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Everything posted by BuddyDog

  1. I did pick up the PMDG 737-800 with a $20 discount from this sale. No problems with the download, install or add on liveries so far. I used to extensively use the 737 in P3D, but then I got away from flight sim for several years. Back to a learning curve for me.
  2. Thanks, Raymond. Seems to be so many rumors running around on CPU's, GPU's, etc. I think I will just wait a while until things are clearer.
  3. Thanks for the advice, Noel. I think I will just wait til next year and rebuild the computer.
  4. I haven't posted anything here is a long time, but thought I'd ask simmers here. When I found myself retired in 2018, I built a computer to use for P3D, but I have now started using MSFS. So far I really hate the camera controls, but eventually I'll figure it out. I built a pretty good system (for it's time) with a 9700K, 32GB RAM but stuck an old GTX 1070 in the build, and running a 1080p monitor. I can't afford to upgrade the whole system now, but wondered if I moved to a faster 1440p monitor if the 1070 could handle it or I should bite the bullet and pick up a 4070Ti super (still a cringe at the cost) or just wait until the new Blackwell cards release and just rebuild the entire machine. Thanks for your thoughts.
  5. Sounds like you were ripped off by the "private seller" who had already activated the product.
  6. I was not aware it worked with P3D. I use it with FSX. When I checked the download site, there was no mention of P3D compatibility. It is a great tool, though.
  7. I used to have the Capt Sim 757 (boxed version) and for some reason, they do not seem to provide support for bugs in the boxed version (Just Flight publisher). When I updated my computer a couple of years ago, I installed CS from the box and it came with the incessant rolling bug (which had a patch when I installed it the first time around). CS does not provide support for the boxed version any more, so I went with QW 757, which is fine for an older simulation, but neither CS or QW have the level of detail found with more current add on aircraft. That said, either will run well in FSX. CS seems to have more eye candy and a little bit better pop up interface for the panels.
  8. Well it appears the video card was failing, which was causing a the vast majority of the problems. Replaced it with a GTX 970 and so far it seems to be running without crashing.
  9. For a few years, I had FSX running on my system and it ran fine with add on aircraft, scenery, EFB, V-Pilot, ASN, This year I bit the bullet and purchased P3D v 3.1, then started adding scenery (FTX Global, FSDT & FlightBeam)and aircraft (PMDG, Aerosoft Airbus, MJC D8Q400). While the shadows and stuff seemed nice (and the clouds are outstanding!), I had problems with some add ons not working well (namely AivlaSoft EFB) then I purchased My Traffic 6.0 and it seemed to get worse. Uninstall EFB and MT 6.0. After uninstall, still had app hangs, so did a full uninstall and reinstall of P3D. I rebuilt/ reinstalled the add ons one by one. Seems to work well until I started getting the PMDG "click the panel" crash after about 4 hours in the NGX. Uninstall P3D again and PMDG (this has been more than once). Then v3.2 came out, so full uninstall of 3.1 and full install of 3.2. I added scenery again one by one, then PMDG, D8Q400, finally My Traffic 6.0a. Dash 8 lasts 5 minutes in a flight then crashes. PMDG lasts 20-30 minutes in a flight then crashes. (these appear to be app hang .dll errors and video driver crash). This is now starting to crash the video driver when it is running other games. I had done a full uninstall of FSX after my 2nd install of P3D v3.1 (because P3D it was working at that time). I thought I could just reinstall FSX but then I had to delete registry entries to FSX because I could not do an install of FSX. Don't know if it will install or not since cleaning the registry, and I have restored a prior registry clean from my backup. So now the dilemma. Ditch P3D and go back to FSX, or keep trying to make P3D play nice and not crash. I have tried to rebuild the .dll files using Microsoft's sfc. I have installed the latest Windows 7 updates. I have uninstalled an older nVidia driver and now run 353.62 (driver only install without the 3D vision or GeForce stuff). So now that I am back to square one. Ditch P3D and go back to FSX? Re install both? Reinstall Windows 7? Upgrade to Win 10? I am not fluent is computer speak, so something like Poppet's guides are very helpful for me (screen shots of what to do). I have lots of app crash viewer logs, if needed. System is 4790K (stock clock) GTX 770, 8GB RAM, Win 7 Pro. If anyone has some constructive help I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much in advance.
  10. Hi Kyle! Thanks for the advise. I uninstalled and reinstalled P3D using the default installation and now the AIRAC's are updated nicely in P3D usinf FMS data manager. Now to work out add-on scenery bugs...ugh!
