauges coded in the manner of the default stuff, it isn’t able to talk to code within wasm which is the sandbox environment used by third party developers who wish to use their existing c+ code, or to sims which are run outside the sim itself, like Felix’s a320
  20. I haven’t flown anything since I did the update, but for the last few weeks, and prior to the update (I’m not on the beta) I’ve been flying the 737 and noticed the white boxes. This is new?
  21. those aren't plane mods, those are liveries(skins) for payware aircraft, you would have to have the associated payware plane to use those liveries. in the case of the captain sim 777 it isn't recommended for realistic flight, but If you are just looking for a default level 777 it might be ok
  22. In general you want to rotate the aircraft yourself at the vr speed, not wait until it lifts off on its own. IRL you don't want to remain on the ground when you can safely take off in case of an engine failure. It's also been a while since I have flown the crj, but a lot of airliners operate on the dark cockpit concept. Meaning, in flight if everything is normal there are no lights on the buttons. this lets you know immediately if something is amiss and draws your attention to the light immediately. There's a ton of stuff to learn about airliners, you seem to be going about it the same way I did about 12 years ago, lol. figuring everything out by trial and error is way harder than learning by education, but I think the concepts stick because all the errors tend to happen, lol. I will say, the CRJ is probably not my first choice for "beginner airliner" If you have a spare 35 bucks the pmdg 737-600 is cheap, really well done, has a great manual that explains stuff, is old school enough to not make you lazy, and automated enough to not overwhelm you. The FBW airbus mod is fee and awesome as well, but the 737 would prepare you for the airbus more than the airbus will prepare you for everything else.
  23. Even on pc, I’m willing to bet more people are interested in the Dune thopters than historical weather…. This is an echo chamber, not the typical user base.
  24. Most of us understand, I’ve said plenty of times that I would like to see it implemented. I’m pretty sure I backed the request over on the official forums. However, we’re not required to join in everybody’s pet obsession. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest that the weather is a few hours off of the time of day. To some, use of historical weather to the point where you know before the flight the exact weather conditions of the whole flight might even be seen as cheating, as this certainty is not available to RL pilots. I think the only time I ever experimented with it in AS/p3d was when I wanted to fly a c130 through a hurricane.
  25. The new product might not have been mentioned by name in the title, but this was clearly intended to be about B-ATC until you got here. To be frank, I understand your enthusiasm, but you have done the exact opposite of making me interested in trying VoxATC…
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