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Everything posted by DetCord

  1. I likely won't be returning. The amount of trolls here at this community is simply mind-boggleing. All future updates can be seen here - http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/84615-100-accurate-american-repaint/
  2. Everytime I see a comment like this I'm always reminded of this - http://i.imgur.com/WbShfa1.png dead link And this is why so many consider the flight sim community as being pompous, elitist and overcome with a grandiose sense entitlement. Nothing ever seems to be good enough, and individuals always have a reason to ######, moan and complain. I don't even know why I even try anymore. Forget it.
  3. I'm actually stuck at the tail. Hate to say it, but I am. It's a very slow process with this one as every minute detail keeps cropping up. I keep going back to the completed sections to repaint the individual doors and or warning signs. The paint is still a WIP for AXE, and I'm currently in contact with John Glanville in hopes that he can help progress the project toward completion.
  4. A month ago I contact American Airlines requesting any help they could provide in producing a entirely accurate reproduction of their colors currently in use. Needless to say, I didn't expect them to return my email, but they did. They provided the hex codes, RGB's, samples and even aircraft schematics detailing where the 20 different colors (yeah, 20!) are painted. I also had to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement stating that I would never reveal or provide any of the materials to the public, something I was wary of to begin with. Needless to say, this is the most in-depth and time consuming paint I've ever done. Preview images
  5. I'm wary of a product when their own website is full of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Plus, they've disallowed comments on their YT videos. Me thinks they don't like open and unmoderated discussions.
  6. The engine has been in development since 2006, and it's still essentially where it was in 2011 with regards to a development suite for non-commercial applications. Still, my point stands. It would necessitate a studio purchasing a license, a large investiture of capital, and thousands of hours of work by a large team to move Outerra past a Work in Progress Tech Demo and into the realm of flight sim development.
  7. Too bad it's (Outerra) stuck in a perpetual state of undefined development. Barring a flight sim dev purchasing a license, it'll never progress toward replacng FSX, P3D or XP.
  8. No worries mate. The trial is good for 30 days. Here's a good place to start - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQ_ZkYaMe6qPoueUyPQgpQ
  9. The key phrase there is; "If you're familiar with Photoshop". Which you've stated you aren't, hence my previous statement. And no, PSE won't do the job as it's only a image manipulation and publishing suite. However, the instructions you posted look easy enough to follow, if you know what you're doing. Point is, you'd have to alter a lot of DDS and BMP files and that also entails checking every single one, which could be a daunting task dependant upon the amount of AI textures/airlines you have installed. Here is a example of what I was talking about in regards to my aforementioned statement concerning PS and the learning curve. Where do you begin? If you're still hell-bent on doing this, then simply DL the Photoshop Trial and we'll walk you through the process. I still think it's overlty redundant and unnecessary but hey...
  10. Pfft... good luck with that mate. That's a extremely time consuming process for those of us that are experienced in CS, not too mention the fact that you'd have to check each and every single dds file to ensure it has to approiate LM. Photoshop is not a program that can be learned in a day. It can take weeks or even months to master the basics and intermediate aspects. If you're willing to jump in and give it a try, I'd suggest downloading the 30 day trial for Photoshop via Adobe's website. Don't buy it. Older versions are still retailing anywhere from $600-1K. That said, most of the new repaints for AI traffic for already has that done. http://www.adobe.com/downloads.html http://www.juergenbaumbusch.de/ http://www.flyingcarpet75.com/
  11. Hopefully someone can help me resolve this. Inspector Settings: May be hard to tell from the screen but the foliage here and other objects appear scratchy I suppose is the best way to describe it, or pixelated. Aircraft look great, it's the terrain features that look odd. The contrast lines on the horizon in the skybox are easily visible.
  12. Are you running any of the addons I mentioned above or some other type of scenery other than Orbx products?
  13. Bummer mate. It's one of my favorite airport destinations. I tried (for ###### and giggles) to DL the P3D version, but it states the link is broken.
  14. Anyone familiar with this site? http://www.azurafiles.com/index.php Looking for the FSX version that was available a while back.
  15. Well uhh, ahem, I fixed it. I was running Traffic 360, wasn't happy with it at all and decided to uninstall it and go back to WoAI. All of the elevation and terrain issues are now gone. If you guys are running a Traffic addon or something else that adds buildings or assets like GSX, you might wanna try and deactivate or uninstall them and see if it fixes the issue.
  16. Running Global+Vector+OpenLC. I've run the config tool more times than I can count and these problems persist. Disabling Vector in the scenery library fixes said issues, however, I did pay for Vector so I'd like to use it. Any Ideas? Examples: Vagar Brussels National
  17. And the analog systems tend to put a lot of people off. I know it does for me. 787 perhaps?
  18. The Flightsim Store FTP's are broken, likely due to being completely overloaded. The Official Orbx Patch downloads are tossed as well, minus a few Google Drive links. Every time today I've attempted to DL a patch for Global, Vector, England or even the Libs was met with a corrupted Zip file or a file that failed to download in it's entirety. This is where the 7 P's come into place... Then of course there's this nifty little message on the Google Drive DL for the Vector 1.15 patch... :mad:
  19. For AXE. http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/2728-airbus-a320-iae-british-airways-open-skies/ http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/2729-airbus-a320-iae-british-airways-world-cup/
  20. Thanks for the down vote igneousrocklad, it's greatly appreciated, mate. Especialy without feedback. What a troll like response. If you think something is wrong or should be changed, then post away. Simply down voting something with such a specific criteria without respone is asinine. This system AVS has adopted is infantile to say the least. I surely see my days posting here as numbered. EDIT - Could a moderator remove my account please. I'd rather not have the ability to post with such loathsome individuals.
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