  11. Thank you very much for the prompt reply, Kyle! When I installed P3D the first time, I used the default install path. I uninstalled it and I thought I deleted the x86, users and app data files, then reinstalled P3D to a directory called P3D. Now I see there is still a Lockheed Martin Prepar3D file in my x86 program files, so I guess I must have botched the reinstall(?) When I was searching for the NavDate file, I found it in the Lockheed Martin x86 program files, but when I clicked on that to direct the navdata, it seems it added a duplicate of PMDG\NavData\PMDG\NavData(?) Anyway, looks like I have a lot of troubleshooting or a full uninstall and reinstall using the default settings. Steve
  12. I am still having a problem updating the AIRAC cycle in the P3D versions of the PMDG aircrafts. I have tried the Kyle's instructions of 01/06/16, but still no joy updating the AIRAC. I have no idea what the correct path is in P3D to update the AIRAC. I tried C:\P3D\ and C:\Users\(name)\... and still does not update. Now I seem to have 2 different paths for the PMDG ( non FSX) but nowhere to point them. The automatic locate in FMS Data Manager does not seem to find it. Another issue I have is the Co-Pilot call outs are not working. More issues would be importing flight plans into the P3D version of PMDG. I have no idea how to point PFPX to the proper plae in P3D to send them to. Obviously, I am not a computer programmer. Any gurus that can offer help would be appreciated. Regards, Steve Forsgren Here is my data from fmc_ident.txt: [ident] NavData=AIRAC-1601 OpProgram=JAN07FEB03/16 CoData=JEP-1601 I found this in the Program (x86) files Steve Forsgren
  13. So the DX-10 fixer moves the scenery load from the CPU to the GPU? Seems that would help get rid of a lot of VAS issues. I am staring to have some VAS issues on flights over water and get the fps reduction at certain add on airports. I am guessing this would be a good tool to eliminate those types of problems? FWIW, i7 4790K, 8GB RAM, GTX 770 2GB video card. Running PMDG NGX, 777, Majestic Q400, Aerosoft Airbus', Flight Beam and FSDT sceneries, FTX Global and occasional ORBX NA regions.
  14. Hopefully a good cure for VAS. Maybe this should be pinned?
  15. I did the same rebuild you are planning with a 4790K, 512 GB SSD and GTX 770. I am not running an overclock and put the OS and FSX on the same SSD. I did put FSX in a separate folder on the SSD, have FTX Global, ORBX PNW, NCA, NRM, CRM, SAK, ASN, PMDG NGX and 777, MJC DH8D Q400, QW 757 and a bunch of add on airports all on the SSD. With all that on the SSD, I still have about 300 GB of free space and do not seem to have any problems (crossing fingers...).
  16. Maybe look at the GTX 660Ti with 2GB RAM. I have one but now use the 770 GTX ACX. Depends on your settings, of course, but the 660 can work if you are not pushing the sliders to the max
  17. I vote with Bert for the 4790K and GTX 770. I did that when I rebuilt my system, works very well
  18. My upgraded system is very similar to yours, but I used 8GB RAM, 500 GB SSD and a GTX 770. It runs FSX great (I do not use DX10 mode) with PMDG, Majestic, FSDT, FlightBeam, ASN and FTX Global add ons.
  19. Barrel rolls during meal service?
  20. Just checking to see if I did my sig right... and wiping the coffee off the screen that I spewed with "The Most Interesting Man" post.
  21. So, while I am waiting for my computer to be rebuilt, I am looking for some suggestions on which add-ons go on what drive. I will have a 500 GB SSD and a 2TB HDD. FSX & Windows 7. My thought is to put Win7 and FSX on the SSD (separate folders), then I have the add-ons: PMDG 737 PMDG 777 Majestic Q400 ORBX FTX Global FSDT & FlightBeam airports PFPX & TOPCAT ASN vPilot ACARS So where do these add-ons go, the SSD or the HDD? Oh, and what do I do to make sure they all talk to each other? I appreciate any experienced input! Thanks
  22. I went ahead and ordered the 4790K versus the 4690K and going to start without an overclock. Once it comes back, I will be spending a lot of time reloading the flight sim stuff. So FSX to the SSD, but how about the PMDG A/C, Q400. On the SSD I am assuming. Only scenery I have is FTX Global, ASN, plus FSDT & FlightBeam airports. Do those go on the SSD or the HDD?
  23. Thank you for the suggestions, Jim! Just wondering why the 4790K versus the 4690K? I know it has a higher initial speed, but what else would make it better? I already have been reviewing the install guide and the CTD guide (great resources, thank you!), plan to take my time reinstalling everything.
  24. I have had this computer for about 4 years now and it is a good time for me to upgrade (see my PC specs and add-ons in profile). I am replacing the MOBO, adding a 4690K CPU overclock to about 4.2 GHz, 8GB RAM, 500 GB SSD and a GTX 770 video card. The rebuild is being done by the OEM. So in preparation, I have backed up the computer to a portable drive. The OEM will do a clean reinstall of Win 7 Professional onto the SSD, but I think they will wipe the 2TB HDD when they do so. On the machine now, FSX is run through the x86 Program files (because I didn't know any better). I am thinking when the machine comes back, I will be installing FSX to the SSD along with Windows, and saving the HDD for the rest of my stuff. So here we go... 1. I should completely delete all FSX add-ons and FSX before shipping it to the manufacturer? (It's FSX Gold & Acceleration) 2. Is it better to just re-download the add-ons from the respective publishers, or trust the stuff on the back-up drive (especially since they are in x86 Program files)? 3. Should I save the downloads the SSD or the HDD? 4. I have the Bojote tweaks currently. Is that still good or is the new FSX Fiber better? 5. The PMDG description of how to completely uninstall FSX, is that the best way to do it? I want to spend time flying, not tweaking when I'm done. Thanks for your collective wisdom!
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