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Everything posted by arsenal82

  1. got em all fsx box fsx se p3d fsw that make it 4 - they all brothers ! and live happy in my hd
  2. well taking in consideration that fsx was sold to us 4 times i reckon the one been abused are us to be honest.
  3. Dtg flightschool was on a 20 000 i heard ms flight was on about one million
  4. i think if you have a developer subscription you are also on p3d beta (v4 is beta ) maybe that is what he is talking about.
  5. Hi Aimee; thanks very much for your input and you are doing your job very well. You might not know feel free to say i do not know or whatever you like; you say there is no private club; how is than possible that some developers are already developing add on for Fsw while other developers do not even know if an Sdk will even be available to them ?
  6. Good day Aimee; just out of curiosity; what exactly is the function of the 'Third Party Team' ? I reckon there are quite few people currently do make addons and sold at various shops; one of the question that has never been answered despite being asked many times is 'What is the criteria' you follow to sell addons into Steam workshop ? Can any dev sell addons on your Steam workshop ? How exactly do you go by ? or is a private club that will cut out those who are actually not part of it ? It will be good to hear from you.
  7. Gibbage; some like monopoly some other dont. personally i will not support Dtg into their monopolistic ideas.
  8. well; i can also add: i have tested FS2004 bitmaps photorealistic scenery - that also work in flightschool; but it does not support alpha transparency.
  9. i have tested in flightschool installation of vectors bgl is straight forward; shape2vector - vectors bgl files can be installed straight away as in fsx in addons scenery folder you will have also configure manually the scenery library file to activate the files - and yes they work. (flightschool)
  10. + tax office on top and all other expenses = you work to keep the others going rather than yourself ? some wife here would not be happy !
  11. one question ladies and gents; there are so many developers enthusiast right here on this forum; regarding of what Fsw is or is not; how can Dtg expect to stop these simmers passion; replacing the Sdk with a mission editor ? Dtg like or not; the real FSX Engine and all FS serie was their Sdk. Mission editors are for 6 years old. This is based on assumption that Dtg is not interested in make the sdk available; as this is the impression given to me at least and others also.
  12. no default no - i am with you with addons yes - the interface is not too dissimilar - you add orbx + some pay aircraft - weather system - there you go.
  13. with the outdated FSX terrain engine - it will be very hard to get sloped runways; it will require a major update of the terrain engine code.
  14. well; interesting debate but - now you know who is actually pay for the free Fsw copies give away bonanza ! as they say; what goes up has to come down !!
  15. following your base logic it is right that a mechanic repair a mercedes will have to pay a fee to the car company that make the actual car for the repairs done ??? force the mechanic to work at car company workshops only ? and only allow certain mechanics to repair their cars ? Since when mechanics pay for projects to build a new car ?? with this kind of policy the destiny is already sealed. I understand Steam take its charge; is actually them they sell the addon and use their customers base; what Dtg is charging - for the rights to sell addons for the sim ?? what is Dtg Charge for? Car maker say to the mechanic; if you repair cars made by me - you got to pay for the rights to do so ?? does not sound right to me
  16. arsenal82


    get your point if you refer to my reply - it was to answer the question above - he asked - i replied and point a simmer i would say - to the right direction. (no pun intended).
  17. arsenal82


    If you like photorealistic scenery - well - XP is top of the class without any question asked go to : http://zonephoto.x-plane.fr/Cartes.php Europe at zoom 17 - available for free ! divided in tiles; and you place each downloaded tile into the xplane custom scenery folder; work either in xplane 10 or 11. ahhh - there is even custom autogen available at: http://simheaven.com/ and if you want to make it on your own for an area of your choice here is the tool: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/29120-ortho4xp/ i think you will have enough for the moment.
  18. arsenal82


    It is standard these days ! and will be for another 30 years.
  19. that is a different matter sorry misunderstood you
  20. nobody can stop Pmdg porting their products to P3D4 64 bit - steam or not - it has nothing to do with Dtg.
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