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About be77solo

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  1. Hi Dave, was away for a few days. I will see if I can trouble shoot the load manager. Not running any other addons other than ASN (now upgraded to AS16, but doesn't seem to be weather related and behaves the same when AS is not running. Thanks
  2. Using the loading screen manager, light/medium/full fuel options make no difference to roll issue, nor do any combination of loading passengers, bags or cargo.
  3. Really enjoying the package (AS16+ASCA)... just battled through a line of storms that beat me silly ha, beware the turbulence! Good stuff that I'm sure they will only improve. It makes sense in my head that the weather engine linked to all the atmosphere textures can only lead to a great thing. The problem with Rex is they never figured out the weather engine component. The dynamic nature of having both combined is the key, way more than a possible gorgeous REX single frame screenshot will show. Happy customer here!
  4. Question for you Lear 35 drivers, still loving the package, but have one question: My Lear always wants to roll left when flying. Power, weather, speed, altitude, nor loading seem to matter. Even when on AP in level flight, it banks to compensate to keep a straight course. Not a joystick issue, as no other planes do this and the VC yoke is centered. Probably missing something simple, any ideas? Otherwise, love this package! Apologies if this was asked before, I flipped through forum and google'd but didn't see anything. Thanks all!
  5. Great video, enjoyed it! My own experience has been very positive, loving AS16 and ASCA as a whole package. Sure, sometimes it's not the best, but I'm finding it's usually pretty great. Glad things are moving this way (dynamic weather, cloud/sky textures, structure etc). Screenshots are tough, seems to look much better in actual motion to me, particularly with the initial screenshots in this thread that were zoomed sooooo far out... that will distort about anything, hence why the REX stuff didn't even look good. Enjoy all, will continue playing with the combo.
  6. This sure makes me wonder how the switch to the "Orbx Store" later this year is going to go ha! Personally, I haven't noticed any problems with the unified setup, but maybe I just haven't noticed them or flown in those areas yet. Sorry for those still struggling with this.
  7. MSE is definitely a love/hate... your second pic reminds me why I don't go this route, but your others are gorgeous.
  8. Except for the fact they first revealed it to us all in FSX..... http://www.avsim.com/topic/361760-secret-project-1-this-one-is-a-classic/ So, I guess a FSX --> XP10 --> FSX/P3D port?
  9. Great video, thanks for sharing! I use the F27 quite a bit for FireFighterX, this looks a lot like that ha! Once again, awesome airplane and model. Flies great in P3D.
  10. Yep, agree with above, they did a great job with the F27. Sounds are superb as well. Some good liveries available to download. Highly recommend.
  11. Thanks for the video! Loving this plane with the GTN750 and Milviz WX Radar, so now tempted to pick up the Immersion package. Curious, you were around the 25fps area opposed to your usual 30 lock in videos; is this due to the package or something else? When I fly the 35A now with both 750/WX, even in weather and ORBX regions, it's super easy on frame rates. Might have been your weather settings or something, but want to make sure it's not this package. Otherwise, I look forward to picking it up. Thanks again!
  12. So setting it up now and have a question I didn't see mentioned as I skimmed through the manual quickly, it might have been there: To get the full dynamic or Global automatic themes to update with AS16, does the ASCA program need to stay running? Thanks! Look forward to trying this.
  13. Be curious to see what my non-simming father thinks of the FSL version. He's been a captain on the A319-320-321 for years, just transitioned back to the A330 a few months ago. Lord knows I won't know how to even start it, but if it's as accurate as they say he will be able to ha :wink:
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