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Everything posted by rogerlimakilo

  1. FWIW, my PMDG ticket response asked me to perform a re-install, starting with all liveries.... I then started a KSFO-VHHH flight, with TCAS set to TA only, in the PMDG United Airlines livery, and set it to pause at TOD. yada, yada, yada...happy camper again. 🙂
  2. After updating to version 2.0.37, on my last two long distance flights, all of the cockpit instrumentation froze while I was entering data on the FMC (changing a route leg), and then again (on the next flight) while I was selecting a different screen on the FMC. Anyone else have this issue??? I have submitted a ticket through PMDGs support site (for which you need a different account setup - how many people will actually never bother to seems to me to be a calculated business move) Did they know about this issue *before* releasing the product? And then released it anyway? Super bad-form, Skizzo, super-bad form. 😕
  3. ...well, all I gotta say is that I got a bag of Robert for Robert's culinary delight. 😛
  4. ...or the bug-juice on the windscreen at arrival airport. 🙂
  5. ...ba! All the elation, as this is my favorite jetliner at the moment, but on my first flight after updating, from KDEN to KLGA, 30-mins to TOD, and while the scenery outside the plane looked like we were moving, the whole panel was frozen, nothing was updating like the clock. 😞 I will stick to shorter flights for now. 😞 *** EDIT *** ...just before the panel freeze, I was exorcising the Panel Display options in the external app, so perhaps that had something to do with it. 😞 I just now completed an *EPIC* KPDX to KSFO to a flawless landing, so perhaps don't play too hard with the Panel Display options while in-flight! 🙂
  6. ...sorry that wasn't it; it was for me. 😕
  7. ...but do you have Live Traffic on? Try turning if off and report back. 🙂
  8. ...okay, two in a row; I'm convinced that Live Traffic is evil on my system. 🙂
  9. ...the only other option I switched recently was Live Traffic; I've switched it back to AI and I'm on the longest flight without loosing the sim in *days* now. I'll report back later this evening if I can get two flights in a row rolling! 😛
  10. ...the last 6 flights (I've since given up on this version) have all gone to la-la land; sim running, but you can't alt-tab to it. 😕
  11. ...SU14 is sucking pretty hard right now. :/
  12. ...yep; 4 out of the last 6 flights. 😕 I've had my fair share of CTDs in the past, but this is just straight-up sound-on, frozen graphics. 😞
  13. ...the seams are caused by random SNAFUs in matrix; the CPU draw you notice is cryptomining; I'd update your McAfee plan tout suite! 😛
  14. ...after checking it out, I now know why it wasn't released; Fenix has set the bar too high and PMDG's head is sore. :P
  15. ...how many units do you think have been sold by now? What an amazing product, and what amazing enthusiasm from the author; A2A is S-tier S-tier...
  16. ...did you actually rub the rabbit's foot before hitting fly?
  17. ...amazing work; a *must* have must have! 😛
  18. ...I like it too, but when developers resort to SPAMing customers (saying if you already purchased this, please ignore) - bah! Hate that about them, and wish they had a competitor. 😕
  19. ...I haven't flown the Fenix nor the PMDG 737s for *days* now, and I absolutely adore those planes. What keeps me coming back: o Sounds - the low RPM drone is heavenly hypnotic, but all RPMs are represented very well! o Systems depth (on par with PMDG) o One button, seamless Simbrief integration (hells-yeah!) o Control of outside-the-plane volume (so needed)! I can only hope that this gorgeous hunk of metal gets better and better with future updates: chalks, FPS tweaks, better VNAV, etc!
  20. ...f'n *love* it! Feels so big, makes me want to fly the Maddog more! 🙂
  21. ...sometimes I get the feeling that rotations, and landings (no-elevator authority when trying to flare) are scripted (!) in the Fenix. 😕 Please tell me I'm delusional, please...
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