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About _Airbus_Fan_

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    Germany EDDV

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  1. What I'm a little surprised about is why the EFB wasn't integrated as nicely as in the P3D version. I don't think the tablet is a particularly good solution. Or is there an option to have it like in the P3D version. Otherwise, I'll test the plane myself from Wednesday and see what it's like. I love the 777, it's the only long-haul plane I fly.
  2. Ok, thank you very much for the answer
  3. Hello everyone Do you also have this message in your FFTF? When I click on download it loads an exe onto the desktop but it is 0KB.
  4. I can definitely blame it on the EFB because the version of the 737 without EFB works perfectly. And since I only updated the 737-900 because I fly it very rarely, and I tested the 737-800 against it and this behavior doesn't occur there, it must be the EFB.
  5. Hello Guys, so I was always excited about PMDG during FS9 times, but unfortunately it is or seems that PMDG really can't keep up with the current developers, be it Fenix or FS Labs. I have now installed the EFB update and when I load the PMDG the sim freezes for about 10 seconds about every 30 seconds. I don't have that with the version without EFB!! Has anyone else noticed this? So I don't have these problems with the Fenix A320, Flybywire A320, 787 Horizon or Headwind A330. So it's really no fun to fly with it, at least in MSFS in P3D everything from PMDG still works perfectly.
  6. Ok, thank you very much for the info.. Will test it with the Sim Reverser assignment.
  7. Hello, the weather was fine for a VR approach Autobrake were at level 3 and everything else was configured correctly. I have been flying PMDG's 777 and 747 in P3D for many years and there are no problems here. I also don't have any such problems with the Fenix or the Kuro 787. When I open the reverser they immediately run at full load, without the reverser only with autobrake the plane rolls out gently. I configured the reversers with FSUIPC and, as I said, no plane in MSFS shows such behavior.
  8. Hallo, die 787-9 ist ein wunderschönes Flugzeug, nicht auf PMDG oder Fenix LKevel, aber wirklich toll. Was mir allerdings nicht gefällt, ist der starke Umkehrschub, den ich noch nie bei einem Flugzeug hatte, so dass das Flugzeug fast zum Stillstand kommt, wenn man den Rückwärtsgang antippt. Hat das noch jemand beobachtet??
  9. I still use P3D V4 and V5 and think as you can see in the pictures, a V 4.5 still cuts a fine figure. And with all the money I've invested in the P3D, I won't be removing it from the system anytime soon.
  10. My flight from ZSPD to EDDF with the Queen 747-8 D-ABYS
  11. Hello EA is ON yes I used RDShade Shader before. But after buying Envplus I reinstalled the P3D client and deleted all the old shaders. So it shouldn't have anything to do with that. Because if I use the original P3D shaders in the sim there are no problems. If I only use Envsahde I have no problems either. But when I apply Envplus to Envshade I get this flickering and landing light dropout.
  12. Unfortunately I have a problem when I use Envplus. My aircraft lights go out when I edit the shaders with Envplus. I use Immersion Lights on my PMDG P3D aircraft. But even with the FS Labs, the lights go out when the view moves. I tested the original shaders from P3D and I have no problems here. When I edit the shaders with Envshade and Envplus, the problem occurs. Does anyone have an idea what it could be.
  13. @ErichB It's still better than not flying at all. Before the MSFS came, the P3D was a sim that was flown a lot. In any case, with this bug, the sim is no fun.
  14. Hi After half an hour I remembered this error. Tried it with and without a full community folder. Up until SU9 this bug didn't exist, this bug came with the SU10 update. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tQY_UpWjCpeXohLEzwEDqUl5b0FbuT90/view?usp=sharing Unfortunately, I can no longer fly the simulation. Asobo needs to fix this bug. In the meantime, until the bug is fixed, I'm flying P3D You have alternatives.
  15. What you could check is the following, the AIG Traffic Controller is started with the sim and the traffic appears in the sim. If the traffic is then no longer available at the destination, it may be that the AIG Traffic Controller is no longer running, i.e. the program during the operational/flight crashes. You can check this in the Windows Event Viewer. If you don't see Traiffic anymore, it indicates that. Because the traffic is projected into the sim via this program/controller.
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