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Everything posted by Groovin_DC-10

  1. Are you using real weather? If you are, go to the FS9 weather option and disable turbulence on aircraft. It is known to cause problems with complex aircrafts when it's enabled and you use real weather. If I leave mine on enabled and have Active Sky Evolution running, I get very erratic throttle and yoke behavior on my PMDG MD-11 like the one you described. When I disable it, all is good.
  2. Okay, I sort of got it working. I made a mistake last night by installing it into the FS9\Texture folder. It's suppose to go into the FS9\Scenery\World\Texture folder. Now here's the frustrating part. The 1024 textures work and they look quite nice. Much nicer than default. Not much difference than a lot of other freeware/payware out there. When I install the 2048 or 4096 textures, they won't work. I get a solid blue texture everywhere where the grass should be. I went into my FS9 cfg and changed Texture Max Load to 4096 under [GRAPHICS] but it didn't help. I have sent an email to Prealsoft and waiting for a reply. Their description clearly states that V2 will do 2048 and 4096 in FS9. They say that is the new feature of V2. So it's either possible in FS9 or the developer is is lying. I hope it's possible because I can't imagine anyone releasing a payware texture set without even testing it. If it won't work, I won't be very happy because I paid $20 for it to get HD textures as advertised. So still waiting for a reply from Prealsoft. I'll keep you guys posted.
  3. Will do. But I'm off to bed now. I'll play around tomorrow and see what I can come up with.
  4. I forgot to add. My wording was wrong. I wrote that I couldn't see a difference. What it should have been was, I don't see the new textures. It's still the ARS grass textures showing in the sim and not the Prealsoft. Yes, the texture it installed is called detail1 I believe. I'm really curious about this too because there are two versions for the Prealsoft. The original Pro version only allow up to 1024 for FS9 and this new Pro V2 allows up to 4096. Maybe there is some clashing with the Absoluterealsim (ARS) grass textures I already have installed. But as I think about it, shouldn't the new HD grass texture overwrite the Absoluterealsim grass texture I already have? I really don't want to take away the ARS textures because at the same time it installed amazing new trees that I don't want to take away. I just looked at the backup Texture I made before installing it and there is no image file called "detail". This is weird.
  5. You're right. I see myself flying the default Cessna a lot more because of this lol. UPDATE: Well, I got the Prealsoft HD grass textures. First I made a backup of my FS9 Texture folder, then used the installer and selected 4096 textures. The installer then asked where to install and I pointed it to my FS9 texture folder. It's one of those installer that cannot locate your FS9 folder automatically and gives a default of C:Flight Sim......\Texture. I changed it to my D:\FS2004\Texture. Finished installation and I see no difference. I installed it into a separate folder afterwards to see what went into the FS9 Texture folder and it installs a bitmap image and an uninstall application. Any ideas why it's not showing up in the sim? Am I suppose to do something else after the installation? Pretty frustrating as the developer did not include any instructions.
  6. Harald, Thanks. I think I see it now after doing a few VFR flights. Not that easy to tell with my current grass textures because it's basically the same as default with a darker shade of green. Will be interesting to see how it turns out with HD grass. Jon, Sorry for the delay. A few things came up and I haven't had much time to fly. I'm getting it tonight. I will post pics and impression after I get at least 30 mins to explore the new surroundings. I had about 1hr to kill last night in FS9 and decided to download the Glacier Bay add on. Wow! Very, Very high quality for FS9. Took the Cessna around to enjoy the views. I love the terrain mesh and the coverage is huge. Thanks again for the recommendation.
  7. I'm gonna try it out. Thanks. Is it compatible with Ultimate Terrain? Looks like you just answered a question on my grass thread. I had no idea upgraded grass textures appear outside of the airports.
  8. I'll let you know. Will probably purchase it over the weekend. I hear ya on the 4096 B) . We were just talking about 1024 and now there's 4096 in FS9. Man, we're seeing some very interesting things happening in FS9. Good luck! I'll let you know how the Prealsoft turns out. I thought upgraded grass are only around airports? So the Absolute Realsim grass I recently installed are in other areas of the sim away from airports?
  9. :shok: :clapping: I knew they were going to be much sharper up close, but not that sharp. Wow!
  10. Those look real nice. Definitely much better than default. Thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to try the Prealsoft. I just read their description again and saw this (don't know how I missed it before): New : 4096px resolution compatible with FS9 3 Resolutions availaible for FS9/FSX : Normal Definition Texture 1024x1024px High Definition Texture 2048x2048px Very High Definition Texture 4096x4096px This is going to be interesting. At 4096, the textures should stay sharp while in the VC. The screen shots do show them looking very sharp from up close.
  11. I may give it a try but I'm not very technical with all the resizing and conversions. I just know I would run into bugs and other things. I certainly hope some developers are lurking around this forum and reading this thread. I would pay for this type of add ons. Something like Aerosoft Ibiza, Mallorca, Madeira, Tahiti X, etc where whole islands are covered would be insane. I already own them for FSX and FS9, but outside of the airport areas in FS9, you get the usual blurry low res FS9 textures. I'm guessing those are 256 res. because they look as blurry as the default textures. Getting whole coverage at 1024 would be a huge improvement. At the moment I'm flying heavies, but next time I'm in the mood for VFR, I'm going to download the Glacier Bay scenery. Yeah, I think the sharper textures give the illusion of higher mesh resolution. That's great.
