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Everything posted by neucoas

  1. I have GA traffic in FSX-SE. I dont use VOX ATC...
  2. Well.. I dont live in any orbx region, and i think that orbx will never createn it. I want a región that gives me the most diversity, farms, mountains, fjords, cities etc I cant decide, all regions has something amazing.
  3. Im into Norway or Scotland... i will think tonight and take a desition tomorrow... Thanks guys!! Im still listening to opinions
  4. I will have never consider Scotland, but seems to be a beatiful place to fly! Australia is poor in detail compared to the most recent regions?
  5. Hi guys, i want to own a full ORBX region, but i can not decide which one. I want a region to get the best experience of textures+vector+mesh+landclass I mostly do VFR flights, but sometimes i like to get into a jet. All the ORBX regions seem to be awsome but preety small for jet liners (PNW, Norway), so my first choise 'd be Australia, as it covers the whole country (enought to do regional flights), it has custom free mesh. But its the oldest one, and it does not has and upgrade in the airports... Also i could not find if the regions has mountains, and some airstrip to land in there. Others regions like the rockies seems to be most waste land... England is to "flat" for me.. So guys please help me to choose!
  6. Hopefully, the ORBX DLC will cost less than the Full version, because it lacks of custom textures, Objectflow, etc... It will be interesting if they give you a discount if you bought the DLC version of the addon.
  7. Well, that dissapointed me a bit. I spected fully ORBX products coming to steam (not a lite version), and the opportunity to get some good bargains because of the usually Steam sales.
  8. Hope we get 37% or + sales on the FTX Steam DCL release
  9. I remember my first flight on the A2A Cherokee. I was in a hurry, spawned on Friday Harbor and took off. It was overcast, and when i turn to went towards KORS, i saw lightning few miles away. It was a very beatiful first experience with the Cherokee.
  10. Defenitely, the A2A Cherokee. :wub: It has something magic.
  11. I'd wait ultil you decide to do a full reinstall of your sim. If FSX BOX is working fine, there is no point migrating.
  12. Wow guys, many thanks! I think i will go to A2A C182, that YT vid really convinced me (also i could do cross-country), but I will wait until holidays for some bargains (i hope ) Very interesting! Mercy Edit: i tried it, i think its better quality VC than the carenado C185, and totally free. Thanks again. Also sorry to all if my English was poor quality. I can read, listen and understand without problems, but sometime trying to explain myself is very hard.
  13. Is there a hight quality Maule? Im not convinced with Carenado 185F. Mostly because its $46 the whole pack. I liked the Kodiac. I dont like the G1000, but its on my list
  14. Thanks guys. I will think about the A2A C182.. I just wanted something with bush tires but nothing convinces me to purchase, its a hard task. Im still listening to opinions
  15. Thanks guys, i will check them out! Isn't there a 2014 release bush plane? All them seems pretty old
  16. I'd like to hear recommendations about planes to do bush flying over idaho and other places. I love pipers cubs and im planning to buy a2a ones, but i want something more powerful too. These are my choises so far: 1) RA Scout package: is a bit old, and i am afraid that is not DX10 compatible. Could someone confirm this ? 2) Flight Replicas Super Cub: this is my first choice, but i have read issues with contact points, and no fix. Are there others options? Which are the best bush flying (cub style) planes? I will consider any option. Thanks
  17. Nice flight! Its posible to do it with default cessna ?
  18. Look: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/467933-freemesh-x-global-10-release-announcement/ Try FTX Global + FTX Vector + FreemeshX I'd wait a couple of days and see reviews of FreemeshX. FTX sales ends 31th May
  19. LOL, 100MBPS you are helping a lot!! Amazing product.. but i dont have FTX Vector now, so it will wait a bit Waiting for that!
  20. Dont do i need the ftz regions to use them? Or will work with default fsx terrain?
  21. I will check it out! Waiting more suggestions!
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