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Everything posted by atlflyer

  1. Yeah I think the live traffic is being affected by the server overload as well. Once that gets ironed out , I fear our FPS is going to tank with with traffic. I guess I will set the AI on back at like 10%. I find that pretty reasonable for me.
  2. no ive seen seen planes taxiing for takeoff, landing, flying around etc....it seems not all live traffic is showing for some reason (server issue). But yesterday I was at KSNA and had several aircraft everywhere with no hit.
  3. I have seen some today. at EGLL, KSNA, and KSFO. Not as many as what shows on the live traffic map in the menu but I have seen some.
  4. there are issues right now for sure. But they will be fixed.
  5. I noticed live traffic has almost no FPS hit as well. I find that odd seeing as how its SO many planes. If you turn up AI Offline to 60 or 70 the sim is a slideshow FPS wise. But live online traffic, I dont see any hit at all. Must be the way the sim calculates the data for the planes in online versus AI?
  6. yep the limiter is very buggy right now in the game. I turned off vysnc but it sure would help if it was on in the game menu. My GPU almost melts in the game menu running at full power pushing 300 FPS.
  7. you can...just go to your mouse settings and clear the zoom and unzoom on the mouse. You can still use the (-,=) keys to zoom. If you have buttons on the side of your mouse, you can map those to zoom as well. That way you dont have that annoying zoom issue when moving the dials. really wish they wouldve made those buttons and dials keyboard or button mapped. Couldve put my thrustmaster MFD cougars to good use.
  8. its odd this would be a good results? Seems like it would hammer the sim. Unless it treats MP planes differently than AI planes.
  9. I havent seen that yet...I fly around big areas like KLGA, EGLL, EGLC, KSNA, KLAX and havent noticed anything like that. Sometimes the frames will drop a bit but not too bad,,they bounce back up after a few seconds.
  10. try switching it off and take a flight...youll see how much smoother it is. If you dont like, just turn back on 🙂 But keep your file dont delete it just in case. I deleted my rolling cache file and havent looked back.
  11. shoot I dont know! I know that rolling cache off is not recommended for those with data limits. Yesterday I was flying all over the place and I hit about 10GB of data streamed in.
  12. yes it is but its a known bug that rolling cache causes a lot of stutters and jitters. Multiple users, including me, have turned it off and the scenery loads much faster and with far less stutters. Much smoother. I am assuming that once you exit the sim, or even the flight, any scenery that was streaming in is not saved if rolling cache is off.
  13. I turned rolling cache off and got much better performance with streaming scenery. however, I noticed that today my SSD is about 6 GB heavier...does the sim save the scenery it loads if the rolling cache is off? If so, how do I clear that after im done?
  14. sorry for the triple post...the forum was acting up and didnt look like it was posting!
  15. here it is...you have to click on each drop down arrow for the setting to see what it does and the different visuals/impact https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-graphics-settings-and-performance-guide-8-18-2020/132407
  16. here it is...you have to click on each drop down arrow for the setting to see what it does and the different visuals/impact https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-graphics-settings-and-performance-guide-8-18-2020/132407
  17. here it is...you have to click on each drop down arrow for the setting to see what it does and the different visuals/impact https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-graphics-settings-and-performance-guide-8-18-2020/132407
  18. You got it! I forgot where the link to that guide was but it was very informative. literally every setting and the FPS hit at various levels.
  19. You forgot to add the 3090 in here LOL 🙂 I will give ya a pass since it hasnt been released yet!! At $1500, this is going to be one beast of a card and Nvidia says 40-50% faster than 2080 ti. WHEW!
  20. I was reading in the graphics tweak guide that was posted in here that gave a great review of all settings. Basically if you have AF set to 16x, supersampling didnt have any visual improvement so they recommended to turn it off.
  21. just out of giggles I tried live traffic and sat at KSNA for about 15 min. Planes all over. Non generic models. And the FPS stayed at around 40 at 1080p everything high except textures on ultra. Changed weather and night...same thing. So odd. I've read all over live traffic kills fps but mine looks largely unchanged.
  22. I actually prefer the offline voices better...there are more of them and its not the same guy every time I talk to a controller! I like the change..sometimes its a different guy or different female. But having the female voice for "me" is something I wish I could change. Or better yet, just turn off. I dont really need to hear my voice at all.
  23. well I just like hearing a male voice since im a male 🙂 Would actually be nice if I could turn the pilot voice off. Way back, I remember that option was available in FSX.
  24. Is there a way to change your ATC voice from the female one to the male one? I set my speech settings in Windows to default to one of the male voices but the female voice still there.
  25. definitely helped my sim...now the frames dont jump all over the place. Smoothed out the sim significantly. I think my CPU might be a bottleneck because around KLGA I get 40- 45 FPS. Around KDXR (Danbury CT) I get 40-45 FPS. EGLC 40-45 FPS. Strange that NYC would have the same FPS in same aircraft on same settings as Danbury CT!! Oh well I guess I have to factor in consistency!
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