  12. So far I've gotten my default airports to look much better than default (Zinertek Airport Environment with REX runway and taxi textures and Absolute Realsim Textures for trees and grass). The trees from Absolute Realsim are super fantastic and very realistic looking for all seasons. The grass is alright. Colors are a little better and less cartoony than default. But now I want the best HD grass I can get my hands on. Right now I'm thinking about getting the Prealsoft Grass Environment Pro X V2. Judging by screen shots from online vendors, I think this one looks the best so far. Any recommendations?
  13. Thanks so much for the info. Still, 1024 is a massive leap over the default 256. This is amazing how you guys figured out how to do this. Your mountain rock textures are definitely sharp. I notice your mesh terrain is amazing too. I can't wait to get FS Global 2010. I seriously hope some developers decide to take advantage of this. I'd go nuts if there is a new global texture set released at 1024 resolution. Good luck on your conversions and getting the legal matters sorted out. This is definitely new to me. I had no idea FS9 can look like this. Hi Dillon, Have you looked at Real H2O Water? I used Zinertek water until I decided to try H2O last week. Much better than Zinertek water, IMO.
  14. Excellent work!!! When you guys say HD ground textures from FSX, are you saying it stays clear and sharp at low altitudes like FSX? Or does it convert the FSX HD textures to FS9 resolution?
  15. Yes, as far as I know. I have both FS9 and FSX on the same hard drive. Good luck on your new PC :good: .
  16. Hey guys, I normally fly during the day if flying from/to add on airports because I like to enjoy the graphics. Lately I've been doing this around dusk to see how everything looks. I noticed something odd with the lights. These would be the 3d points of light on tall poles, or, those on short poles above airport buildings. What happens is that where ever the sky behind the light is clear, they are visible. When I rotate the view and get clouds behind the lights, the lights would turn off. As I rotate the view again to a clear opening in the sky, they come back on. So far I've noticed this on Aerosoft Ibiza and Rome. Anybody else get this? I'm using REX for my clouds with 512 resolution and dxt compression selected.
  17. Excellent! Just tried loading the fuel from the top menu and it works. Thank you very much.
  18. Hi Peter, I think that's for FSX. I know when I fly it in FSX, I load up the load manager while in the VC. It's different for FS9. You have to set your pax, fuel configuration before starting FS9. I wonder if I just have to enter the right amount under BLOCK. But the 169.9 on the UFOB will still show. Just thought of a way around it but no time to try yet because I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm going to try turning on the APU and shutting down the engines and basically begin my flight that way. I wonder if the correct fuel setting in the FMC will remain after I shut the engines off. Will report back.
  19. For the longest time since I purchased the MD-11, I've always started my flights with the default panel state (engines already running). Finally decided to try my flights using the panel state "before engine start". First I opened the load manager and configured my pax, cargo and fuel. Then I start FS9, load the MD-11 and create my flight plan. When I'm at the gate, I open the top menu to access the PMDG settings and I load the "before engine start" panel state. I complete the first page on the FMC for "INIT". On page 2 for Weight Init, the UFOB is always 169.9 which is not what I had set on the load manager. Isn't it always suppose to show the fuel amount I set in the load manager? The BLOCK fuel right beside UFOB is still empy and I can enter the amount I had previously set in the load manager. I thought UFOB is suppose to automatically give me the amount of fuel I set in the load manager, and pressing LSK 1R will insert it to the BLOCK fuel. Is it suppose to be like this? Thanks
  20. Hey guys, I got this add on last night and I'm very happy with it. User interface is very easy and straight forward to use. You get your choice of 15 different colors for water and you can pick a separate color for rivers. You also get a good selection of water animation. The package is not only water, a set of sky color textures is included along with aircraft reflection and sun. I've been using Zinertek Ultimate Water. I really like it but wanted to try something different. Real H20 Water has exceeded my expectations and I have to say that I like it a lot more than Zinertek water. Changing water colors and animation is very quick. It only takes a few seconds to install the new colors or animation through the user interface. The sky color is really something too. It's the most realistic set I've come across for FS9 along with Pablo Diaz's sky colors. I do have REX and lately I haven't been happy with their sky colors. I find most of them overly saturated and cartoony. Just want to give a heads up in case there are members looking to upgrade their water or want to try something different. This is definitely worth a look. I also got Zinertek Ultimate Airport Environment to improve my default airports. I think most of you guys already have this. Big thanks to Dillon for suggesting this.
  21. There's another thing I just learned. I've always thought clouds were handled entirely by gpu. I'd love to use HD clouds in heavy weather while keeping fps high. I am planning a PC upgrade in the next year or two and I will be looking at a 2500k or 2600k. Thanks.
  22. I'm running an AMD 955BE oc'd to 4ghz with a Corsair H60 liquid cooling. No complaints. I'm very happy with the way it handles FS9. I have all sliders maxed but shadows disabled. Whenever I enable all shadows, my fps drops by half. My biggest add on airport at the moment is Aerosoft Barajas, and with 100% traffic using PMDG MD-11 I still get excellent performance. Same thing with default KLAX and KJFK with 100% traffic. I don't feel the need to upgrade the CPU for FS9. There is minimal stutters when the fps is jumping wildly but it's nothing like the stutters in FSX at all. Still good enough for me to say it's very smooth. Hope this helps. Gotcha. I had difficulties maintaining high fps with REX HD clouds, so I changed the setting to DXT compression for the clouds and I'm able to max out cloud distance with very little fps impact, even in severe weather. You should gain a significant amount of fps if you use compressed clouds, but I understand that some people don't like it and prefer HD.
  23. Which sliders are you not maxing out? I'm running a lesser cpu than yours (AMD 955BE @ 4ghz) and I have all sliders to the right. I don't enable shadows because it eats too much fps.
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