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Everything posted by TurboTomato

  1. Firstly you need to add the Belgium 2012 folder to the scenery library, not the scenery or texture sub-folders. Secondly what you are describing sounds like the bug with Win7 and adding scenery in FSX. Take a look here: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?205432-Windows-7-Scenery-Addon-Installation-Bug-Fix
  2. I don't think it makes any difference where you put the NL2000 in relation to Brussels HD just ensure that the NL2000 entries are in the correct order themselves. All the UTX stuff should put their own entries in the scenery.cfg when you install them and I'd just leave them as is and put all of your own photoscenery extras above them.
  3. Just make sure that Belgium2012 is above the UTX stuff in the scenery library, and then put the Brussels scenery above the Belgium2012 scenery and you should be fine. The US MSE shouldn't interact with either the Belgium scenery or the UTX Europe landclass. So I'd have the top of the scenery library look something like this: Brussels HD Belgium 2012 Manhattan Southern California UTX Europe entries
  4. Try turning the tessalation settings down a bit and see if it works for you, it seemed to help me. If you're doing mainly IFR you probably don't need the mesh greater than 10m, or textures more than about 1m/60cm. Building and vegetation shadows are definitely a killer so disable them if they're on and see if they make a difference. I guess I run about medium to high settings on my machine - not that dissimilar to yours - and get around 30fps with the Aerosoft A320 but I run little to no autogen as I use almost entirely photoscenery.
  5. Reluctantly took my first step into payware aircraft a couple of weeks ago with the Aerosoft A320/321 and must admit that I don't regret it one bit. Decent performance on my mid-range system and seems a very well thought out transition into a more complex aircraft, particularly with the option of the co-pilot handling a lot of systems for you. One thing to note though is that it wasn't just the purchase of the aircraft that I had to stump up for - I rapidly found that I needed a decent flight planner (PFPX), and a single cycle of NavDataPro so that both flight planner and aircraft are working from the same database.
  6. It doesn't cause me any problems. I manage it all through the Scenery Config Editor.
  7. Freeware Italy really isn't that much hassle. Firstly, as I said, get the Google Drive client onto your PC. That will download all of the 330 files automatically for you when you link to his folders. No hassle there. Then once they are downloaded, create your 'Italy Photoscenery' folder wherever you fancy. Cut and paste your 330 zips into that folder. Making sure you have 7zip installed on your PC, select a good chunk of the zip files at a time (say 100, then you'll only need to do the process 4 times) and right click. Select 'Unzip here' from the menu and it will unpack all of the 100 selected files into their various folders. Once you've done this you'll have 330 subfolders under your Italy Photoscenery folder. If you don't require the zips as a back up then remove them. Final thing is to make sure you have Scenery Config Editor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fs-sceditor/ It has a feature that enables you to select a folder and (no matter how many subfolders it has) it creates all of the entries in your scenery.cfg file. So select your Italy Photoscenery folder and the job is done.
  8. Or get a Google Drive account (you already have one if you have a Google/GMail account). Download the client application for your PC, link the Italy photoscenery files to your account, leave your PC on overnight and hey presto, the files will be on the Google Drive folder of your PC.
  9. I'd try to get hold of GSalden's free version then.
  10. Have you tried firstly pasting into Notepad (which you say works?). Once you've done that then just click the cursor into some point in the text in Notepad. Now hit Ctrl+A (to select all). Once you have done that hit Ctrl+C (I'm assuming you know not to do this at the same time as Ctrl+A, you do them in sequence rather than at the same time). Then click into the 'Reply to this topic' field on the forum and wait a moment for the formatting buttons/controls to appear. Then hit Ctrl+V and hopefully your text will appear after a short pause.
  11. Superb! I have a little longer to wait with my son (he's 2 and a half!)
  12. To be clear - I still think 2.4 is, in the most part, great
  13. It's the cloud shadows I think. I haven't tested all scenarios of shadows being on/off but it also seems to vary wildly depending on if you have the sun in your field of view or not. Well yeah, there's that as well but I'm not buying the more resource intensive line. Calculating a cloud shadow is just calculating an area of shadow and shouldn't be affected by the height of the sun. Also, it's not a gradual framerate loss as the sun goes down, it is like a switch that occurs when the sun reaches a certain point and it suddenly goes from 30fps to single figures. That is a bug in my book.
  14. They definitely need to sort out the frame rate tanking at sunrise/sunset when you have shadows on. Thought it would be sorted in 2.4 but alas not. My system can maintain a decent frame rate now in pretty much all situations apart from sunrise/sunset and then it can easily hit single figures!
  15. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: You'd hit the wingtip on something before you'd even made the runway. That's if you got moving in the first instance.
  16. In terms of downloading the files - I first started off doing it the long way by downloading 1 file at a time. Obviously quite a painstaking task! What I didn't realise is that as I have a Google account with my own Google Drive, that I had linked all of the folders to my Drive and that I have the Google Drive client on my Win7 machine (it's very well integrated - my Google Drive just shows as another drive in explorer) it would sync all of the files onto my machine while I left it on (I guess it just downloads in the background).
  17. Same here! Yes it's been broken down into grids based on the never-released SIRX project. What I did was the following: Used 7zip to unpack all of the folders in 4 goes (by multi-selecting 100 files in explorer and right clicking and then selecting something like 'Expand here' from what I remember). It took a bit of time but each zip file unpacked into its own folder with 'scenery' and 'texture' subfolders. I put all of these folders into a folder called 'Italy Photoscenery'. I then used the excellent Scenery Config Editor and its handy 'Generate from directory' functionality to do all of the hard work for me in scenery.cfg - all I did was select the 'Italy Photoscenery' parent folder and it creates all of the entries in scenery.cfg for the (hundreds of) subfolders. Go and fly!
  18. Freeware? Project Airbus A320 series works nicely, Project Opensky/SkySpirit 737, 747 and 767 work just fine as well. JustFlight's freemium 757 also works well.
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