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Everything posted by Piotr007

  1. I guess the state of the sim to date shows the reason why 3rd party dev JF FSTraffic is holding off its release because of the wonkiness in its current state. More than 2 years after release and still no comm. Co. Managed to sell a highworthy AI Traffic addon to msfs. That does tell something about the complexity around the whole thing as the core devs of the sim itself cannot get the core functions right.. It is a big and worrying issue.
  2. X-pilot? Could it be? Or traffic Global. Loaded: G:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin). TGXP: Traffic Global V1.1.0126 [Traffic Global/win_x64/Traffic Global.xpl]: Dataref 'sim/weather/use_real_weather_bool' has been replaced. Please use the new name. TGXP: 63 TCAS aircraft enabled. Loaded: G:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/Traffic Global/win_x64/Traffic Global.xpl (jkcc.trafficglobal). TGXP: CPU supports 16 threads, X-Plane allowed to use 16 TGXP: X-Plane on core #1, want core #1 0:00:00.000 D/HID: HID Bridge Running 0:00:00.809 D/DRM: Found product key, lifetime = 2 - will refresh in the background. 0:00:00.809 D/DRM: Attempting to check product key. --=={This application has crashed!}==-- --=={UUID: eff6264e-8719-4b29-aa76-b318bb5e09ff}==-- Ok verified. Traffic Global is incompatible as of now.
  3. X-plane 12 instantly CTD's with new update. What is going on? I parked my scenery addons but it is still crashing directly on startup.
  4. Mine didn't follow nAv as well. Did force it via D-TO option anyway.. wonky.
  5. Haha that would be a mere slideshow. 🤣🤣🤣 plus the easter egg would be the most played part of the sim😂😂😂
  6. This is a true pain in the a$$. Inibuilds posted a fix to edit the ini.file throttles to a lower idle value in the work.folder in your appdata/roaming/msfs. Need to disable reversers on the main throttle axes nonetheless because they keep coming up otherwise.
  7. The problem is that the inimanager does not let me choose msfs version of the A310 as I already had the X-Plane 11 version. Disregard: the options did not let me choose the Community folder the right way to choose from. Now it works. Sweet!
  8. I will fly the A310 asap. I desperately need a chubby plane on steroids in MSFS. Just think about it. An A310 just exotic as it is these days, in MSFS!!! 🤩🤩🤩
  9. Very sceptic about this one. Out of the blue dropped on the store. Looks like a portover and a total absurd price for the quality it delivers.
  10. Owning Airbus line in Xp11 definitely the A310 first, KLM, Lufthansa, Martinair, air transat, Air Azores, Air Portugal liveries. Then then Dc-3 as a second.
  11. I cannot post it seems. Strange. I have added a message about this issue. But barking at the wrong tree does not bring me anywhere. That is why I posted the issue to Asobo because they are the 1st in line about this issue. The AI issues are of course a lot bigger. If we compare the AI behaviour to P3D (AIG) or X-plane (TG) for example, MSFS lags behind in this regard by miles! For 2 years and onward these AI issues have not been resolved nor will we see it resolved the next months... I also guess that these issues withold developers like Fly Tampa to come with a fleshed out Amsterdam Schiphol on the market as this situation with the AI still prevails. Not to forget FSTraffic from Justflight that is still in beta it seems. My guess it will stay there forever..
  12. Hi, it is not only recording issue. It is during the regular use too.
  13. Thank you for this clarification. I am looking into this issue. Amsterdam airport is a logistical mess for the AI. The many runways make the AI go haywire at deciding what to do. I am testing mods of EHAM if they are the culprit causing issues of the stacking and such.
  14. I have filed a bug at Zendesk of Asobo. It appears SU10 has introduced this BS. I am worried about everyone who has not noticed this yet. I refer to the pics below. Gamebreaking issue. This bug causes following issues: 1) No AI parked at gates of EHAM anymore. They are alle stacked at airport roof. All of them in one. 2) This causes CPU lockup and frame rates drop below 10 fps. Especially when in the vicinity of these AI aircraft. 3) Issue seems to be related to certain airports and AI intensity. 4) Unable to get rid of them. Disabling AI does not remove the models. Stay stuck until the end of the flight. 5) No workarounds, happens to all of the AI-programs -> AIG/FSLTL.. Horrendous issues and again, it worries me no one noticed this. The bug report mess at Asobo does not tell me where my report actually went and if they are going to fix this. It is a bloody mess. Well, it is not solved... Are they serious with bug reports or joking around? Closed, within a few hours. Can someone explain this?
  15. How about the performance degradation? I still observe after 2 hrs or so certain performance degradation presumably caused by AI.
  16. I have reported it to Asobo. FSLTL FAQ check that last issue on their site. Stacking AI is Asobo issue. They have to solve this. My worries are their capabilities on this matter though. AI is wrecked since release.
  17. No, I mean something different. I do not mean runway stacking when taking off and those stupid non takeoff bug from certain rwys. I mean real stacking one on top of another at EHAM when flying away from it or flying to it from a diff dest airport. There is a nasty bug in MSFS causing AI to get bugged at certain airports. This causes the immense lag and fps drops to below 15 all people seem to talk about at times. This bug causes airplanes to load one on top of another at center of the airport. Sprite/model stacking cause heavy hits on CPU no matter what. A sidenote on this as well is that there are not airplanes at the gate when this happens, as all of these are piled up at the center of the airport. Restarting FSLTL does not work to cure this. The models are stuck until you restart the same flight.
  18. AI stacking still is a problem for me. Anyone tried EHAM or EGLL? When you fly a route with a lot of AI the problem occurs 100%. Deal breaker.
  19. Okay. I hear you. It solved the piling up issue. Running 45 ifr and 5 vfr 0 static. All AI is clearing normally now. Above 50 gives havoc it seems. Very wonky all this.
  20. Still: I observe massive aircraft pile up at various airports. I saw it now @ EHAm and EGLL. After departing the AI is place at the center of the airport on top of each other. These aircraft do not clear themselves from the sim. This causes a jam and floods the CPU usage. In SU10 this problems seems to be introduced, I really dislake ASOBO for their AI incompetency.
  21. There is a big bug in FSLTL I have now gone through, as something was causing massive fps dive. Aircraft from departing airport were piling up. When I had to return for emergency I had a big slowdown. Each aircraft at the departing airport was piled up at one another. I guess memory clearing does not work as intended now.
  22. Hey you guys also fly with api.key? I have little navmap on and I see very nice AI traffic behaviour. The AI nicely follow the SID and STAR near the airports. Nice to haves would be: * Faster Ground Traffic loading to prevent CPU bottleneck on glideslope (AI @ airport load in sim at last moment giving stuters. Fiddling with affinity to dedicate cores for FSLTL) * Better AI lights - some aircraft are dark. No Nav lights/logo lights. Pitch dark objects flying at night sometimes. My 737 TCAS went haywire above London and I saw the pitch black GA object at last moment... * AI spacing / prevent go arounds. Perhaps an extra application for traffic seperation would be a good idea.
  23. Hi, no that is not the issue. There are no sprites/models at the airport at all that's the issue. AiG loads them in far away even up to 50 nm off. FsLtl does load them up only within 5 nm or so. This gives load cpu lag on landing.
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