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Everything posted by serviceceiling

  1. Basically it's a whole new weather system, which has significantly improved from the old 2012 version. Just visit Hifi's website for all the details. Speaking of weather engines and their capability to provide sufficient data for PMDG's weather radar: The makers of FSGRW have contacted PMDG several times regarding this particular topic, since they are able to provide all the data that is needed to power PMDG's weather engine. After various e-mails PMDG hasn't responded in a way where they could have had any cooperation with PILOT's and their FSGRW to support this particular weather engine. I do hope that one day other sophisticated weather engines such as FSGRW, which in my opinion is superior to AS NEXT, will be supported by PMDG.
  2. Great news! Quick qeustion for SP1 - will there be an option to remove the boeing clock in the cockpit, since new 777's don't have those anymore?
  3. You got me! Yesterday I looked at the facebook post and was like "Nah, bad joke..." but finding out now how genious this epic joke is hilarious! It's like saying "April fools! Oh...and by the way, we made a weather radar...."
  4. WOW, what an effort! Well done, Christian! You really did inspire me to begin work on my UIA fleet for the wonderful NGX. :smile:
  5. Etienne- Regarding your first question: When executing a go-around all you want to do is gain altitude FAST! As long as you don't bust 250knots below 10.000' or get dangerously slow it's all good. On any ILS- or approach chart in general the go-around procedure is described precisely with all its limits and possible restrictions. Don't just follow the magenta cross or any magenta bugs during critical phases of the flight such as takeoff, landing or a go-around. Always be ahead of your plane with your hands on the yoke and the throttles. To your second question: Why would you want the reduced thrust for your go-around in the first place? The derated N1 which you might have set for your takeoff should jump back to the default rating of your engine (which depends on the airline you are flying) after you have reached the CLIMB or CRUISE phase. If you want to apply the go-around thrust manually, simply smash those levers full forward, verify a positive rate of climb, retract the flaps and the gear, make sure you're following the published go-around procedures for your particular approach and only THEN you can bother about your thrust, which you can either continue managing manually or switch on the AT to reduce the workload, which is totally appropriate in this situation. In the NG you normally would not fly manually with the AT armed, as is the case with more modern and complex airliners such as the 777 or any Airbus.
  6. Here's a little teaser of the next airframe I'm working on, UR-PSI.
  7. Looks like your config is messed up or is not being loaded properly, this is an issue with the NGX itself I guess since I'm experiencing it quite often as well. Go to the "PMDG SETUP" interface in the CDU and load the configuration of "UR-PSB" as shown in images below. I am glad that you are enjoying my repaint and regarding UR-PSI - this one might take some while since I have to re-align the titles to accomodate for the longer fuselage.
  8. That's awesome, can't wait for the button edition then.
  9. A friend of mine and myself have been working on the config some time ago, however it's just a pretty close approximation as it is mostly based on images and video footage. Here's what we came up with: [Displays] PFD_groundspeed_displayed=1 PFD_rising_runway=0 PFD_split_axis_flight_director=1 PFD_radio_altitude_round_dial=0 PFD_angle_of_attack_dial=0 PFD_landing_altitude_bar=1 PFD_show_landing_flaps=1 PFD_integral_heading_scale=1 ND_trackUp=0 ND_VOR_course_lines_displayed=1 ND_MinimumRunwayLength=7000 ND_RangeArcs=1 ND_TCAS_RangeRing=0 ND_ActWptData=1 ND_GridHeading=1 PFD_ND_NPS=1 Engines_ColorChangeInhibit_5minutes=1 Engines_LowOilQuantityInverseVideo=1 Engines_HighVibrationAlert=1 Engines_ShowRefN1=2 Engines_ShowMaxContLines=1 Fuel_AuxFuelInstalled=0 Doors_ArmingAnnunciations=1 [AFS] AllowGSCaptureBeforeLoc=0 AutoLNAVonGoAround=1 [FMS] CRZ_THRLim_CRZ=1 DefaultEOHeight=800 DefaultAccelHeight=1500 DefaultReductionAlt=1500 DefaultTransAlt=5000 DerateWashoutAlt=12000 CompanySpeed=300 DragCorrection=0.00 FFCorrection=0.00 GWEntryAllowed=1 TOThrustDerates=1 CLBThrustDerates=1 [GPWS] GPWS_AltCallouts=1 GPWS_2500_RA=0 GPWS_2500=0 GPWS_1000=1 GPWS_500=0 GPWS_400=1 GPWS_300=1 GPWS_200=1 GPWS_100=1 GPWS_50=1 GPWS_40=1 GPWS_30=1 GPWS_20=1 GPWS_10=1 GPWS_MinimumsType=1 GPWS_AprMinimumsType=4 GPWS_WarnBankAngle=1 GPWS_TerrPeaksMode=1 GPWS_TerrUseCyan=0 GPWS_V1Callout=1 [Warnings] Altitude_alert_setting=0 AltitudeApproachAural=1 CrewAlertnessMonitor=0 ResettableSiren=1 APDiscSound_isWailer=1 RAASInstalled=1 [TCAS] TCAS_ShowAllTraffic=0 TCAS_FilterRange=40 TCAS_FilterSeparation=2800 [Airframe] FlightTestPackage=0 SatcomAntenna=0 Passenger Signs Type=2 ISFDInstalled=1 [Units] MetricWeightUnits=1 TemperaturesInF=0
