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Everything posted by ShawnG

  1. Long history says otherwise, here and anywhere else free modding is done. In every modder space there are a few shining lights that are in it for the long haul, but most only do what they do until they don’t feel like it any more. Payware devs can be the same, certainly, but we aren’t comparing freeware devs to payware devs in this case, we are comparing freeware devs with employees or contractors for the sim developer. In either case, the advantage here is there is likely to be structural improvements to ship traffic that modders can then use to improve upon the likely gaps left after the official version is here.
  2. It's a matter of how it is framed. I would never wade into a thread titled, "I would love it if they would institute Historical weather, and here is why" Number one, it's a reasonable request, and number two, I agree. I will get involved when that becomes "Historical weather is an absolute must!!!" because it really isn't. a lot of us, even when we had it in AS didn't use it. and when it's framed that way, It invites those responses. By the way, I and most others posting in argument here flatly stated that we supported the idea of it being available. I backed it on the official forum as well. Hyperbole does nobody any favors when it comes to securing agreement.
  3. I took a peek at the xplane forums the other day, I don’t ever go there, and it appears that xplane fans don’t either, I think they use the xplane.org forums more. Even so, I’d love to tell you that your assumption is true, but there unfortunately are a small number of “us” that seem to go over there to taunt. Which is regrettable. Due to following their demigod Austin’s example, there are always people here trolling for xplane, we don’t need to give them ammunition…
  4. I don’t really know, lol. I jumped in in the middle somewhere. Somebody on YouTube felt betrayed by a trailer?
  5. It’s all good. I can be an word not allowed sometimes. I get it.
  6. now see, HERE is some personal disrespect, albeit vague. I'm here, man. what would you like to say to me?
  7. To be fair, you didn't have an opinion so much as an attempt at rubbishing (that's not a word I use, but it's politer than the ones I do, and it passes the word filter, yay) the character of the head of the developers of the sim. It's easy to do, and it usually passes without comment here and everywhere else, because Jorg is "the man" and who sticks up for "the man"? well, on this occasion, me. But all we are doing is exchanging words on a forum. Nothing that I wrote, including the final line indicates any personal animus from me to you. I understand being frustrated by things, but I felt, and still feel, that your comment lacked perspective and fairness. for the specific point about ATC, to pretend that justifies the whole exchange; I also don't agree, which is not to say I think the ATC is perfect or even good. It might be fair to criticize Asobo for not improving on the ATC for FSX. FSX couldn't assign or use any published arrival and departure procedures for one thing. I'd be in agreement to say the ATC in msfs isn't good enough, but neither was the one in fsx. they are both horrible differently, with possibly some complications added by the attempt at live traffic, rather than bgl based. But nuance is more difficult than just throwing poo at it, isn't it? beyond that, I'll go further: the replay system is way worse, the sim can't display all cloud types, it's been significantly harder to develop aircraft for this sim, and the UI has had to make too many concessions to accommodate console players that has impacted the PC users. Like, I said, it isn't perfect. but I stand by every word of my earlier post.
  8. Jorg, as extension of Asobo came out of the blue, and resurrected the microsoft flight simulator after nearly 15 years of no product released, not only that, it is full of a ton of features that quite frankly were deemed impossible by the entire flight sim community prior. even this topic: we are talking about using a static global photograph and AI to create accurate seasons out of summer photographic elements. not some discrete land class tiles, that were probably tough enough to do by Aces, Orbx, Flight1 and who ever else made them in the past. an entire global photoreal background. and of course y'all chuckleheads will just rip them to shreds when it's done, because "ummm, actually, we don't get leaves falling for another two weeks at this location, FAKE!!!!" This sim has the absolute best default aircraft ever released for a sim ("but, hurr, durr, they aren't 'study level') an ambitious weather system better than anything ever bundled with a sim before, and these guys haven't just released a product, fixed a few bugs and then moved on, like evey other edition before it. there has been serious and substantial fixes, improvements, and new content and features every frigging month, in the nearly 3 years its been released. It isn't perfect, nothing else is or ever will be, but really?!!! and then you want to paint a picture that this is some sort of unreliable politician character. I'll take Jorg and asobo over any flight sim developer ever. ever. get out of here with this nonsense.
  9. I had the flickering a few days ago (pre-update) I rebooted, loaded another flight, and it was fine. I was thinking that was one of my addons playing up.
  10. Just so you are aware, you are postulating some weird sort of superiority here, but he is an actual commercial 737 pilot, and you are a simmer, posing. The case was already resting.
  11. it didnt release until august 2020. edit: lol! beaten to the post
  12. I wouldn't. there's more to it than resolution. not that you won't be ok for a bit, if that's what you have.
  13. does the calibration really work when you are using buttons on a controller?
  14. right, I have an xbox controller I use for the same thing. and because you aren't using it for cockpit panning, you don't see the dot. the dot only shows up for me when I use the hat on my Honeycomb A XPC. usually I don't touch it, as I have a track IR. The Honeycomb XPC is a de facto XBox controller though. that's my current theory. I actually don't know whether I'm legacy or not, next time I'm by my sim I'll check.
  15. which is what it does for me until I use something else to pan the view, then it goes away, even if I go back to using the hat. It would be interesting to know if the people effected are using the Alpha XPC or other device that has the xbox control buttons on it. maybe the game is interpreting this as a full xbox controller, and showing the dot. does this happen for any of y'all that have the original Alpha?
  16. I have an Alpha XPC. does the dot stay on screen, or only while you move the hat?
  17. oh, good we're INCREASING THE FONT SIZE NOW for arguments, can't wait for more... the thing is, I don't have any of the things you are seeing, it likely is dependent on setup, I tried getting info so maybe we can figure something out about this, but nobody responded. is this just a VR thing? Theres only one way I could get the dot to show up, when I tuned off my track IR, and then it only showed while I was panning the view, didnt stay on screen, do we want to try to see what causes this, or do we just want to moan about it?
  18. Fs2020 they had a semi open (you had to apply and be selected) beta that was free. The testers had to buy the product upon release if they wanted to still use it after the beta period. As I applied, but was never selected, I’d buy a copy in advance to be part of it. No problem. Early access isn’t meant to be hard core beta testing, more useful for stress testing load and general trends. Public betas/early access tend to attract 2 types of people: guys that just want to use the product as soon as possible, and don’t mind bugginess (me!) and guys who think they are part of the development team, and fill up the space with complaints that the product isn’t the one they want. Other than in the aggregate, dev teams don’t get much useful info from either group individually. They have their own internal teams that do the actual real work of testing.
  19. The France city update wasn’t about Paris and Marseilles either, I assumed these city updates were about providing details for the smaller cities that weren’t already covered.
  20. Brother, if I ran this site, I’d have this post as a sticky that had to be agreed to in order to post here.
  21. Does Houston and Dallas not already have PG provided by the base sim or on of the 2 USA updates?
  22. Austin's turn at the podium is tomorrow. he's always talked a lot of smack about MS but to my knowledge he's never had an opportunity to do it before while they were in the building... lol
  23. Well, it's the same old thing. Jorg has all the data to know exactly who and how is using his platform, but is vague, and may or may not be blowing sunshine; and the avsim crowd which is suspicious and knows nothing factual about it. I have no doubt the general trends are what they are, I would wonder what I would be classified as: I am pretty high end in my simming habits, and I spend decent money on the hobby, but I'm also pretty part time. I'll sim hard core for a few months, then attend to all my other hobbies for 6-9 months.
  24. doesn't matter what he says if his face is full of spaghetti marinara, and Jorg is holding the belt up.
  25. he said it, i think he was adding together the Asobo and partner employees
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