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Everything posted by arsenal82

  1. good day do anybody have a clue why after updating to this new version (6211 trainer installed) i only see a semi-transparent black window with nothing in it when activate the gtn 750 ? tx
  2. good day after install is complete there is no trace for the dll files only the 64 and 32 folder are actually there inside the plugin\rxpGTN folder thanks for your help - try 2 different pc but same results can you just quickly explain where exactly all the file are after installation ?
  3. Take off and Landing out and back to Lukla - Cessna Grand Caravan Cockpit (featuring modified carenado model) - Xp11 and freeware Lukla scenery.
  4. if flightschool is anything to go by - they have a Lifetime before they catch-up with XP11 and Laminar; not only on simulator level but also as company policies / restrictions applied to their products.
  5. thanks i though i had read something about it before keep up the good work !
  6. good day is there any possibility to have the gtn 750 fixed to be able to dragged into a new window in xp 11 ? it is possible to dragg default xp11 map into a new window; i suppose that a change into your gtn can fix the problem as at the moment can not be moved from main screen. tx
  7. Short flight over London - recorded from inside cockpit !
  8. yea possible i have 2 yokes - i use lua too but not right now - i have also tested with lua before i change the prf file - still crashing. Only when i empty the resources folder - restart the sim worked. i than put back all my files and leave the new prf worked. as long as it works - it is all well ! - worth the pain - this new beta is smooooth like silk in flight !
  9. i have rebuild the preferences folder the crash i described above is caused by the X-Plane Joystick Settings.prf empty preferences folder and let xplane build a new one and replace it in your original preferences folder now it start - and managed to keep all my settings as before - just have to re-calibrate yokes / pedals
  10. rebooted but still crash Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type) at System.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.System.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout) at XPlane10.SPADServiceProxy.CheckConnection() 0:01:46.161 W/SCN: Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/apt.dat: 0:01:46.161 W/SCN: Traffic flow rule of airport EGHJ found in file indicated above does not contain a valid 1100 runway use rule. Without runway, the rule is incomplete. I'm ignoring this rule. 0:01:46.161 W/SCN: Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/apt.dat: 0:01:46.161 W/SCN: Traffic flow rule of airport EGHJ found in file indicated above does not contain a valid 1100 runway use rule. Without runway, the rule is incomplete. I'm ignoring this rule. 0:01:46.325 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal 0:01:46.325 D/FCG: MTBF set to 10000.0 hours 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: | Null texture - how? 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: | 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: | ref= 388 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: | 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: | (tman.cpp:288) 0:01:50.782 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --=={This application has crashed!}==--
  11. RealityXP Garmin GTN 750/650 Lovely thanks - and I enjoy it a lot ! however just to let you know; I also understand that xp11 is a beta version; gtn750 at times crash xp11 when starting the sim - not always but just at times. would be great if it can be sorted ! tx
  12. yes please very important to be able to have it running on a secondary screen if fly home built cockpits.
  13. Not sure you have flew xp11 i leave that up to you By the way how old do you think esp code is?? Im sure you know Dtg use esp code also exaclty as P3D
  14. what do you think DTG can improve in FSX engine than Lockheed Martin has already improved ? already available and with tons of addons out there; compatible with existing hardware; the list can go on and on.
  15. bought it installed moved xp10 default scene to fly quick Great Stuff !! much smother - and visually improved this sim will go a loooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg way !!!
  16. Potential is there along with all the tools you possiby need to have fun with And thanks to LR for understand and deliver to their best of their abilities a real sim and not a steam toy
  17. how about multiple windows views support ? if i understand correctly is now implemented - or i am wrong ? tx
  18. and you made a good point: get xplane 11 if you want different
  19. windows live number 2?
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