  10. Awesome guys!! I took a 737CL sim for a spin last year and after having flown the NGX for almost a year I felt very familiar in the sim (even though it was a classic and not a NG). Reading the FCOM and FCTM also helps a lot with system knowledge and various landing/flare techniques. Addons like FS2CREW also give a great insight into a multi-crew environment and how the roles of both pilots are combined. And indeed, the "big" level-d sims are much easier to flare and just feel more natural and precise than what you'd get at home with FSX and your 50$ setup but as far as systems and procedures go FSX is a decent simulator. Having visited a full-motion, level-d sim has once again proved to me that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
  11. Bryan- When the 777 version of FS2Crew is released will there also be a "crew option" for the freighter?
  12. Thank you, Christian! Indeed, I noticed that. There are quite a few "flaws" in the cockpit but I guess that is just due to the fact that PMDG modelled one particular 737NG which was configured for one particular airline. However, all in all it matches any airline if configured properly via the CDU.
  13. In the QRH, where all checklists are.
  14. @3mta3: Forget about REX, you should get either AS Next or FSRGW - both are two decent and accurate weather engines that you'll never have any problems with.
  15. A friend of mine, who flies for a mojor US airline, has a tremendous FSX setup at home and flies the NGX and 777 on his days off - he's one of the most passionate and knowledgeable pilots I know so far.
  16. This has already gotten pathetic. I guess that's just human nature to start speculating and developing any thinkable theories...even some real world pilots on social media do this. Let's just stick to the facts and to what we know as of now and let the search team do their job. Eventually they will find the plane (or its wreck) and we will know more.
  17. Yes, you can do that in some cases but there's no need to put extra stress on the gear by putting it down too early when you are still doing 250kt + Certain approaches actually require to configure the aircraft early for landing in order to concentrate on certain procedures such as turns or terrain avoidence.
  18. Indeed, you'll be hearing the takeoff warning horn quite often when doing those circuits, which is again stated in the FCTM. @3mta3: I don't want to be "that guy" but I have to inform you that you have to sign your posts with your full name due to the policy of this forum.
  19. The "drag required" message really depends on your weather engine and on how well you feed the FMC with wind data. On some days everything works out well on other days you have to request a 360 to lose speed and altitude.
  20. Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it! Feel free to post some screenshots. :wink:
  21. Regarding your first point - why would you want to put the gear down at 270-250 knots in the first place, as long as you are not doing any sort of steep approach? As long as you always stay ahead of the plane and plan your descent you'll never have to deal with excessive speed. I'll have to check out the reversed fuel flow on my system. Also keep in mind, like with any other software there will always be some bugs that only get noticed by a minority of users. However it's good that even those are being pointed out so they can get ironed out in a future update/SP.
  22. Check chapter 5.80 - 5.82 in the FCTM to get detailed and precise information regarding a touch and go procedure or a line-training circuit in the NG. Everything you need to know about this particular procedure can be found in the FCTM. In other words - read the manual!
  23. I am using FS2Crew as well and never had any problems with it. Make sure that you are performing all the essential checklists and flows - your virtual FO should actually set everything up properly, provided you did your job as a captain and performed all of your flows.
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