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About Simjockey

  • Birthday 04/30/1956

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  1. Have a look at Flight Sim Economy (FSE), it may just fit the bill and it is free to join. The kind fellas on the board overseeing FSE have kept the program alive and as up-to-date as possible (the airfield database is based on FS9) by adding new stuff. The purpose of FSE is to provide an economic engine which generates jobs (both passenger and cargo) from FBOs across the world to other FBOs. Jobs are generated for a range of distances from local flights of 10s of miles to trans-ocean depending to some degree on the size of the airfield and hence FBO. FSE is aimed at the 'Mom and Pop' type of GA operations or the VIP type of companies e.g. flying such aircraft as the FSR500. The board have incorporated flying larger tin tubes within FSE but with the proviso that they can't be owned unlike the smaller GA pistons and turbo-props. There is a role-playing element in that as a beginner in the economy, you can only hire the aircraft you want to fly but soon enough you'll have built up savings from the profits from your flights to purchase one or more (if you want) airframes of your choice. In addition, you can purchase (or build on empty lots) FBOs if you fancy having your company based somewhere - the forum is full of sales and deal-making. Just another option. Regards.
  2. I use GSX in MSFS with the TBM930. If I have a favourite parking spot on a field I visit a few times, I'll setup a passenger walking route from a suitable FBO entrance to the aircraft. That allows me to board and de-board passengers. I get a real kick from seeing my passengers walking to the aircraft while I'm finalising flight preparation in the left seat. Just don't look back as they get into the aircraft as their heads jut up through the fuselage! I understand that not everyone can suspend disbelief to the same extent as I do or with the same ease, but it might work for you. We should agitate to get Virtuali to spread a little of the love he's lashed out on tubeliners to GA ops. Regards.
  3. Brilliant, the diversity of machines and landscape is the point. Loved it.
  4. Bought it, installed it, love it. Just shows that it takes all kinds to make a world.
  5. Click, hold and drag the throttle across, has worked for me. Thereafter my normal hardware throttle works as expected. It's been a while since I've flown the 930, I have a feeling that a right-click and hold, might be needed to drag the power lever across into the flight range?
  6. An update to the TBM improvement mod is available which works on my MSFS ... https://github.com/luka97/msfs_tbm930_project/releases/ Hope that helps.
  7. Having flown in the US and U.K. I can confidently say that ATC services are free. I presume that they are payed by taxation. Regards.
  8. I have exactly the same problem, some voices low volume, others OK. The same voice might be OK on one flight and soft on the next. It would appear that it is not the voice itself that triggers the low volume but when that voice is used by VoxATC e.g. maybe the third/fourth voice used by the program?
  9. Eagerly awaiting the patch then I'll reinstall my MCE and PF3. Gerald, how are your patches normally posted - I can't see a download page other than the main program on the MCE site? Regards. Paul.
  10. Some really interesting career choices here. I'm a hospital pharmacist in the Mental Health sector in the NHS in the UK. Paul.
  11. Hi Bob, The PF_Emulator.exe solution was suggested by MCE support - it did seem to generate the activation request so Ben from the FS++ team had me download an alternative exe they were working on and suggested I delete the 'copied' emulator files. The new exe and other alternative files seemed to clean that up and interface with PF3 but I still cannot get vox to work with PF3 - am now investigating PF3 required setup with Dave at PF3. Although I'll have used up my demo time with MCE, I am so impressed with the support that I will purchase a licence and pursue the solution further over this weekend even if it means moving PF3 onto my FS PC! Paul.
  12. Not exactly solved as I had an ntd.dll error on the first attempt after the fix and had a strange request on my sim PC for the activation code for PF3 (which is legitimately activated on the networked PC) on the second. Support were concerned that network latency might make it difficult for vox to work properly, so that might be an issue. Anyway here was their immediate advice (and they're looking closer at this type of setup this week) ... 1 - Go to the MCE cfg file in user..... /Roaming folder and change the two entries to read ... ATC=PFE IgnorePFERegistry=1 This will prompt MCE to ask for your PFE.exe (browse to the PF3.exe) folder on next startup 2- This didn't work for me as I think it kept looking for PFE (seems logical?), so support then suggested the following additional alteration ... Find the PF3.exe and PF3.ini files and copy then save back into the PF3 folder as PF_Emulator.exe and PF_Emulator.ini. This certainly stopped MCE continually looking for the PFE.exe As I said I had a couple of problems thereafter (I haven't spoken to the guys about this yet) but I think my ATC terminology is also at fault so not sure what part that plays as I can get the odd communication going using vox. Don't know if that helps, but what I can say is that support is fast - even over the weekend, so please contact them if I've not been clear enough. Let me know how you get on. Regards, Paul.
  13. Update - wasn't expecting such fast support, especially over the weekend but these guys have already been in touch and exchanging emails. Great support. Paul.
  14. I can get MCE working OK on FS PC (P3Dv3) and PF3 working OK installed on a client PC, but MCE only sees the native ATC. How do I get MCE to see my PF3ATC? Regards.
  15. Hi Brent - you can't take on any paid jobs but can still fly the bird. Just fly her to a field with a repair shop. Regards, Paul.
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