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  1. prime example of why discord with mods work and old forums don't. Go necro a thread from 2001 like the cool kids are doing...
  2. I am also using 512.95 and was during my testing. No issues for me at all with this version.
  3. See Cpt_Piett's post on page two of this thread, and as he stated above for detailed instructions. There are 8 files that I deleted after searching for "photogrammetry cities" and clicking on the list view in the screen that you shared. I was really amazed at the difference that change made for me. I hope you have the same success!
  4. After a successful clean install of MSFS and a clean install of Nvidia drivers, I was getting 12-16 FPS loading directly to runway in the bonanza. after takeoff, i was getting 24-28 FPS in flight (Graphics settings on Ultra, Terrain LOD at 300). In seeking assistance, I found your thread. Here is what I was able to accomplish thanks to your tips and tricks! (each change that was made got a full reboot before re-launching MSFS. Sat on runway for minimum 60 seconds before recording FPS and taking off)) Nvidia Control Panel settings: changed MSFS 3D settings to match yours (except I left Low Latency Mode to OFF), leaving everything in the sim the same (I do not use Nvidia Experience). 18-22 FPS on runway, 32-36 FPS in flight (+8 FPS) Other Tweaks: HAGS - It was already off so I left it that way. (no change made) Game mode: Already disabled. (no change made) Disable NDU: changed registry to disable. No immediate difference in FPS, but only doing very short flights at this time. Superfetch: Disabled. Loading of the sim and short flight felt smoother even though the FPS was little changed. 19-24 FPS on runway, 32-38 FPS in flight (+1-2 FPS) Change core affinities: I left this as the "last resort" option and did not alter anything. I know my CPU is the bottleneck. (no change made) Photogrammetry Cities: Removed all eight. I have to admit, I was skeptical that it would change anything. 34-42 FPS runway, 48-56 FPS in flight (+16 FPS) WOW Terrain LOD: I was beyond happy with that, but also decided to lower the Terrain LOD from 300 to 200, just to see what it would do to the FPS and to see what the visual difference was. 48-52 FPS on runway, 58-66 FPS in flight (+10-12 FPS) The visual difference was small enough to say yes to another 10-12 FPS! There is no way I could have done this so quickly or easily (if at all) without the information you provided. The additional goodies that were new to me (windy.com, Volanta and descent.vercel.app) were like the icing on an already perfect cake. I cannot begin to thank you enough for sharing!
  5. the default aircraft frequently have specific files altered, sometimes not for the better (SU4, SU5 come to mind right off). That would be the reason to backup the official folder in the event you need a specific file. Sorry my good intentions stirred up such toxic hostility.
  6. With the big updates only two days away, now is the time to make a backup of your "community" folder, and maybe even your "official" folder. Before you tuck in for the evening after a great flight, put that hard drive to work and save your stuff! I hope none of it is needed, but better to have and not need than to need and not have. Blue skies to all!
  7. I took the new Bonanza Turbo v.4 for a spin across central Florida last evening and it was the first time I noticed no beacons except my departure airport. Thought it was strange, but it was late and didn't think anymore about it. Never noticed that before that flight, and I run that route frequently, day and night.
  8. This is like Christmas early! Thank you so much for one of the best mods for the best aircraft in the sim! So happy that you are feeling better!
  9. Thank you so much for keeping her air-worthy! The Bonanza community is in your debt.
  10. I would love a copy as well, as I didn't make a backup before the update. Lesson learned. Thanks in advance!
  11. You can download the Stream Deck software (https://www.elgato.com/en/downloads) without actually buying the device, so you can get a feel of how things work and how you set them up on the software side. I did this as kind of a preview before purchasing. What an amazing device and software. The abilities are simply endless and go far beyond MSFS or streaming.
  12. Since this thread is full of knowledgeable G36 enthusiasts, can anyone tell me what the white strip (with the black screws) above the instrument panel is? My only guess is some sort of barrier between the avionics and the magnetic compass, but I am not certain. My OCD wants it painted badly... 🙂
  13. really beautiful! I can see the light blue interior getting old quickly, but otherwise, a stunning livery. Those lights are really nice too. Thanks for posting!
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