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About richardnobes14

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    South Australia
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    Flight Sim (of course!)

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. Try somewhere between 3990 and 4500 kgs of fuel as the air distance between YSSY and YBBN is only about 350nm. And really? 5000kg reserve? The "normal" alternate for YBBN is YBCG and sometimes YSSY only 50nm and 350nm respectively away. 5000kg of fuel assumes that your planned alternate is something like YPAD or NZAA. No wonder you're struggling to climb with figures like that
  2. What "FSX modification" skills are you talking about. Contrary to what you think the 777 was provided with an AIRAC file that is rather recent, far more recent than the 19 year old FSX NAV DATABASE. I'm not quite sure when all this "FSX modification" occurs. All I do (and probably what 95% of all users of this forum do) is download a new AIRAC every month with brings everything in the FMC bang up to date. No hard labour, no tinkering and no modification.
  3. Well actually.............this isn't entirely true. The PMDG FMC derives all of it's data from an installation of an AIRAC cycle (Yes! even the one that came with the product for FREE!!) It gets nothing from FSX for navigation. It uses a series of files to get a list of all the waypoints, airways, airports and navaids. It gets NONE of this from FSX. The FSX default navigation database dates back to 1995. This means that the majority of airways and waypoints are nearly 19 years old. In simple terms this means they are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. So despite your best efforts you will never "get the PMDG FMC to see the FSX world" Because everything the FMC uses comes from an AIRAC. The default FSX NAV info uses a completely different system that is designed only to work the FSX default aircraft, NOT to integrate with add ons. Unless you discover a way to use that wretched FSX GPS thing. The FSX NAV DATA has no way of communicating with any PMDG product because everything the PMDG aircraft needs is located in it's own little folder. I'm no expert but surely FSX NAV DATA could never be integrated because it's like integrating apples with oranges. The PMDG uses an AIRAC based system and the FSX system uses a series massively outdated files thrown together to give some idea of airways, solely for use with the inbuilt FSX flight planning feature. So please do yourself a favour and spend the $8 a month or whatever small price it is to keep the NAV DATA updated. Yes! they good people at aerosoft or Navigraph do all the hard work for you. All you have to do is download and install the little file. Magic!
  4. You'll probably find that the advances in development/simulation that were included in the 777 will be pushed out into the NGX in the form of another Service Pack. I'd imagine this would be sometime after the 777 service pack is released.
  5. Check your calibration settings using the Control Manager if you use a CH product and also review and recalibrate your FSX and FSUIPC (if applicable) control settings.
  6. The config you have ordered might even be slight overkill but future proofed at the same time. even with my specs (and they are none too special) I get 20-30FPS (externally limited to 30FPS) at busy airports and always bang on 30FPS in flight. You should have no problems for sure.
  7. I doubt there will even be a drop of information out SP2 until well after the T7 release
  8. richardnobes14

    PFD Clock

    I could be wrong here but I'd say that the "removal" of the clock is more of a customer option rather than be standard across the entire new B777 fleet.
  9. When no ATC speed is given the VNAV speed restriction can be cancelled and the aircraft CAN actually exceed 250kts below 10,000
  10. Always remember to save your downloads. It will save you the hassle of using the extended download service. Storage is cheap!
  11. Set a higher or the same altitude than you currently are flying at in the MCP window and then click V/S, you will notice you will be descending or climbing (depending on what V/S you set) as I'm sure you are aware of regardless of what the altitude in the MCP window is. Here's a made up scenario: You level off at 1,000ft after descending in V/S. You then forget to change the altitude in the MCP window but you set the V/S window to -800fpm. You will descend and the plane can do nothing to stop it and as you are flying a normal approach V/S you wont get any GPWS warnings provided that by 1000ft all gear and flap would be configured. If you take your eye off the ball you will could end up flying straight into the ground in particular circumstances, again which i'm sure you are very aware of. I was just raising awareness of that particular situation. But then properly monitored V/S has many a benefit, it's only when the simmer get distracted things go wrong. Especially when I have set +1000 instead of -1000fpm
  12. Very nice! You have to love the whole Just Planes series!
  13. I'm no expert here but I guess it depends on what sort of descent instruction was given: If the instruction was "Descend when ready to FLxxx" Then I would use the standard VNAV method, adjusting the ALT knob and pressing ALT INTV when given a new altitude. If however I was required to maintain a flight level for an extended period of time then I would begin to lose the VNAV PTH and further descending with VNAV would be in VNAV SPD rather than PTH, therefore I would swap over to LVL CHG set a the required speed and use speedbrakes if required to assist with recapturing the PTH should conditions and ATC instructions permit. If the instruction was "Expedite your descent or descend quickly" I would immediately use LVL CHG with a fairly high speed set in the MCP to put the aircraft into a "mini dive" sometimes putting out the speed brakes for a higher rate of decent- Again only if ATC and traffic conditions permit. Ahh V/S, well there really are no advantages to this because most importantly potentially lethal if not monitored e.g. It will fly you into the ground if you aren't watching your Altitude. V/S also sports no SPD or FLAP protection leaving you vulnerable to over-speeding your flaps or even stalling. I would only ever use V/S if a very specific rate of descent was required and only when closely monitoring the speed situation. For example dial in a 4000fpm descent rate and before you know it you will gaining a truck load of speed and will suddenly come to the realization that you won't be able to slow down in time for the approach and that you cant put the flaps or gear out because you are going to fast! V/S can be helpful in a CDA approach as it can assist in capturing the glide slope in the early stages of an approach but BE CAREFUL!
  14. I only have an AMD Phenom X4 II CPU running overclocked at 3.6ghz with a simple liquid cooling kit. I manage to achieve (in the NGX) nothing less than 18fps on the ground at large, busy addon airports with AS2012 whilst in High- Res VC mode with all sliders turned up and once up in the air I never get anything lower than 25fps. It just goes to show it's not always your system specs that matter, it's the way that you install, configure and maintain everything.
  15. So you're saying that you can just swap between MCPs?? Firstly, Why would you replace a brand new'ish Collins MCP with an older style Honeywell? And behind all of the pretty lights and dials wouldn't there be some hardcoded firmware and features that wouldn't be interchangeable between the two models?
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