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Everything posted by arsenal82

  1. The new sim will be open to third party developers. It is completely up to them what sort of content they want to make for it. We will just be providing them with the tools to do so. All third party developers or the one chosen by Dtg ?? Please clarify your sentence On steam forum you said Only devs chosen by dtg will have sdk all 'others' will have to wait Only chosen dtg dev are allowed to produce payware All 'others' can only do freeware Correct me if we understand wrong
  2. that Read Eula that goes with the sim before develop anything
  3. Laminar done a great job with xp10 updates after updates - completely free and painless to download ! Great community support ! Will buy XP11 as soon is out ! and well done Laminar glad to support you all the way; looking forward to your new XP11 ! tx for posting
  4. :Big Grin: :Big Grin: :Big Grin: :Big Grin:
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/app/441920/discussions/0/350541595112296131/?ctp=5 a good read
  6. Laminar is rumored to be announcing X-Plane 11 at that same expo. :wub: :wub:
  7. Some very good points on this post. Points that matterIn my opinion one of the biggest question mark that will make or brake dtgfs will be the Eula condition developers have to follow In past release dtg games eula request that freeware devs do not hold copyrights of theyr works. Second dtg. Exclusively hold commercial rights to any commercial use of contents created for theyr games unless dev ls in agreement with dtg Dick have alredy touch this point in previous post, dev need to know theyr hard work belong to them and not to dtg and as such dev need to be free from this kind of restrictions and use theyr hard work spent hours as they pleased either to produce freeware or payware in return dtgfs platform will grow Im absolutely sure that all dev on this forum agree to this point It is very very very esy to understand what made fsx grow do not need millions of question.
  8. Taking in consideration the poor performance delivered by Dtg FlightSchool - the only way to play it for me is to disconnect all my hard-ware to avoid crash it - drop in performace after updates - in the end i have to uninstall it - how do you expect simmers will trust Dtg do deliver a full blow sim ?
  9. the software is poor -; if i ask for a refund i should bee entitled to be refunded and not denied.
  10. surely dtg has their hand full handling all the complaints they are kindly receiving ! by all those supposed new blood simmers.
  11. watch this space Dtg Martin will start the dtg fs campaign very soon and deliver another ball full of hot air very soon again !!
  12. If they carry on the way they do - wont last few years !
  13. the quicker you ask for a refund the better ! if you play more than 2 hours dtg will not refund!
  14. To my eye Dtg Flight School has done a damage to their (Flight Simulation) reputation taking in consideration the comments on steam; as steam users are the target customers and they simply reject it. They wil not fall for the full Sim Dlc trap (as somebody already described at the steam forum); those kids are advanced; smart; clever more than anybody can think of including Dtg.
  15. Aerofly Fs 2 is also out it also include a flight school
  16. There are quite few moaning that hardware is not working with flight school is not surpraising as to make sure compatibility you will have to test on each Never mind. Just chuck your expensive controls in the bin
  17. simmers always like to manipulate / change / create; is part of the hobby.
  18. not to put anything down; but after 6 hours of flightschool use i have to say - it really need addons injections to get back to sanity. If the upcoming sim is locked - or DLC based only i will steer well away from it.
  19. Do you want the support from everybody ? Than you got to make sure that the sim is for everybody - All ages - freeware dev - small payware dev - big payware dev - : turning the back to important flightsimulation sites that have been the supporting pilons of this hobby is another big mistake.
  20. as Tony said: DTG would have two products side by side for us simmers. So my suggestion to DTG is to never, never create a "closed" product in flight simming. they were warned many times !! Steam users are too much volatile - those that support Dtg on steam are the few hardcore simmers over there fsx steam version affectionados. by the way - i bought flight school to play with - god bless DTG.
  21. arsenal82


    Tell me what you like - but before going 64 bit with a (buggy code) the 32 bit should have been sort out - and only than go 64 bit you have to ask yourself who is doing the right thing here: Lockheed Martin - or - DTG ? i know the answer.
  22. arsenal82


    If flightschool is a sim call me Ronald Reagan !
  23. The platform will be open to third party developers, and they are free to use the technology and produce whatever add-on content they wish. Again, just like FSX and other flight simulators. - Martin" if it is just like FSX and other flight simulators the other simulators have Sdk and those who work with the sdk are also free to do what they like with the end product - either sell it or release as freeware - I wonder if Martin know about that (with all respect for him). Let's see if DTG will stick to their words ' are free to use the technology and produce whatever add-on content they wish. Again, just like FSX and other flight simulators' or is going to be pie in the sky statement ! without exactly knowing what can be done with the 'other simulators SDK'. To be honest i will take any statement with a pinch of salt !
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