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Everything posted by Groovin_DC-10

  1. Well that's great news. You just saved yourself many hours of frustration, until September that is, when you have to install everything again :wink:.
  2. Come on. People who purchase add ons are not passengers just along for the view. Different people have different needs to feel immersed in the sim. Whether it's payware airports, sceneries, enb, whatever. If flying VFR, isn't it nice to look out the window once in a while and enjoy the scenery while flying? When you land at an airport you like, wouldn't you want it to look as close as possible to the real one? If we have airplanes with realistic graphics and flight dynamics, why is it wrong to have scenery that is more accurate to make the flying experience more realistic? I just don't understand how you can say people who like add ons are just passengers who want to enjoy the view. If that's the case, why even bother flying an airplane in FS9. Just install DBS walk&follow and look around instead of flying.
  3. Could be missing alpha channel. Have you ran the program that fixes this on your add on? Missing alpha channel is known to cause stutters/fps drop in FS9. I have the same problem with Aerosoft Rome. I know it's not FS9 because I have other add ons that are way more detailed/complicated than Rome, and they run perfectly smooth while Rome stutters badly while I'm flying over the airport. I still have to download the tool but I'm in no rush because I'm not impressed with the Rome add on.
  4. So it is possible! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbVKWCpNFhY So I'm just wondering. What resolution are the converted textures in the pic? If I remember correctly, the default FSX textures are 512 right?
  5. If you're using a decent PC, this shouldn't be an issue with FS9. Nick's post about adding scenery is for FSX because fsx with add ons can really bring down the fps. I agree. I have to adjust 3 things in my FS9 .cfg to get rid of horrible blurries. I'm also enjoying my sim without any sort of bloom enhancement. I used to spend so much time tweaking enb, sweetFX, FXAA. Now I find that I enjoy it more without them. I also don't set core affinity and I'm perfectly fine with lower res textures.
  6. Can you list what add on you're running for FS9 that's causing you to get more stutters than FSX? I'm not being rude, but I find it very hard to believe. I have very heavy add ons on my FS9 and it's silky smooth compared to my FSX installation. I know a few people with older machines who have both installed and fsx runs like poop on their pc's. Jon, Thanks for sharing the pics. Will try it out when I fly to a default airport. I like the "rough" texture.
  7. Sorry to hear that. When you're installing multiple add ons, are you booting up FS9 after each install? I'm not 100% sure, but I remember running into problems with either my FS9 or FSX a year or two ago by installing one add on after another without starting FS9 after each install. September is not too far away. Good luck on the new PC.
  8. Apologies guys. Maybe I misread Dillon's post, that's why I quoted that part because it looked like he said that using the FSX textures and Zinertek water in FS9 will rival FSX. That's what I read. Anyways, his explanations are on his reply that he meant we can do things in FS9 now that people said was not possible. I wasn't one of the people who said it's not possible. I always keep an open mind and I know that everything can be improved to a certain point. I'm not trying to turn this into an FS9 vs FSX debate. I own both but I don't use FSX anymore. I'm all for FS9. I was just stating the fact that FS9 textures and water will not rival that of FSX because I thought that's what Dillon meant. I wasn't trying to stir the pot. So again, I apologize if my previous post gave that vibe. Carry on.
  9. Was just going through this thread again and I have to respectfully disagree with you there, Dillon. I don't see how textures taken from FSX, and converted to FS9 use could rival FSX. It's FSX textures and when the same textures are used in FS9, I don't see how it could rival FSX. It should look the same with an edge going to FSX for its larger LOD radius. Also, Zinertek water for FS9 can't even come close to FSX water, especially the good ones from REX2. There's just no comparison when it comes to animation, color and vibrancy of the water.
  10. Hope everything gets sorted out with Zinertek. Good to hear you found some replacement water. If you ever want to try another payware water, check out Real H2O V2. Blows away the Zinertek water, IMHO. I used Zinertek water for almost a year and enjoyed it but after Real H2O, I'm done, until they decide to make a newer version. A lot of extra features not available on Zinertek. Just a heads up.
  11. Thanks for sharing Jon. I looked at it last night and saw the fsx thing and I thought maybe you were tired and posted on wrong forum. I will be getting the files but will wait on trying them out because I'm currently doing pure VFR and not flying on any default airports at the moment. I'll be using them as soon as I go back to the jets.
