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Everything posted by lthendrix

  1. Wow that must have been somthing! It is said that tons of material fall to earth each day. so maybe it isnt as unlikely as it seems ... it is a wild weird world after all even without people!
  2. not exactly free but I took Alejandro Rojas cockpit and replaced the pfd and mfd with the friendly panels 737 guages and 2d cockpit in my default 737. fun as all get out.
  3. I have my traffic 2013 and once when I deleted my config file and let it rebuild all of my traffic was gone also even the default . Did you happen to delete or change your config file? I solved my problem by re installing the ai traffic program. good luck
  4. I am also interested in this as I suspect that afcads in my traffic 2013 and orbx afcads may not be playing nice together causing g3d.dll errors in my norcal scenery. but I thought that as long as the orbx entries are above my traffic in the scenery library all should be ok. lets see what others have to say.
  5. Sorry, but based on your reasoning I can assure you, you would never be in charge of this country. Your theory borders on the ridiculous. The navy would be blowing asylum seekers out of the water every day if that was the case. If the RAAF had shot down the aeroplane I seriously doubt they woild have taken this long to locate it, and I could think of many other things to blow your theory out of the sky. Can we try to not to stray into the "ridiculous" speculation and await facts, if it is not too much to ask? From all the stuff I have seen in my life ..Ridiculous is the new normal. 10-4 though mate, I did not mean to offend anybody. I will bow out now ....good luck!
  6. I work in El cajon california I know plenty of persians. I am not stating that the intent of a hijacking was terrorism ... maybe they want to go to Australia. for the same reasons you stated. and there was no way except stolen passports. the problem is it is not the same world it used to be and all I am saying Matt is that if I was in charge of a place like Australia and was informed that a non communicating aircraft was approaching my shores. and it was not supposed to be there I would order it out of the sky. Just a theory about what happened to the plane. I know all people everywhere for the most part just want to live in peace and be left alone. And perhaps just perhaps that was the case .... it would not be the first time that a plane was taken over by folks seeking "escape" from whatever troubles they come from. whatever the case as the news says the flight "ended" as this discussion should . I just wanted to purpose my "whacky conspiracy theory" before the mods lock this thread peace out friend !
  7. Really .. what country would allow a non communicating jetliner inside there airspace after 911 ?. basic facts...... like communications turned off my theory is no more wacky then a meteorite........ or a black hole.! and do you think any one would admit to shooting down such a plane.? so thanx for your critique of my "conspiracy" theory.
  8. I think that those two Iranians Hi jacked the plane to go to Australia .. OZZy saw that and did not want there own 911 so they shot it out of the sky
  9. Your points are valid in my humble opinion Dillion!
  10. Thanks for your time and dedication to bring Avsim back online I appreciate it as many others do i am sure!
  11. glad to see some feel the same way I do about addon manager ... I swear it hindered my performance and gave me stutters that disappeared when it was uninstalled. I wont ever use anything that uses that.
  12. I have seen this subject mentioned before and was hoping Gypsy Baron or some one could walk me through getting this accomplished
  13. Unfortunately I searched my box for said file but I don't seem to have it I wonder if MS removed it on my last update or nvidia removed it on its update? I guess the only way to find out is waste some time and see as the OP did
  14. I had this same error .. Peej can you expound on this "fix" ?
  15. ............with a brain....a brain.... abrian...........
  16. Hi folks if you think the younger generation is getting less intelligent look in the mirror if you have children and listen to the television read through the lines... the ones on your face and what the tv sells there might not be a real detrimental outcome of a less intelligent population .... if your the only one with a brain....
  17. Great post Dillon best thing I read all week ! life is much simpler when one when just concedes people suck and move on . y'all have a lovely day now.
  18. I have been flying both..... I think they are both good. If your like me and like the b 200 and can afford it get both I have been having a great time in both of them all I fly lately are those 2 b 200 and the f1 citation mustang... Oh and the areosoft otter extended. One thing relly neat about the flight 1 b 200 is the wear and damage module.
  19. Hi all Here is what I ran into . I have the t 182 and tbm 850 . After i INSTALLED THE PC 12 the g 1000 displays in both of these birds was messed up (lettering too big for the spaces ) it mucked up my displays. even after deleting config file and pc 12 and both carenados planes and a reinstall of only the carenado planes the problem persisted. and was only solved by a full re install of fsx .....(good times !) so just be careful out there some older software does not play nice with the new stuff. If any one could explain why this happened ( I have an idea) please enlighten me and if there was an easier fix the the dreaded re install let this forever noob know will ya ?
  20. when flying at night try setting your water slider in fsx to 1x low maybe that will help
  21. Thanx Mr. Attwood that really made me laugh. A good belly laugh too!
  22. come to think of it you can get a pretty realistic radio navigation scenario in the default 172 with all the stuff to the right and my traffic 2013 at 30 percent with rex at real word weather 100 mile vis in overcast conditions with most photo or land class scenery I love fooling with knobs and buttons but I also appreciate a good view Otherways I would just fly by night......
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