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Everything posted by arsenal82

  1. read all about fsuipc and dtg here: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/81536-dovetail-flight-school-fsuipc/
  2. at fsdeveloper they are already scanning and analyse the images: comparing : http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/flight-sim-world.439996/
  3. yes Aimee freeware allowed - that is good but who is going to hold the copyrights ? it is written in all your eula that any freeware work is your basically and you can use as you pleased. will this be the case for the fsw eula ?
  4. they will have to sell tons of addons to pay: steam dtg tax man / woman customer support updates wages licences (if needed)
  5. Same here as i do not need another fsx or another flightschool
  6. From the images look like old issues of popping autogen and blurried textures at distance remain unresolved at the moment
  7. Dtg eula are strict they own all freeware copyrights if you develop payware you need theyr permission to market your products for the sim basically you can not sell anything on your own initiative
  8. Best sim available without any questions ! now and next 10 years for sure
  9. In the meantime, we expect to have a detailed development update for you in the New Year. note the word 'Detailed' from the dictionary this is what the word 'Detailed' mean: 'having many details or facts; showing attention to detail' not that i worry; does not change anybody life; but the way Dtg communicate has never been anything i would call straight forward to really put on black and white what are working on. This new sim after 2 or 3 years and thousands of forums posts / discussions still is vapour software - even so 'Detailed' updated informations where expected to be released ages ago. If this is what detailed mean for them; than the simulator will sure be a basic simulator.
  10. maybe dtg can stop promise and deliver nothing than the few tantrums might go to rest
  11. All this hot air from dtg would have been enough to send a 🎈 into orbit in 2 minutes
  12. Good choice best sim right now and things can only get better
  13. it looked like all these modern sims take time to develop - in that sense you perfectly right.
  14. Xp11 off course still in beta - and quite smooth if it is crawling like molasses - is time for a new system- i fly it full setting and steady on 30 to 40 fps - mind you - the Pc is new - and up to the job - .
  15. is continuously updating - every single time - no log - nothing - Uninstalled had enough of it and stick to liveless or steamless XP11 !!
  16. by the way; do anybody know how to change the icon on the map ? i used to see the little airplane to show my position - but not see an arrow - and could not find out to change to show the plane shaped icon. tx
  17. if it can be of any help - make sure if you re-installed the gtn few times already you still have activation keys available - as that was my problem and have to reset the installation keys from flight1 customers service web site.
  18. finally !! is working i have to reset the licence key from flight1 customers service web site and it come back to like again ! thanks for your help much appreciated ray
  19. ahh ok i actually moved all files from the C:\ProgramData\RealityXP folder into the plugin folder let me tray to follow your instructions see what happen tx still getting the black screen with nothing on it - if i move the mouse over i can see is active look like there clickable functions but se nothing on it.
  20. Hi After installation i could not see any dll files in rxp plugin folder Search system for the files dll and found them in application data rxp folder I move them into the rxp plugin folder but now i only get the black screen with nothing in it At the moment is not sorted. When i wrote sorted i mean. That i have found the dll files
  21. Got same problem after update Also on windows 10 black screen with red writing. Gtn750-1 on bottom left
  22. hi thanks for your time (I suspect there is a GTN_750_1 or similar written in red to the bottom of the window?) yes that is what I get now - exactly as you described - how can I fix it ?
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