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Everything posted by Piotr007

  1. It will be a shift from fs20 to fs24 silently as both will be compatible with literally all the goods.. its like moving gradually from Win 10 to Win 11 it is just the consideration when to hop the boat imho. The sweet habitable spot that said, all influenced by backward compatibility aspects.
  2. To mention again, how in hells sake to get rid of this Dune screen. I want a an A310 loading screen or a DC-3. All fine by me, but to what unreasonable sci fi standard are they still pushing on this Dune sand screen on startup? Relly getting on edge by this... evenmore so because I thought Su15 would manifest a new fresh one!! Regarding the ads, if this vermin would push through inside the sim, X-plane would conquer 100% marketshare on its own hands down!!
  3. A320 is rather easy, however... I thought inibuilds a320n had automated systems like we used to with the A320 series But this a/c is rather tiring when you consider you have to adjust NaV radio boeing style to make ILS landings possible. ILS data old school style outside sim... Then there are these engines, they are like ferrari V8 when ac is empty. Not touching levers thing goes 50kts over the taxiway... without braking action. I am actually surprised their A320N is more of a toy.. I guess this one is hard to learn and easy all the same. Annoyingly. The hardest to learn imho, def DC-6. Then the MD-80 could also fit in as a more modern airliner together with BAE 146 systemswise. For me, A300/310/320ceo/737NG are a walk in the park. Except for the old A300/310 rnav app I had some misunderstandings because A320 had a more automated rnav capability whereas the old 300 had a more tiresome approach to rnav with settings MDA from chart and activation of the 3.0/3.5 slope Final from alt hold position then to select Profile for P.DES and having AP auto disconnected beneath the MDA put into FMS for a final visual on vref speed flap full. Ils is a lot easier considering the effort that you have to put into the planning with the old A300/310🤣
  4. Turnoff PG (Photo Grammatry) under Data in Options screen msfs. It never worked as intended.
  5. Wow that stuttering was massive, looks like an internet spike! Even with back to the future style effects with it... sickening! I am not having those but rather consistent loading stutter sometimes on final. But this was back and forth the last 500 feet.
  6. I see some improvement regarding that. It is true. But the main issue stands.
  7. Return legs to UK still AI traffic issues. Remains unsolved. What a shameful joke.. Tested it today with fsltl. No traffic at the airports.
  8. Looking at such a response it poses nothing well for such a 'company', whatever companies may be called when copying/editing existing a/c and asking money for a presumably edited shell of an airliner already added.
  9. Extra redundancy inbedded after the update. See it as a good thing for as the sock can fly away!
  10. I love their 757 and 767 ultimate packages. The last one, -400ER is just awesome! I was yearning for special airliners and they are delivering it!! Am buying this one definitely as well! And the best thing in all of this, they are delivering the -200ER which is the best flown like -300ER. Let that become an expansion package😁.
  11. For me this one drops out of the sky without much announcement. I pass on this one.
  12. Not to mention the rtrded dune screen still stays on. Hideous. As usual after updating content msfs froze. Hard restart. Not full screen but windowed mode on start still forced...
  13. It is still a simulation I see. Not free of any problems.
  14. Doing a return flight A300 D-AEAT from EGGW to EDDP today. Yearning for the results including fsltl/activesky on.
  15. The freeware enhancement is superb guys. Thanks!!😍
  16. Beta 8888. I will check on these settings! Thanks.
  17. Thanks all. I will try this home soon. It is just a shame that no one from the devs ever took LFPG as a project. It never was as interesting as the German airports I guess.
  18. Download interval at min = 5 minutes Flow?? What is that? I check the periodic theme reload? Haven't pinpointed that setting. Depiction smoothing is set quite low as well. I will get this up but thought to left it standart at first.
  19. Hi all, I do not post often, but I have a question. It seems Asobo hasn't fixed some standard airports from the package. The AI does not leave the runway after landing, getting stuck. Now, it also appears that no dev picked up the good task to make a nice De Gaulle. Hence my question if there is a good way to make LFPG better, I tried the conversion of TTG but lots of stuff like lighting is missing. I never learned how to edit airports in msfs, but perhaps there is already a mod to enhance LFPG? I do not fly there frequently, but hey it is a major airport so it would be nice to have it in working order for the flights I do😁. I wonder how often you guys fly to De Gaulle? Best regards, Pete
  20. Ok, perhaps a setting? I have fiddled around for ages and went back to passive mode instead of active. I tried to lower the weather change for smoother changes. But over time I see for example total overcast change into fair weather in an instant. Sudden wind turbulence jitter too when it happens! Am I missing something? Edit; preset / custom weather is selected of course for Asfs to take over.
  21. As fs, using it in passive mode for now. When will they fix the way of weather change. Weather is changing instantly no gradual transition like msfs stock. Works still best. Asfs is just injecting instantly new weather and places it all around you, unrealistic as hell.
  22. Hehe, imagine accurate failures being modeled and multiple "tire failure" on landing. The "woman" autopilot/AI sound will multiply for every tire that failed on landing🤣. Just like a YT video I recall..
  23. Ah then I misunderstood the comment hehe😁. I also hope it will be a nice addition to our flightsim world. For me a true Ace of the skies. Cannot wait for it, I am considering ops with martinair (cargo), KLM pax/cargo and Lufthansa Cargo. Also Fedex/UPS of course.
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