  12. Looking forward to the "how to" guide. I'd love to help out but I don't have any texture editing skills :( . Does it cover forest and field areas as well? I don't know if they're seperate or as part of the city textures.
  13. Oh, hell yes! What's the source of the hd texture? Looks like default FSX? Any performance hit? If this isn't difficult to do, I hope to use GEX textures in FS9 B) .
  14. You don't. Read the last part of my post before yours (last post page 1).
  15. Not sure what the problem is. I've installed Zinertek water several times without this problem. Try doing a complete install of a REX theme (including water). Load up FS9, then close it. Then try installing Zinertek water again. Just a thought. I have no idea if it would work. You can also try to re-download Zinertek water from your account.
  16. +1 what Jim said. However, #1 doesn't apply to me. Just 2-4. Also, my most used heavy/complex aircraft is the PMDG MD-11. I have both FS9 and FSX versions. No matter what I do, in FSX I get micro stutters in big airports like KJFK, KLAX, etc. even at very low settings. In FS9, it's always smooth sailing. Unless I have a super computer, I won't even bother with FSX anymore. The only time I'm going back to it is when we can buy a PC that can run FSX super smooth with every single slider maxed out. Another thing I really hate about FSX when flying heavies is the head momentum that can't be turned off and rarely comes back perfectly centered. I feel like a drunk pilot whenever I'm making a turn. When we buy tons of add ons and enhancement, getting FS9 to look like FSX is not the goal. We know FS9's limitations and we just want to make it look as pretty as we can. There are more reasons why I prefer FS9, but I'll leave it at that. I'm sure other members will chime in with their reasons for sticking with FS9. It won't. I've tried it. Try it on a big hub like Aerosoft's Madrid Barajas. Looks pretty much identical on both sims. 100% traffic with heavy weather in FS9 and it's still smooth. Try that in FSX.
  17. No Worries Harald. Good thing we found out before purchasing it lol. I need my autogen and night textures.
  18. One thing I really like to do is fly back and forth between St. Maarten and St. Bart's. Pretty short flight but a lot of fun and very challenging doing an approach to St. Bart's. I use Fly Tampa's St. Maarten complete package for this. It comes with St. Maarten, St. Bart's and Saba. I also enjoy flying back and forth between Hong Kong Intl and Kai Tak using Fly Tampa's Kai Tak scenery. For some nice VFR airport/scenery you can have a look at Aerosoft Mallorca and Ibiza. Check out the thread "looking for highest quality payware scenery". A lot of excellent suggestions there for freeware or payware scenery.
  19. Eh, I don't think so. It would take A LOT more than that to make me go back to FSX.
  20. Ian, I think a lot of us that constantly get add on's, tweak enb and other enhancements for FS9 are constantly chasing that wow factor. I still get it a lot when I fly and it could be anything from the way real weather looks against the colorful sky at dusk or the realism during an approach to a nice looking airport. There are times also when it feels nostalgic for me when the combination of flying over certain sceneries, sky color, clouds and water is just right. It takes me back to the days when I was a kid traveling on airplanes and being so amazed by everything. I remember wishing I could fly a DC-10 when I was 9 years old every time I board it. I just loved everything about it from the size, looks, smell and especially those angry looking cockpit windows. I never knew flight sims existed until about 3 years ago. This is as close as I'm ever going to get to one of my dreams and I'm very thankful for it. I know eventually that wow factor will become less and less, but I don't think we'll ever stop enjoying the actual flying in the sim. As you said, there are so many add ons that, even though it's not in capital, you still go wow even today. The good thing is, if we wait long enough until processors become monstrous, we can go through all this again with FSX on completely maxed out settings. A lot of payware sceneries include fsx versions so we already own a lot of them lol. This is something I'm going to consider in 5-6 years time depending on how processor speed move along. I have both installed but I don't touch fsx anymore because I have fs9 looking so good that the low to med settings I have to use in fsx doesn't impress me as much as fs9 maxed out. The only way I'm moving to fsx is when I can get a pc that can completely max it out and run in high fps like fs9. So I guess flight sim is a lifelong hobby lol. On to the Canarias.... I'm not able to find the file. I can't find an "other" section in the library and doing a search only gives and update available for it. Is it removed?
  21. Yes, the FSX version doesn't include the FS9. I will buy that one separately. Along with the great freeware suggested, a lot of other ones I also want are payware. Those are the ones I need to watch my spending on.
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