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  1. I wasn't going to grab this, however the aircraft has always intrigued me. I'm glad I got it. The texture work is really nice, external, cockpit and soundset all really immersive. Feels like a heavy, long range bomber. Subsonic, long range bomber well represented in the sim. It's a must buy in my opinion. Jase
  2. Yep. Trim works well. no issues. I hope they can get the pitch switch bindings sorted. Works well in the F28, but not the 727. SHould be able to find a fix though hopefully. Jase
  3. Yep - same for me. The issue is with the pitch wheel on the autopilot panel. Not trim.
  4. Yes - it works fine (Trim). It's the pitch wheel that we are looking to bind. I'm having issues with that as well. Jase
  5. Once you purchase from them you can transfer it over to Contrail as of now. Most first day purchasers were doing that yesterday - details are over on FSS Discord. Jase
  6. Hi Mate, I spent a heap of time in it yesterday and the performance in DX12 with FG and TAA was awesome. No issues that I could see. Jase
  7. 100% - Best thread in a while. That MD-11 is good though. Jase
  8. It's a hypothetical mate. All good. Just saying that product placement and logos appear on quite alot of sim software and if anyone was to apply the OP requests, you could make a case to get refunds on other software. That's all. Jase
  9. That's how I see it. The top right hand corner logo that comes up is the name of the product, Flow Pro. It's not Parallel 42. It's showing you what's been opened. I agree with you Tuskin38. I see branding all over the place in the sim. We going to get to a point where we ask PMDG for a refund? What about Fenix with their branding on the EFB? Where does it end? The OP is going to end up getting a refund for everything? Jase
  10. I don't understand why you'd knock back buying this just because they use Discord. Their discord page is setup really well, with separate general chat, update and support areas. The dev, support and moderator personnel are all on there actively engaging with the community. Well done TFDI. Jase
  11. Has anyone else spotted the blade runner reference on the wall behind the jump seats? Jase
  12. Love this message. Mir - Our virtual flying community (`800 members) have majority picked up your product. And like all FB sceneries, absolutely brilliant work. Disappointing to see opposing devs operate this way, doesn't say much for their business culture and hasn't gone unnoticed. Keep up the great work mate. Jase
  13. Thanks for the note. Just like everyone on this forum, I respect and understand your position. Like me, you have an opinion. Keep enjoying your virtual flights. Jase
  14. I understand and can't begrudge you of what you think. I respect you and your position on it. Jase
  15. I'm not trolling. Have a look through my post history, that's not what I do. It's just my opinion without rehashing what's already been raised by those here and in other forums regards the software shortfall. There's some that see it how I wrote it and there's some that don't. It's okay to voice an opinion, just like the myriad of addons for MSFS that people either love or hate. Your opinion is that my note was shortsighted, my opinion is that it was quick and to the point. Have the best day. Jase
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