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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. This time in the eastern Med - taken on a flight from (Aerosoft) Skiathos to (Aerosoft) Thessaloniki in the (Iris) Diamond DA-42 Twin Star Cheers Mallard
  2. Thanks a lot for the comments! Seeing all of the amazing screenies from especially the X-Plane simmers I'm glad you can still appreciate some good old FSX pics ;) Cheers Mallard
  3. Just a couple of pics from some flights around the Caribbean FSX with DX10, JustFlight Hawker 800 XP and Lionheart Lear 24B, LatinVFR Key West and Bermuda, FlyTampa St Maarten Cheers Mallard
  4. I've had this experience several years back on more than one occasion before switching to exclusive use of PayPal. Only had a prepaid credit card and only used that for flightsim purchases back then. Four cards got burnt over the years, allthough at least on one occasion the transaction was indeed not linked to simmarket, but another big flightsim store. A second hijack could not be directly linked to one store alone, as I made multiple purchases from seveal stores on one day - but simmarket was among them... Cheers Mallard
  5. Taking the Hurricane for a late afternoon spin in the summer sun - over the Isles of Scilly Scenery: (in the meantime sadly defunct) ES Isles of Scilly, Plane: JF Hurricane. SweetFX for colours. Cheers Mallard
  6. Thanks for the comments - Godzone sure is a fine place to spread one's wings :) Cheers Mallard
  7. I'd forgotten how good FS2004 can be made to look... Interesting pics - from an interesting part of the world. Cheers Mallard
  8. Great mood(y) in these ones... Cheers Mallard
  9. A fine selection indeed - glad they got posted here instead of just shunting them off to some soon forgotten part of the HDD ;) Cheers Mallard
  10. What a beauty! Thanks for sharing this pic... Cheers Mallard
  11. Excellent looking screenies! Love the mood created by the lighting... Cheers Mallard
  12. Some pics from two recent flights over New Zealand: Corsair departing and around Dunedin Hawker Siddeley arriving at Auckland All pics more or less cropped. Scenery by Godzone, SweetFX and Shade used for colouration. Weather in the first set by ASN, clouds by REX. Cheers Mallard
  13. I've burnt through five (!) credit cards straight after direct purchases with several online shops over the last couple of years - and all claimed "Noooooooooo! That wasn't us! Your system must be compromised with malware/worms/viruses/the pox!" when I pointed this out. Funnily enough, whenever I brought the topic up on the respective forums, there were a rush of "me too, there and then." replies. After my second card I got down to the nitty gritty - and as far as I can tell after running a number of diagnostics, the problem is with a high degree of probability not on my end. It has indeed been a real pain in the ar#e waiting for the replacement cards. Anyway - I never had this issue when paying through Paypal. And that is a service to the customer that is in the meantime offered by the vast majority of online shops selling flightsim products - except for one notable one. In addition, credit cards are - for example in Germany - by far not so common in Europe as you might want to believe. This issue is again circumvented with the payment options that Paypal offers - and Stipe, for example, does not. But, no, people who do not have a credit card - and who would never need one for anything else except for wanting to buy the products of one single developer who has pulled all options of buying their products through third party retailers - are expected to go out and rack up additional fees for the privilege of buying these products? Really? Well - that's why I'm not going to support those kind of developers any more until they bring back a more customer-friendly approach. (I nearly spilt my coffee over my keyboard a while back, when someone mentioned the problems he had had with paying through Stripe and was seriously advised to go and change his bank!! Oh, and by the way - Stripe can and does also do the six-month block on accounts from time to time...) So - yeah, Insbruck looks absolutely amazing, and knowing Jarrad's magic touch it will be excellent to fly into and out from on the vast majority of rigs imaginable, even though it will be packed full of eye-candy and goodies (heaven knows how he does it) - but if Orbx chooses to continue to ignore their customers (and the Paypal issue is just one of a number of issues since they decided to put everything under their control) I will just have to give it a miss... Cheers Mallard
  14. Well good for you - and all others who will get it right after its release. It does indeed look like another Jarrad masterpiece. But I'll just have to wait unti Orbx implements Paypal as a payment option again... Cheers Mallard
  15. Just some pics from a quick flight around Nantucket... Really beautiful waterscapes and a very detailed island... All in all a wonderful destination All pics more or less cropped FSX DX10s. Cheers Mallard
  16. That's simple - due to privacy laws one has the right to the image of one's own property in Germany, especially if the image is to be used commercially. Google had to offer each and every property owner the option to have their property "blurred" out of the streetview views. And after so many people opted for that, Google pretty much gave up. Some larger cities do have coverage, because Google argued that they could not blurr individual flats in apartment building, etc. But once you head for the more "individually" populated subburbs, the coverage disappears. Just for laughs: check out the German Embassy in Dublin - yep! Even that is blurred... Cheers Mallard
  17. Very sad to hear of Tom's passing. Here's lifting a glass to you and what you did for our community! Mallard
  18. Care to check out my pics over at Orbx? In the thread "Oh, Man"? What do you see there? Yep, cloud shadows. In FSX DX10. OK - so it is provided by a third-party addon, but it is possible. And the HDR effect can be achieved as well... Non-popping autogen is something that I really have to concentrate on with a LOD-radius of 6.5. And all of that is stutter-free. Cheers Mallard
  19. Hi Bill - sorry, I should have been more percise. I'm running FSX in DX10 mode. Cheers Mallard
  20. Just flew extensively and for about an hour over the Isle of Man in Ant's Tiger Moth - and ferried the Aerosoft Twotter from Orbx Southampton over FTX England to the Scilly Isles. Both flights without any OOM or compability issues whatsoever. Great deals over at EarthSimulations! Brilliant scenery! Cheers Mallard
  21. Hi Tristan, you are not having terrain elevation issues. Monterey is indeed on a kind of a plateau... Take a look at http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/79331-monterey-a-quick-look-under-the-hood/ Cheers Mallard
  22. Hi Zaza, I alerted the mods over at Orbx to this thread. Cheers Mallard
  23. Well - it's a heck of an improvement against the original version. I have it running in FSX DX10 - and finally the displays work fine, especially with the night illumination. And there are also some more lighting effects that are quite nice. Textures are neat as well... I got it as an upgrade at the reduced price through the JF site, so it was no real question for me. I was about to delete the old version, as it didn't really convince me. But this update makes it interesting again. And it definitely has the P3D 1 and 2 install-option Cheers Mallard
  24. Got it and installed it - and during the process it offered all three options, FSX, P3D v1 and v2. Cheers Mallard
  25. According to the JustFlight site it is P3D v3 ready. Cheers Mallard
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