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Everything posted by Mroberts95

  1. The ones that are worth buying are $130.00+ To me Aerosoft/QW are worth what you pay for at $60-80USD while PMDG/FSLABS/Leonard are worth that $120+ price tag as well. Depends on how much system depth and extra features you want etc.
  2. All I am going to say is if they lower the pricing to $5-10 as you suggest then they would just stop making addons. The thing with PMDG,FSLABS, Aerosoft and others these aren’t just a model slapped into a sim with basic gps etc. they are modeled with as much detail as the actual aircraft is. The time and money invested into their projects would bankrupt them at $5 a pop. There is no way you will get a quality plane for that price. They don’t do “lite” versions but cause that’s not the market they are targeted at. They know their market and what people are willing to pay and also for them to cover costs. when TDFI talked about the development and the all of the stuff they had to do just for the 717 it was crazy and it wasn’t cheap either. Welcome to the sim world, I’m sure people will make “freeware” models etc and have basic functions that might not even cost you anything but I would not get your hopes up or ever expect these big companies to put out addons for that pricing. It just doesn’t make sense.
  3. From FSX to P3D it was the price difference between the two. and then if you had it for P3D you got it for every version, so I bought it for FSX, paid a small price to head to P3D when that dropped then I got V4/5 updates for free when the V3 to V4 license was made that didn’t cost anything or something along those lines. i have no idea why PMDG couldn’t do this or if it was their agreement with P3D. I don’t know and frankly don’t really care all that much. Between the 737/777/747 I’ve spent 3-4K hours and in the fslabs another 1k hours or so. For PMDG that works out to like $.30/hr to fly since I’ve had them and that’s way more entertainment then going to the movies, eating out, amongst other things. I still have other hobbies as well. FSLABs works out to $.25 an hour or so flying them. i always tell people buy the planes you will fly more often to get your monies worth. I wouldn’t have bought the 747/777 if I didn’t want to fly them often otherwise it’s just a $135 virtual plane sitting around that I spent money on gathering dust. I also think people go in expecting flight sim to be cheap but it’s not. It’s a hobby like everything else that you can spend as much or as little as you want. ive gotten my moneys worth but others may feel like they haven’t.
  4. Because most Devs do not offer sales on brand new products. Orbx doesnt along with others. If you want to wait for sale another might pop up next year.
  5. I dont have a complaint about the other two such as FSLABS/Leonard because what I get with them is even more than PMDG and warrants that pricing model so I cannot complain about those. If PMDG were up to that standard of FSLABS etc with snow effects, better windshield affects, ATSU, Better EFB, Dynamic Lighting in all of their cockpits etc I wouldnt have a problem. Luckily the NGXU was only $99 and I get that in credit for MSFS.
  6. In both your posts you say 1. If you want to spend your money on an overpriced product for a simulator platform that is fast becoming obsolete then be my guest. To me that means not in a year but within a couple of months at most. 2. Because it's silly to offer such a paltry discount on a product that will soon be obsolete. Never did you mention a year in either of your posts., You never explained that so I am taking your post at what I see. Usually when people say soon its not a year but to each their own. Have a good day.
  7. I will let you know how it runs. I have the 10900k, 64gb of ram and a 2080ti at the moment and will pick up a 3000 series when they drop.
  8. You and everybody else keep saying that P3D and every other sim is going to obsolete once MSFS comes out. Alpha footage is being targeted to get sales, and if you look even on a high end system with a 2080ti still can’t even pull good frames in high density cities and are full of micro stutters. Will one day MSFS be better than the rest sure but you also realize there will be no addon airliners for MSFS for at least 6+ months if not longer, hell the sdk isn’t even done yet. You are entitled to your opinion of PMDG being over priced, if you don’t like their pricing then don’t buy it, nobody here knows how much it really costs and to make a return on investment and to expand etc. and don’t quote some word not allowed about how PMDG licensing for P3D is higher, it’s not entertainment and they most likely had to work a deal with LM to produce in their platform. and for the last thing please stop saying P3D is going to be obsolete, it’s not and won’t be for a long time, devs aren’t just stopping development and moving to MSFS 100%. There are still things that are work in progress from PMDG such as the BBJ/Cargo 737, the 777-200er, another secret project they’re working on, the FSLABS A319 and upcoming Sharklets package and their secret project as well for P3D. if these sims were going to be obsolete then all of these devs would hang up the towel and says welp, a new sim is coming but stop everything that makes us money now and go into the future with much uncertainty. Do I wish PMDG was a little cheaper sure but it sure beats the $80-85 for something from Aerosoft that’s full of bugs etc. at least PMDG listen to feedback where it matters to get things right. Same with FSLABS, Leonard etc.
