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Everything posted by gizmosellsbunnys

  1. Waiting for the big letdown as dovetail can't add in all features users demand this is entertainment product not P3D and FSX.
  2. Dovetail should avoid what FSX and Xplane models they won't work with new generation of users and prefer quality over 25,000 airports done by vector data. GTA V model combined with Eurotruck and American Truck Simulator scenery to have general avaiton, planes cars and semi trucks in a condensed world would be awesome. I figure it's futile one-up FSX or Xplane world nowdays. Gotta combine train, truck, driving sims or the project will fail for dovetail.
  3. The next flight-sim needs to bring in new users and without new users it fails regardless what the hardcore users want.
  4. disagree, as photoscenery is what keeps me using FSX as you can use skyvector sectionals and fly accurately. Dovetail needs to be careful and GTA V approach is not practical at all it's built like a game.
  5. rather see work on weather engine and clouds worked on. Don't expect much difference till newer version of Xplane like 11 comes out. Easier money made with tablet apps as there less overhead and fatter profit margin, and coding is easier on tablets no legacy code or products to support.
  6. carenado planes the steam gauges just great for me no way going to read 600 page PMDG manual. I fly C172 carenado in Xplane and FSX it's my vfr plane of choice very forgiving to land and fly. Carenado ga planes modeling and phyiscs every long time simmer know they are not as accurate use A2A planes. Still, use carenado general aviation planes for basic eye candy cruise.
  7. I have two computers with windows 7 installed so all test one with windows ten and no problems for 6 months then all put version 10 on other computer.
  8. Your good to go for fsx and xplane 10 for most part. If the rumors are true only being 4% to 8% gain with skylake I7 6700K cpu, I just get what you have now.
  9. ETS2 103 hours racked up and I'm sure ATS will rack up more lolol. Promods maps are great especially Germany rebuild so much smoother driving. ATS server will be overload with downloads to buy as some of us been using 18 WOS for 10 years.
  10. People still use fs9 because of add on cant get for fsx and can run fs9 on average computer without needing to upgrade everything. Even if dovetail product came out in 2017 I doubt will see hardcore people move away from fsx or P3d right away.
  11. They need younger generation and DTG target is 80% of users they are not going to cater to P3D group or PMDG they are too hard to satisfy some of them anyways. It's gotta be DLC by state or country I am fine with it if far better than fsx world and Xplane one we look down at. Look at European Truck Simulator DLC with airfields and DLC being airfields and scenery by region. Need eye candy to sell things to younger non hardcore group. I don't mind buying 5 good airports with chickens walking along or ducks moving slow along the pond in Sweden or Minnesota. Sure they will have workshop on steam offer up free plugins and free airfields or scenery the old ways of doing business won't work with dovetail. I don't care fsx airfields anyways as they all off on more rural ones. buildings and beacons moving them like root canal on computer screen. Be like cities unlimited game on steam get free Lego for your small airfield. Just see lots of 3rd party developers going byebye with dovetail that I am fine with because there no quality controls for payware DTG gonna make some of us very happy and others enraged and upset. Can't be things to all people.
  12. I want ashtray burned interior 1979 Dodge Ram pickup truck with empty glass beer bottles rolling in the bed with country tunes blasting. I won't bother with racing games as my motor skills get worse with time.
  13. Microsoft will likely offer windows 10 for free as they got mobile apps to peddle Nowdays.
  14. I think MS flight its base to work with on DTG flight sim getting a feel with suggestions which approach to take, but I figure Orbx will be in the mix behind the scenes.
  15. The next flight sim needs to bring in new users and system depth that Xplane or FSX may take backseat at first, but I believe dovetail gonna have to take though choices and some will revolt go back to P3D or Xplane. Complex Weather systems, checklists, systems depth probably something I would not prioritize at first, I would slowly add in with time. This is entertainment product, therefore, can't be set it up like P3d or Xplane product at first. Always small hardcore group I ignore those users and reach to more pragmatic and realist users to help out build flight sim engine. The thing for me is SDK kit the the rest is side show. I can live with FSX plus and also be okay with missing buildings at airports if SDK kit allows modications and Lego bricks to DIY your own airfield at first.
  16. Think long term of course makes most sense but short term think getting good base replacement of FSX should be the goal for now. Build the good footings that what the sim does need everything right away, and a flight sim base engine should be goal for now, like nav data setup like Xplane so it easier to update practical items for now. Very likely Microsoft flight engine will be its base.
  17. Dovetail known to sell lots of DLC with train simulator and they have needle to thread here for them to strike the right balance will be difficult to achieve for company that size. They will need players like Orbx, A2A, Carenado to help with building a sim engine, and open SDK is essitenal and they make it too closed it will fail. Dovetail will need to provide itself a revenue stream with this endeavor ideas like subscription model will fail as will being only provider aircraft and scenery. Dovetail new player in the market and Xplane and P3D know the limitations of what they can do with flight sims. It's like building transcontinental railroad for the first time mistakes are gonna be made along development and contingency plans are needed. The flight sim market is risky venture for a company this size.
  18. In all it still heavy coding involved with it and it may cost prohibitive for dovetail to take that approach also. Lots of unknowns about the project how much budget they working with or what technology Microsoft allow to use and not to allow we do not know that. They got permission to use Microsoft technology but the devil in the details.
  19. I do agree what your saying is for most part true as there too many unknown about dovetail staff and budget, and people want it all for a price of $60.00 can't see it happening. Steam FSX users have no idea that rebuilding sim engine would take time to do and starting over will mean items will left out at first it be 5 to 10 years before FSX or P3D will find replacement in dovetail. SCS made Scanavidan DLC for Eurotruck Simulator 2 the base of that ETS2 was German And UK Truck sim maps from 2009 and 2011 and feature updates over 5 to 6 years. American Truck will take far longer because the size of North America. I see Dovetail to build product users want they are gonna have to break it down to simpler projects or learn outsource a lot to 3rd parties.
  20. It's gonna have to take ms flight approach to sell airfields and DNC. I think it will be Xplane mix with European Truck simulator type buildings and objects setup, but to sustain itself gonna need to sell airfields as DLC. They may give you regions like North America or Europe free with regional autogen and vector data with moving cars, and trains, and two free airfields and cessna or cub plane to start with. Orbx will selling airfields by the boatload and if budget limited dovetail will provide Legos to build ga fields.
  21. Orbx business practices does not surprise me they done this. They are talented bunch of developers and artist but thier CEO is arrogant jerk. Steam only for first 90 days for thier future products not a nice way to treat old time users.
  22. Still, good reason for keeping it under wraps to prevent resources being wasted on features not essential for flight simmers and to keep project rolling and within budget. Transparency is not always good with doing new projects at times.
  23. Dovetail software gotta be careful here can't be all things to all simmers. I would as dovetail not said a word about this venture till a product was in Alpha stage. Memories of MS flight and FSX come to mind.
  24. Cynical of Dovetail intentions as FSX is high hurdle to replace without 3rd party help. 2016 release date sounds unrealistic.
  25. Dovetail gonna need 3rd developers and release SDK would be advised. Anything that will replace FSX is pole vault bar to overcome. If dovetail thinks all can be done in house DLC face plant.
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