  9. I would try this but I think my 10900k is holding me back from being eligible to hit 2004. I dont really want to wipe it all to start over. I wonder if that would work though.
  10. I think once true sky is out of beta devs will have more play with how it looks etc. I mean it did take 6+ months before that kind of shader stuff was out after v4 release
  11. It’s not as simple as you probably think. the dev already said that he won’t be updating TS for v5 anytime soon if ever. He also needs his pc for work and cannot install a new unstable sim etc when he said his stuff works fine right now. Maybe in the future but for now don’t plan on it. shader files are different between each P3d versions let alone between big numbers as 3 compared to 4 etc. Maybe another dev will come out with something. I am sure Rex is working on environmental force. most big players have pbr now and the fslabs is getting that with the next update so it’s more about tweaking the sky, colors etc than dynamic reflections
  12. It does not, nor would it, the only working Active Sky for V5 has a different API and had and needs to be updated in every PMDG aircraft that comes to V5. This will never work for the NGX. If active sky was able to use the same api then maybe but the WXR only works in the 747-400/8 etc because that aircraft was updated for V5. The v4 api didn’t change however it’s not being used in V5
  13. There werent any Truesky updates in HF2, That is coming from whats been posted in 5.1
  14. Did a full reinstall. 1. Things load way faster. I hit the main menu in about 30 sec now compared to 2-3 mins before. 2. Once I switch to external view vs internal once I no longer get the black texture issue on switching views. Which on my 2080ti should be normal. 3. Active sky is broken as they updated for beta but LM changed the build number so Active Sky doesnt recognize it even if its full working. I imagine its a day or two before we see that. 4. Seems PMDG is anywhere from 4-14 days off hopefully sooner than later. 5. I imagine FSLABS is going to need that time to test as well. In the end I will wait til AS is updated to do a true flight and check. However I bet we either see addons right before 4th of July weekend or shortly after!
  15. So do you have Hotfix 1 or Hotfix 3 for 4.5?
  16. He said he is running 4.5HF1 which isnt compatible with ASP3D beta and never will be once the final product releases.
  17. You cannot read the system requirements then where it says that ASP3D only works with 4.5HF3 and not anything below that. Windows v7 SP1 or later, 64-bit version Prepar3D v4 (with HF3 or later) or Prepar3D v5 (with HF1 or later) 2GB RAM or greater 1GHZ x64 processor or greater 500MB available hard drive space or greater 1024×768 minimum available screen resolution to display all user interface features Stable internet connection (broadband recommended) So Please do not blame active sky for this issue. Its a new product that is in beta and is going to have issues. They are working on it every day to improve and get things fixed.
  18. Wonder if this will ever happen. I would happily buy a license myself if it meant I could edit the files that LM use for true sky but I know it’s not that simple. I am sure it’s in the works to have devs be able to edit the shaders etc so we can change how it looks, otherwise people will just go back to the old addons for Non EA mode.
  19. I honestly wish they would redo the 777 and give it the internal PBR/External PBR, New Flight Model, Ground Handling,FMC update etc. I know they probably wont do this however I cant imagine just external PBR on the 777 going forward. At some point it will need a full cosmetic update and hopefully before FS2020.
  20. The refresh rate/smoothness of the gauges seem better and not as stutters
  21. They seemed to be better to me for the refresh rate, not super smooth but better than before the gauges
  22. So it looks like it’s been updated as of yesterday. Will we possibly see it this week?
  23. Yes works with EA mode, flying right now VHHH-WSSS and have returns on the wxr, they may not be as accurate due to how EA is but I flew thru some red area and regretted it lol
  24. 8 hours from EGLL-KIAD in the 747 from PMDG and then another long haul from VHHH-PANC then PANC to ELLX no issues at all!
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